
class LuaNamedNoiseExpression - sort

Prototype of a named noise expression.

name :: string [R] Name of this prototype.
order :: string [R] Order string of this prototype.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
intended_property :: string [R] Name of the property that this expression is intended to provide a value for, if any.
expression :: NoiseExpression [R] The expression itself.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.
name :: string [Read-only]

Name of this prototype.

order :: string [Read-only]

Order string of this prototype.

localised_name :: LocalisedString [Read-only]

localised_description :: LocalisedString [Read-only]

intended_property :: string [Read-only]

Name of the property that this expression is intended to provide a value for, if any.

expression :: NoiseExpression [Read-only]

The expression itself.