
Commonly used conventions for passing data between mods and Factorio

type LocalisedString
type DisplayResolution
type Position
type ChunkPosition
type TilePosition
type ChunkPositionAndArea
type GuiLocation
type OldTileAndPosition
type Tags
type Vector
type BoundingBox
type ScriptArea
type ScriptPosition
type Color
type PathFindFlags
struct GameViewSettings - sort
show_controller_gui :: boolean [RW] Show the controller GUI elements.
show_minimap :: boolean [RW] Show the chart in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
show_research_info :: boolean [RW] Show research progress and name in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
show_entity_info :: boolean [RW] Show overlay icons on entities.
show_alert_gui :: boolean [RW] Show the flashing alert icons next to the player's toolbar.
update_entity_selection :: boolean [RW] When true (the default), mousing over an entity will select it.
show_rail_block_visualisation :: boolean [RW] When true (false is default), the rails will always show the rail block visualisation.
show_side_menu :: boolean [RW] Shows or hides the buttons row.
show_map_view_options :: boolean [RW] Shows or hides the view options when map is opened.
show_quickbar :: boolean [RW] Shows or hides quickbar of shortcuts.
show_shortcut_bar :: boolean [RW] Shows or hides the shortcut bar.
struct TileProperties - sort
tier_from_start :: double [RW]
roughness :: double [RW]
elevation :: double [RW]
available_water :: double [RW]
temperature :: double [RW]
type MapViewSettings
type MapSettings
type DifficultySettings
type MapExchangeStringData
type Fluid
type Ingredient
type Product
type Loot
type Modifier
type Offer
type AutoplaceSpecification
type NoiseExpression
type Resistances
type MapGenSize
type AutoplaceSettings
type CliffPlacementSettings
type MapGenSettings
type SignalID
type Signal
type UpgradeFilter
type InfinityInventoryFilter
type InfinityPipeFilter
type HeatSetting
type FluidBoxConnection
type ArithmeticCombinatorParameters
type ConstantCombinatorParameters
type ComparatorString
type DeciderCombinatorParameters
type CircuitCondition
type CircuitConditionSpecification
type Filter
type PlaceAsTileResult
type SimpleItemStack
type Command
type PathfindFlags
type ForceSpecification
type TechnologySpecification
type SurfaceSpecification
type PlayerSpecification
type ItemStackSpecification
type EntityPrototypeSpecification
type ItemPrototypeSpecification
type WaitCondition
type TrainScheduleRecord
type TrainSchedule
type GuiArrowSpecification
type AmmoType
type BeamTarget
type RidingState
type SpritePath
type SoundPath
type ModConfigurationChangedData
type ConfigurationChangedData
type EffectValue
type Effects
type EntityPrototypeFlags
type ItemPrototypeFlags
type CollisionMaskLayer
type CollisionMask
type CollisionMaskWithFlags
type TriggerTargetMask
type TriggerEffectItem
type TriggerDelivery
type TriggerItem
type Trigger
type AttackParameters
type CapsuleAction
type SelectionModeFlags
type LogisticFilter
type ModSetting
type Any
type ProgrammableSpeakerParameters
type ProgrammableSpeakerAlertParameters
type ProgrammableSpeakerCircuitParameters
type ProgrammableSpeakerInstrument
type Alignment
type NthTickEvent
type ScriptRenderTarget
type MouseButtonFlags
type CursorBoxRenderType
type ForceCondition
type RenderLayer
type LuaAchievementPrototypeFilters
type LuaDecorativePrototypeFilters
type LuaFluidPrototypeFilters
type LuaModSettingPrototypeFilters
type LuaEntityPrototypeFilters
type LuaTechnologyPrototypeFilters
type LuaItemPrototypeFilters
type LuaRecipePrototypeFilters
type LuaTilePrototypeFilters
type LuaEquipmentPrototypeFilters


Localised strings are a way to support translation of in-game text. It is an array where the first element is the key and the remaining elements are parameters that will be substituted for placeholders in the template designated by the key.

The key identifies the string template. For example, "gui-alert-tooltip.attack" (for the template "__1__ objects are being damaged"; see the file data/core/locale/en.cfg).

The template can contain placeholders such as __1__ or __2__. These will be replaced by the respective parameter in the LocalisedString. The parameters themselves can be other localised strings, which will be processed recursively in the same fashion.

As a special case, when the key is just the empty string, the first parameter will be used as is.

Furthermore, when an API function expects a localised string, it will also accept a regular string (i.e. not a table) which will not be translated, or number which will be converted to its textual representation.

In the English translation, this will print "No ammo"; in the Czech translation, it will print "Bez munice":
The template contains no placeholders, so no further parameters are necessary.
In the English translation, this will print "Durability: 5/9"; in the Japanese one, it will print "耐久度: 5/9":
game.player.print{"description.durability", 5, 9}
This will print "hello" in all translations:
game.player.print{"", "hello"}




Coordinates of a tile in a map. Positions may be specified either as a dictionary with x, y as keys, or simply as an array with two elements.

{10, 20}
{x = 50, y = 20}
{y = 20, x = 50}


Coordinates of a chunk in a LuaSurface where each integer x/y represents a different chunk. This uses the same format as Position. You can translate a Position to a chunk position by dividing the x/y values by 32.


Coordinates of a tile in a chunk on a LuaSurface where each integer x/y represents a different tile. This uses the same format as Position except it rounds any x/y down to whole numbers.


A ChunkPosition with an added bounding box for the area of the chunk.

Table with the following fields:


Screen coordinates of a GUI element in a LuaGui. This uses the same format as Position except it rounds any x/y down to whole numbers.




A dictionary of string to the 4 basic Lua types: string, boolean, number, table.

{a = 1, b = true, c = "three", d = {e = "f"}}


A vector is a two-element array containing the x and y components. Unlike Positions, vectors don't use the x, y keys.

right = {1.0, 0.0}


Two positions, specifying the top-left and bottom-right corner of the box, respectively. Like with Position, the names of the members may be omitted. When read from the game, the third member "orientation" is present if it is non-zero, however it is ignored when provided to the game.


Explicit specification:
{left_top = {-2, -3}, right_bottom = {5, 8}}
{{-2, -3}, {5, 8}}


An area defined using the map editor.



A position defined using the map editor.



Red, green, blue and alpha values, all in range [0, 1] or all in range [0, 255] if any value is > 1. All values here are optional; color channels default to 0, the alpha channel defaults to 1. Unlike Position, Color does not allow the short-hand notation of passing an array.


red1 = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.5}  -- Half-opacity red
red2 = {r = 1, a = 0.5}                -- Same color as red1
black = {}                             -- All channels omitted: black
not_a_color = {1, 0, 0, 0.5}           -- Actually also black: None of r, g, b have been specified


A table with one or more of the following values.



Parameters that affect the look and control of the game. Updating any of the member attributes here will immediately take effect in the game engine.

show_controller_gui :: boolean [Read-Write]

Show the controller GUI elements. This includes the toolbar, the selected tool slot, the armour slot, and the gun and ammunition slots.

show_minimap :: boolean [Read-Write]

Show the chart in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

show_research_info :: boolean [Read-Write]

Show research progress and name in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

show_entity_info :: boolean [Read-Write]

Show overlay icons on entities. Also known as "alt-mode".

show_alert_gui :: boolean [Read-Write]

Show the flashing alert icons next to the player's toolbar.

update_entity_selection :: boolean [Read-Write]

When true (the default), mousing over an entity will select it. Otherwise, moving the mouse won't update entity selection.

show_rail_block_visualisation :: boolean [Read-Write]

When true (false is default), the rails will always show the rail block visualisation.

show_side_menu :: boolean [Read-Write]

Shows or hides the buttons row.

show_map_view_options :: boolean [Read-Write]

Shows or hides the view options when map is opened.

show_quickbar :: boolean [Read-Write]

Shows or hides quickbar of shortcuts.

show_shortcut_bar :: boolean [Read-Write]

Shows or hides the shortcut bar.


Properties of a tile. Updating any of the member attributes here will immediately take effect in the game engine.

tier_from_start :: double [Read-Write]

roughness :: double [Read-Write]

elevation :: double [Read-Write]

available_water :: double [Read-Write]

temperature :: double [Read-Write]


What is shown in the map view. If a field is not given, that setting will not be changed.


Various game-related settings. See data/base/prototypes/map-settings.lua for a description of all attributes. Updating any of the attributes will immediately take effect in the game engine.

Increase the number of short paths the pathfinder can cache.
game.map_settings.path_finder.short_cache_size = 15


Technology and recipe difficulty settings.


The data that can be extracted from a map exchange string, as a plain table.

Table with the following fields:


Fluid is represented as a table


An ingredient is a table


Table with the following fields:

Products of the "steel-chest" recipe (an array of Product)
{{type="item", name="steel-chest", amount=1}}
Products of the "advanced-oil-processing" recipe
{{type="fluid", name="heavy-oil", amount=1},
 {type="fluid", name="light-oil", amount=4.5},
 {type="fluid", name="petroleum-gas", amount=5.5}}
What a custom recipe would look like that had a probability of 0.5 to return a minimum amount of 1 and a maximum amount of 5
{{type=0, name="custom-item", probability=0.5, amount_min=1, amount_max=5}}


Loot is an array of loot items. Each loot item is a table:


The effect that is applied when a technology is researched. It is a table that contains at least the field type. A modifier may also have other fields depending on the type.


A single offer on a market entity.

Table with the following fields:


Specifies how probability and richness are calculated when placing something on the map. Can be specified either using probability_expression and richness_expression or by using all the other fields.

Table with the following fields:


A fragment of a functional program used to generate coherent noise, probably for purposes related to terrain generation. These can only be meaningfully written/modified during the data load phase. More detailed information is in the wiki.

Table with the following fields:


Dictionary of resistances toward each damage type. It is a dictionary indexed by damage type names (see data/base/prototypes/damage-type.lua). Each resistance is a table:


A floating point number specifying an amount. For backwards compatibility, MapGenSizes can also be specified as one of the following strings, which will be converted to a number (when queried, a number will always be returned):


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:

The 'map type' dropdown in the map generation GUI is actually a selector for elevation generator. The base game sets property_expression_names.elevation to "0_16-elevation" to reproduce terrain from 0.16 or to "0_17-island" for the island preset. If generators are available for other properties, the 'map type' dropdown in the GUI will be renamed to 'elevation' and shown along with selectors for the other selectable properties.

Assuming a NamedNoiseExpression with the name "my-alternate-grass1-probability" is defined,
local surface = game.player.surface
local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings
mgs.property_expression_names["tile:grass1:probability"] = "my-alternate-grass1-probability"
surface.map_gen_settings = mgs
would override the probability of grass1 being placed at any given point on the current surface.
To make there be no deep water on (newly generated chunks) a surface:
local surface = game.player.surface
local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings
mgs.property_expression_names["tile:deepwater:probability"] = -1000
surface.map_gen_settings = mgs
This does not require a NamedNoiseExpression to be defined, since literal numbers (and strings naming literal numbers, e.g. "123") are understood to stand for constant value expressions.


Table with the following fields:


An actual signal transmitted by the network.

Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


A single filter used by an infinity-filters instance.

Table with the following fields:


A single filter used by an infinity-pipe type entity.

Table with the following fields:


The settings used by a heat-interface type entity.

Table with the following fields:


A definition of a fluidbox connection point.

Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


This is an array of tables with the following fields:


A string, one of: "<", ">", "=", "≥", "≤", "≠"


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


An item stack may be specified either as a string (in which case it represents a full stack containing the specified item), or as the following table:

Both of these lines specify an item stack of one iron plate:
{name="iron-plate", count=1}
This is a stack of 47 copper plates:
{name="copper-plate", count=47}
These are both full stacks of iron plates (for iron-plate, a full stack is 100 plates):
{name="iron-plate", count=100}


Commands can be given to enemies and unit groups. It is a table:


Table with the following fields:


A force may be specified in one of two ways.


A technology may be specified in one of three ways.


A surface may be specified in one of three ways.


A player may be specified in one of three ways.


An item may be specified in one of the following ways.


An entity prototype may be specified in one of the following ways.


An item prototype may be specified in one of the following ways.


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


Used for specifying where a GUI arrow should point to. It is a table:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


It is a table with two fields:

Table with the following fields:


It is specified by string. It can be either the name of a sprite prototype defined in the data phase or a path in form "type/name". Supported types are.


A sound specification defined by a string. It can be either the name of a sound prototype defined in the data phase or a path in the form "type/name". Supported types are.


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


This is a mapping of effect name to effect values given as a dictionary stringEffectValue.

These are the effects of the vanilla Productivity Module 3 (up to floating point imprecisions):


This is a set of flags given as a dictionary stringboolean. When a flag is set, it is present in the dictionary with the value true. Unset flags aren't present in the dictionary at all. So, the boolean value is meaningless and exists just for easy table lookup if a flag is set.

Possible flags are:


This is a set of flags given as dictionary stringboolean. When a flag is set, it is present in the dictionary with the value true. Unset flags aren't present in the dictionary at all. So, the boolean value is meaningless and exists just for easy table lookup if a flag is set.

Possible flags are:


A string specifying a collision mask layer.

Possible values for the string are:


This is a set of masks given as a dictionary CollisionMaskLayerboolean. Only set masks are present in the dictionary and they have the value true. Unset flags aren't present at all.


A CollisionMask but also includes any flags this mask has. Flags such as:


This is a set of trigger target masks given as a dictionary stringboolean.


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


An array of TriggerItem


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


This is a set of flags given as a dictionary stringboolean. Set flags are present in the dictionary with the value true; unset flags aren't present at all.

Possible flags are:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:

Note: Runtime settings can be changed through console commands and by the mod that owns the settings by writing a new table to the ModSetting.


Any basic type (string, number, boolean) plus tables.


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


A string that specifies where a gui element should be.

Possible values are:


Table with the following fields:


Table with the following fields:


This is a set of flags given as a dictionary stringboolean. When a flag is set, it is present in the dictionary with the value true. Unset flags aren't present in the dictionary at all.

To write to this, use an array of string of the mouse buttons that should be possible to use with on button.

When setting flags, the flag "left-and-right" can also be set, it will set "left" and "right" true.

Possible flags when reading are:


It is specified by string.


It is specified by string.


A value between 0 and 255 inclusive represented by one of the following named string or string version of the value (for example "27" and "decals" are both valid). Higher values are rendered on top of lower values.


An array of filters. Each filter is a table:

Depending on the value of filter, the table may take additional fields. filter may be one of the following:


An array of filters. Each filter is a table:

Depending on the value of filter, the table may take additional fields. filter may be one of the following:


An array of filters. Each filter is a table:

Depending on the value of filter, the table may take additional fields. filter may be one of the following:


An array of filters. Each filter is a table:

Depending on the value of filter, the table may take additional fields. filter may be one of the following:


An array of filters. Each filter is a table:

Depending on the value of filter, the table may take additional fields. filter may be one of the following:


An array of filters. Each filter is a table:

Depending on the value of filter, the table may take additional fields. filter may be one of the following:


An array of filters. Each filter is a table:

Depending on the value of filter, the table may take additional fields. filter may be one of the following:


An array of filters. Each filter is a table:

Depending on the value of filter, the table may take additional fields. filter may be one of the following:


An array of filters. Each filter is a table:

Depending on the value of filter, the table may take additional fields. filter may be one of the following:


An array of filters. Each filter is a table:

Depending on the value of filter, the table may take additional fields. filter may be one of the following: