Factorio API Docs

1.1.50 <>

Class LuaSettings

Object containing mod settings of three distinct types: startup, global, and player. An instance of LuaSettings is available through the global object named settings.

Gets the current per-player settings for the given player, indexed by prototype name.


The startup mod settings, indexed by prototype name.


The current global mod settings, indexed by prototype name.


The default player mod settings for this map, indexed by prototype name.

:: string

This object's name.


get_player_settings (player) → LuaCustomTable[stringModSetting]

Gets the current per-player settings for the given player, indexed by prototype name. Returns the same structure as LuaPlayer::mod_settings.



This table will become invalid if its associated player does.


startup :: LuaCustomTable[stringModSetting] [Read]

The startup mod settings, indexed by prototype name.

global :: LuaCustomTable[stringModSetting] [Read]

The current global mod settings, indexed by prototype name.

Even though these are marked as read-only, they can be changed by overwriting individual ModSetting tables in the custom table. Mods can only change their own settings. Using the in-game console, all global settings can be changed.

player :: LuaCustomTable[stringModSetting] [Read]

The default player mod settings for this map, indexed by prototype name.

Even though these are marked as read-only, they can be changed by overwriting individual ModSetting tables in the custom table. Mods can only change their own settings. Using the in-game console, all player settings can be changed.

object_name :: string [Read]

This object's name.






Builtin types
