Factorio Prototype Docs Version 1.1.91

EquipmentCategory - 'equipment-category'

Defines a category to be available to equipment and equipment grids.

Prototype limited to 255 total instances.

Inherits from PrototypeBase


No new properties
Inherited from PrototypeBase
type :: string

Specifies the kind of prototype this is.

Specifies the kind of prototype this is.

name :: string

Unique textual identification of the prototype.

Unique textual identification of the prototype.

order optional :: Order

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs.

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs.

localised_name optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the name set in the locale file.

Overwrites the name set in the locale file.

localised_description optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the description set in the locale file.

Overwrites the description set in the locale file.


