Factorio Prototype Docs Version 1.1.94

SpiderEnginePrototype :: struct


legs :: SpiderLegSpecification or array[SpiderLegSpecification]
military_target optional :: string

The string content is irrelevant, if it is present at all then the SpiderVehiclePrototype is considered to have EntityWithOwnerPrototype::is_military_target set to true.

The string content is irrelevant, if it is present at all then the SpiderVehiclePrototype is considered to have EntityWithOwnerPrototype::is_military_target set to true.


military_target :: string optional

The string content is irrelevant, if it is present at all then the SpiderVehiclePrototype is considered to have EntityWithOwnerPrototype::is_military_target set to true. This gets enemies interested in attacking the spider vehicle even when nobody is in it.


