Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 1.1.102

MapSettings - 'map-settings'

The default map settings.

Prototype limited to 1 total instances.


type :: "map-settings"
name :: string

Name of the map-settings. [...]

Name of the map-settings. [...]

pollution :: PollutionSettings
steering :: SteeringSettings
enemy_evolution :: EnemyEvolutionSettings
enemy_expansion :: EnemyExpansionSettings
unit_group :: UnitGroupSettings
path_finder :: PathFinderSettings
max_failed_behavior_count :: uint32

If a behavior fails this many times, the enemy (or enemy group) is destroyed. [...]

If a behavior fails this many times, the enemy (or enemy group) is destroyed. [...]

difficulty_settings :: DifficultySettings


type :: "map-settings"

name :: string

Name of the map-settings. Base game uses "map-settings".

pollution :: PollutionSettings

steering :: SteeringSettings

SteeringSettings :: struct


enemy_evolution :: EnemyEvolutionSettings

enemy_expansion :: EnemyExpansionSettings

unit_group :: UnitGroupSettings

path_finder :: PathFinderSettings

max_failed_behavior_count :: uint32

If a behavior fails this many times, the enemy (or enemy group) is destroyed. This solves biters stuck within their own base.

difficulty_settings :: DifficultySettings

