Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 1.1.106

Class LuaFlowStatistics

Encapsulates statistic data for different parts of the game. In the context of flow statistics, input and output describe on which side of the associated GUI the values are shown. Input values are shown on the left side, output values on the right side.

- The item production GUI shows "consumption" on the right, thus output describes the item consumption numbers. The same goes for fluid consumption.
- The kills GUI shows "losses" on the right, so output describes how many of the force's entities were killed by enemies.
- The electric network GUI shows "power consumption" on the left side, so in this case input describes the power consumption numbers.


get_input_count(name)  → uint64 or double

Gets the total input count for a given prototype.

Gets the total input count for a given prototype.

set_input_count(name, count)

Sets the total input count for a given prototype.

Sets the total input count for a given prototype.

get_output_count(name)  → uint64 or double

Gets the total output count for a given prototype.

Gets the total output count for a given prototype.

set_output_count(name, count)

Sets the total output count for a given prototype.

Sets the total output count for a given prototype.

get_flow_count{name=…, input=…, precision_index=…, sample_index?=…, count?=…}  → double

Gets the flow count value for the given time frame. [...]

Gets the flow count value for the given time frame. [...]

on_flow(name, count)

Adds a value to this flow statistics.

Adds a value to this flow statistics.


Reset all the statistics data to 0.

Reset all the statistics data to 0.

help()  → string

All methods and properties that this object supports.

All methods and properties that this object supports.

input_counts [R] :: dictionary[string → uint64 or double]

List of input counts indexed by prototype name. [...]

List of input counts indexed by prototype name. [...]

output_counts [R] :: dictionary[string → uint64 or double]

List of output counts indexed by prototype name. [...]

List of output counts indexed by prototype name. [...]

force [R] :: LuaForce?

The force these statistics belong to. [...]

The force these statistics belong to. [...]

valid [R] :: boolean

Is this object valid? [...]

Is this object valid? [...]

object_name [R] :: string

The class name of this object. [...]

The class name of this object. [...]


get_input_count(name)  → uint64 or double

Gets the total input count for a given prototype.


name :: string

The prototype name.

The prototype name.

set_input_count(name, count)

Sets the total input count for a given prototype.


name :: string

The prototype name.

The prototype name.

count :: uint64 or double

The new count. The type depends on the instance of the statistics.

The new count. The type depends on the instance of the statistics.

get_output_count(name)  → uint64 or double

Gets the total output count for a given prototype.


name :: string

The prototype name.

The prototype name.

set_output_count(name, count)

Sets the total output count for a given prototype.


name :: string

The prototype name.

The prototype name.

count :: uint64 or double

The new count. The type depends on the instance of the statistics.

The new count. The type depends on the instance of the statistics.

get_flow_count{name=…, input=…, precision_index=…, sample_index?=…, count?=…}  → double

Gets the flow count value for the given time frame. If sample_index is not provided, then the value returned is the average across the provided precision time period. These are the values shown in the bottom section of the statistics GUIs.

Use sample_index to access the data used to generate the statistics graphs. Each precision level contains 300 samples of data so at a precision of 1 minute, each sample contains data averaged across 60s / 300 = 0.2s = 12 ticks.

All return values are normalized to be per-tick for electric networks and per-minute for all other types.


Table with the following fields:
name :: string

The prototype name.

The prototype name.

input :: boolean

Read the input values or the output values

Read the input values or the output values

precision_index :: defines.flow_precision_index

The precision range to read.

The precision range to read.

sample_index :: uint16?

The sample index to read from within the precision range. If not provided, the entire precision range is read. Must be between 1 and 300 where 1 is the most recent sample and 300 is the oldest.

The sample index to read from within the precision range. If not provided, the entire precision range is read. Must be between 1 and 300 where 1 is the most recent sample and 300 is the oldest.

count :: boolean?

If true, the count of items/fluids/entities is returned instead of the per-time-frame value.

If true, the count of items/fluids/entities is returned instead of the per-time-frame value.

on_flow(name, count)

Adds a value to this flow statistics.


name :: string

The prototype name.

The prototype name.

count :: float

The count: positive or negative determines if the value goes in the input or output statistics.

The count: positive or negative determines if the value goes in the input or output statistics.


Reset all the statistics data to 0.

help()  → string

All methods and properties that this object supports.


input_counts :: dictionary[string → uint64 or double] Read

List of input counts indexed by prototype name. Represents the data that is shown on the left side of the GUI for the given statistics.

output_counts :: dictionary[string → uint64 or double] Read

List of output counts indexed by prototype name. Represents the data that is shown on the right side of the GUI for the given statistics.

force :: LuaForce? Read

The force these statistics belong to. nil for pollution statistics.

valid :: boolean Read

Is this object valid? This Lua object holds a reference to an object within the game engine. It is possible that the game-engine object is removed whilst a mod still holds the corresponding Lua object. If that happens, the object becomes invalid, i.e. this attribute will be false. Mods are advised to check for object validity if any change to the game state might have occurred between the creation of the Lua object and its access.

object_name :: string Read

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.





Builtin types