Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 1.1.106

TreeVariation :: struct


trunk :: Animation

If shadow is not specified, this has to have one more frame than leaves.

If shadow is not specified, this has to have one more frame than leaves.

leaves :: Animation
leaf_generation :: CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem
branch_generation :: CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem
shadow optional :: Animation

Shadow must have 1 less frame_count than leaves.

Shadow must have 1 less frame_count than leaves.

disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame optional :: uint32

Only loaded if shadow is present. [...]

Only loaded if shadow is present. [...]

normal optional :: Animation

Normal must have the same frame_count as leaves.

Normal must have the same frame_count as leaves.

overlay optional :: Animation

Overlay must have the same frame_count as leaves. [...]

Overlay must have the same frame_count as leaves. [...]

water_reflection optional :: WaterReflectionDefinition


trunk :: Animation

If shadow is not specified, this has to have one more frame than leaves.

leaves :: Animation

branch_generation :: CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem

shadow :: Animation optional

Shadow must have 1 less frame_count than leaves.

disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame :: uint32 optional

Only loaded if shadow is present. Defaults to shadow.frame_count - 1.

normal :: Animation optional

Normal must have the same frame_count as leaves.

overlay :: Animation optional

Overlay must have the same frame_count as leaves. Won't be tinted by the tree color unless apply_runtime_tint is set to true in the sprite definition. See here.

water_reflection :: WaterReflectionDefinition optional

