
A player in the game. Pay attention that a player may or may not have a character, which is the LuaEntity of the little guy running around the world doing things.

class LuaPlayer extends LuaControl - sort
set_ending_screen_data(message, file) Setup the screen to be shown when the game is finished.
print(message, color) Print text to the chat console.
clear_console() Clear the chat console.
get_goal_description() → LocalisedString Get the current goal description, as a localised string.
set_goal_description(text, only_update) Set the text in the goal window (top left).
set_controller{type = …, character = …, waypoints = …, start_position = …, start_zoom = …, final_transition_time = …, chart_mode_cutoff = …} Set the controller type of the player.
drag_wire{position = …} → boolean Start/end wire dragging at the specified location, wire type is based on the cursor contents
disable_recipe_groups() Disable recipe groups.
enable_recipe_groups() Enable recipe groups.
disable_recipe_subgroups() Disable recipe subgroups.
enable_recipe_subgroups() Enable recipe subgroups.
print_entity_statistics(entities) Print entity statistics to the player's console.
print_robot_jobs() Print construction robot job counts to the players console.
print_lua_object_statistics() Print LuaObject counts per mod.
log_active_entity_chunk_counts() Logs a dictionary of chunks -> active entities for the surface this player is on.
log_active_entity_counts() Logs a dictionary of active entities -> count for the surface this player is on.
unlock_achievement(name) Unlock the achievements of the given player.
clear_cursor() → boolean Invokes the "clear cursor" action on the player as if the user pressed it.
create_character(character) → boolean Creates and attaches a character entity to this player.
add_alert(entity, type) Adds an alert to this player for the given entity of the given alert type.
add_custom_alert(entity, icon, message, show_on_map) Adds a custom alert to this player.
remove_alert{entity = …, prototype = …, position = …, type = …, surface = …, icon = …, message = …} Removes all alerts matching the given filters or if an empty filters table is given all alerts are removed.
get_alerts{entity = …, prototype = …, position = …, type = …, surface = …} → dictionary[uintdictionary[defines.alert_typearray[Alert]]] Get all alerts matching the given filters, or all alerts if no filters are given.
mute_alert(alert_type) → boolean Mutes alerts for the given alert category.
unmute_alert(alert_type) → boolean Unmutes alerts for the given alert category.
is_alert_muted(alert_type) → boolean If the given alert type is currently muted.
enable_alert(alert_type) → boolean Enables alerts for the given alert category.
disable_alert(alert_type) → boolean Disables alerts for the given alert category.
is_alert_enabled(alert_type) → boolean If the given alert type is currently enabled.
pipette_entity(entity) → boolean Invokes the "smart pipette" action on the player as if the user pressed it.
can_place_entity{name = …, position = …, direction = …} → boolean Checks if this player can build the give entity at the given location on the surface the player is on.
can_build_from_cursor{position = …, direction = …, alt = …, terrain_building_size = …, skip_fog_of_war = …} → boolean Checks if this player can build what ever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on.
build_from_cursor{position = …, direction = …, alt = …, terrain_building_size = …, skip_fog_of_war = …} Builds what ever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on.
use_from_cursor(position) Uses the current item in the cursor if it's a capsule or does nothing if not.
play_sound{path = …, position = …, volume_modifier = …, override_sound_type = …} Play a sound for this player.
get_associated_characters() → array[LuaEntity] The characters associated with this player.
associate_character(character) Associates a character with this player.
disassociate_character(character) Disassociates a character from this player.
create_local_flying_text{text = …, position = …, create_at_cursor = …, color = …, time_to_live = …, speed = …} Spawn flying text that is only visible to this player.
get_quick_bar_slot(index) → LuaItemPrototype Gets the quick bar filter for the given slot or nil.
set_quick_bar_slot(index, filter) Sets the quick bar filter for the given slot.
get_active_quick_bar_page(index) → uint8 Gets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page or nil if not known.
set_active_quick_bar_page(screen_index, page_index) Sets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page.
jump_to_cutscene_waypoint(waypoint_index) Jump to the specified cutscene waypoint.
exit_cutscene() Exit the current cutscene.
open_map(position, scale) Queues a request to open the map at the specified position.
zoom_to_world(position, scale) Queues a request to zoom to world at the specified position.
close_map() Queues request to switch to the normal game view from the map or zoom to world view.
is_shortcut_toggled(prototype_name) → boolean Is a custom Lua shortcut currently toggled?
is_shortcut_available(prototype_name) → boolean Is a custom Lua shortcut currently available?
set_shortcut_toggled(prototype_name, toggled) Toggle or untoggle a custom Lua shortcut
set_shortcut_available(prototype_name, available) Make a custom Lua shortcut available or unavailable.
connect_to_server{address = …, name = …, description = …, password = …} Asks the player if they would like to connect to the given server.
toggle_map_editor() Toggles this player into or out of the map editor.
request_translation(localised_string) → boolean Requests a translation for the given localised string.
get_infinity_inventory_filter(index) → InfinityInventoryFilter Gets the filter for this map editor infinity filters at the given index or nil if the filter index doesn't exist or is empty.
set_infinity_inventory_filter(index, filter) Sets the filter for this map editor infinity filters at the given index.
clear_recipe_notifications() Clears all recipe notifications for this player.
add_recipe_notification(recipe) Adds the given recipe to the list of recipe notifications for this player.
add_to_clipboard(blueprint) Adds the given blueprint to this player's clipboard queue.
activate_paste() Gets a copy of the currently selected blueprint in the clipboard queue into the player's cursor, as if the player activated Paste.
character :: LuaEntity [RW] The character attached to this player, or nil if no character.
cutscene_character :: LuaEntity [R] When in a cutscene; the character this player would be using once the cutscene is over.
index :: uint [R] This player's index in LuaGameScript::players.
gui :: LuaGui [R]
opened_self :: boolean [R] true if the player opened itself.
controller_type :: defines.controllers [R]
stashed_controller_type :: defines.controllers [R] The stashed controller type or nil if no controller is stashed.
game_view_settings :: GameViewSettings [RW] The player's game view settings.
minimap_enabled :: boolean [RW] true if the minimap is visible.
color :: Color [RW] The color associated with the player.
chat_color :: Color [RW] The color used when this player talks in game.
name :: string [R] The player's username.
tag :: string [RW] The tag that is shown after the player in chat and on the map.
connected :: boolean [R] true if the player is currently connected to the game.
admin :: boolean [RW] true if the player is an admin.
entity_copy_source :: LuaEntity [R] The source entity used during entity settings copy-paste if any.
afk_time :: uint [R] How many ticks since the last action of this player
online_time :: uint [R] How many ticks did this player spend playing this save (all sessions combined)
last_online :: uint [R] At what tick this player was last online.
permission_group :: LuaPermissionGroup [RW] The permission group this player is part of or nil if not part of any group.
mod_settings :: LuaCustomTable[stringModSetting] [R] Gets the current per-player settings for the this player, indexed by prototype name.
ticks_to_respawn :: uint [RW] The number of ticks until this player will respawn or nil if not waiting to respawn.
display_resolution :: DisplayResolution [R] The display resolution for this player.
display_scale :: double [R] The display scale for this player.
blueprint_to_setup :: LuaItemStack [R] The item stack containing a blueprint to be setup.
render_mode :: defines.render_mode [R] The render mode of the player, like map or zoom to world.
spectator :: boolean [RW] If true, zoom-to-world noise effect will be disabled and environmental sounds will be based on zoom-to-world view instead of position of player's character.
remove_unfiltered_items :: boolean [RW] If items not included in this map editor infinity inventory filters should be removed.
infinity_inventory_filters :: array[InfinityInventoryFilter] [RW] The filters for this map editor infinity inventory settings.
auto_sort_main_inventory :: boolean [R] If the main inventory will be auto sorted.
hand_location :: ItemStackLocation [RW] The original location of the item in the cursor, marked with a hand.
zoom :: double [W] The player's zoom-level.
map_view_settings :: MapViewSettings [W] The player's map view settings.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
object_name :: string [R] The class name of this object.
help() → string All methods and properties that this object supports.
Inherited from LuaControl: get_inventory, get_main_inventory, can_insert, insert, set_gui_arrow, clear_gui_arrow, get_item_count, has_items_inside, can_reach_entity, clear_items_inside, remove_item, teleport, update_selected_entity, clear_selected_entity, disable_flashlight, enable_flashlight, is_flashlight_enabled, get_craftable_count, begin_crafting, cancel_crafting, mine_entity, mine_tile, is_player, open_technology_gui, set_personal_logistic_slot, set_vehicle_logistic_slot, get_personal_logistic_slot, get_vehicle_logistic_slot, clear_personal_logistic_slot, clear_vehicle_logistic_slot, is_cursor_blueprint, get_blueprint_entities, surface, position, vehicle, force, selected, opened, crafting_queue_size, crafting_queue_progress, walking_state, riding_state, mining_state, shooting_state, picking_state, repair_state, cursor_stack, cursor_ghost, driving, crafting_queue, following_robots, cheat_mode, character_crafting_speed_modifier, character_mining_speed_modifier, character_additional_mining_categories, character_running_speed_modifier, character_build_distance_bonus, character_item_drop_distance_bonus, character_reach_distance_bonus, character_resource_reach_distance_bonus, character_item_pickup_distance_bonus, character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus, character_inventory_slots_bonus, character_trash_slot_count_bonus, character_maximum_following_robot_count_bonus, character_health_bonus, character_personal_logistic_requests_enabled, vehicle_logistic_requests_enabled, opened_gui_type, build_distance, drop_item_distance, reach_distance, item_pickup_distance, loot_pickup_distance, resource_reach_distance, in_combat, character_running_speed, character_mining_progress
set_ending_screen_data(message, file)

Setup the screen to be shown when the game is finished.

message :: LocalisedString: Message to be shown.
file :: string (optional): Path to image to be shown.
print(message, color)

Print text to the chat console.

message :: LocalisedString
color :: Color (optional)
Note: Messages that are identical to a message sent in the last 60 ticks are not printed again.

Clear the chat console.

get_goal_description() → LocalisedString

Get the current goal description, as a localised string.

set_goal_description(text, only_update)

Set the text in the goal window (top left).

text :: LocalisedString (optional): The text to display. Lines can be delimited with \n. Passing an empty string or omitting this parameter entirely will make the goal window disappear.
only_update :: boolean (optional): When true, won't play the "goal updated" sound.
set_controller{type = …, character = …, waypoints = …, start_position = …, start_zoom = …, final_transition_time = …, chart_mode_cutoff = …}

Set the controller type of the player.

Table with the following fields:
  • type :: defines.controllers: Which controller to use.
  • character :: LuaEntity (optional): Entity to control. Mandatory when type is defines.controllers.character, ignored otherwise.
  • waypoints :: CutsceneWaypoint (optional): List of waypoints for the cutscene controller. This parameter is mandatory when type is defines.controllers.cutscene.
  • start_position :: Position (optional): If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, the cutscene will start at this position. If not given the start position will be the player position.
  • start_zoom :: double (optional): If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, the cutscene will start at this zoom level. If not given the start zoom will be the players zoom.
  • final_transition_time :: uint (optional): If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, it is the time in ticks it will take for the camera to pan from the final waypoint back to the starting position. If not given the camera will not pan back to the start position/zoom.
  • chart_mode_cutoff :: double (optional): If specified and type is defines.controllers.cutscene, the game will switch to chart-mode (map zoomed out) rendering when the zoom level is less than this value.
Note: Setting a player to defines.controllers.editor auto promotes the player to admin and enables cheat mode.
Note: Setting a player to defines.controllers.editor also requires the calling player be an admin.
drag_wire{position = …} → boolean

Start/end wire dragging at the specified location, wire type is based on the cursor contents

Table with the following fields:
  • position :: Position: Position at which cursor was clicked. Used only to decide which side of arithmetic combinator, decider combinator or power switch is to be connected. Entity itself to be connected is based on the player's selected entity.
Return value
true if the action did something

Disable recipe groups.


Enable recipe groups.


Disable recipe subgroups.


Enable recipe subgroups.


Print entity statistics to the player's console.

entities :: array[string] (optional): Entity prototypes to get statistics for. If not specified or empty, display statistics for all entities.

Print construction robot job counts to the players console.


Print LuaObject counts per mod.


Logs a dictionary of chunks -> active entities for the surface this player is on.


Logs a dictionary of active entities -> count for the surface this player is on.


Unlock the achievements of the given player. This has any effect only when this is the local player, the achievement isn't unlocked so far and the achievement is of the type "achievement".

name :: string: name of the achievement to unlock
clear_cursor() → boolean

Invokes the "clear cursor" action on the player as if the user pressed it.

Return value
If the cursor is now empty.
create_character(character) → boolean

Creates and attaches a character entity to this player.

character :: string (optional): The character to create else the default is used.
Return value
Whether the character was created.
Note: The player must not have a character already connected and must be online (see LuaPlayer::connected).
add_alert(entity, type)

Adds an alert to this player for the given entity of the given alert type.

entity :: LuaEntity
add_custom_alert(entity, icon, message, show_on_map)

Adds a custom alert to this player.

entity :: LuaEntity: If the alert is clicked, the map will open at the position of this entity.
icon :: SignalID
message :: LocalisedString
show_on_map :: boolean
remove_alert{entity = …, prototype = …, position = …, type = …, surface = …, icon = …, message = …}

Removes all alerts matching the given filters or if an empty filters table is given all alerts are removed.

Table with the following fields:
get_alerts{entity = …, prototype = …, position = …, type = …, surface = …} → dictionary[uintdictionary[defines.alert_typearray[Alert]]]

Get all alerts matching the given filters, or all alerts if no filters are given.

Table with the following fields:
Return value
A mapping of surface index to an array of arrays of alerts indexed by the alert type.
mute_alert(alert_type) → boolean

Mutes alerts for the given alert category.

alert_type :: defines.alert_type
Return value
If the alert type was muted (false if it was already muted).
unmute_alert(alert_type) → boolean

Unmutes alerts for the given alert category.

alert_type :: defines.alert_type
Return value
If the alert type was unmuted (false if it was wasn't muted).
is_alert_muted(alert_type) → boolean

If the given alert type is currently muted.

alert_type :: defines.alert_type
enable_alert(alert_type) → boolean

Enables alerts for the given alert category.

alert_type :: defines.alert_type
Return value
If the alert type was enabled (false if it was already enabled).
disable_alert(alert_type) → boolean

Disables alerts for the given alert category.

alert_type :: defines.alert_type
Return value
If the alert type was disabled (false if it was already disabled).
is_alert_enabled(alert_type) → boolean

If the given alert type is currently enabled.

alert_type :: defines.alert_type
pipette_entity(entity) → boolean

Invokes the "smart pipette" action on the player as if the user pressed it.

Return value
If the smart pipette found something to place
can_place_entity{name = …, position = …, direction = …} → boolean

Checks if this player can build the give entity at the given location on the surface the player is on.

Table with the following fields:
  • name :: string: Name of the entity to check
  • position :: Position: Where the entity would be placed
  • direction :: defines.direction (optional): Direction the entity would be placed
can_build_from_cursor{position = …, direction = …, alt = …, terrain_building_size = …, skip_fog_of_war = …} → boolean

Checks if this player can build what ever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on.

Table with the following fields:
  • position :: Position: Where the entity would be placed
  • direction :: defines.direction (optional): Direction the entity would be placed
  • alt :: boolean (optional): If alt build should be used instead of normal build. Defaults to normal.
  • terrain_building_size :: uint (optional): The size for building terrain if building terrain. Defaults to 2.
  • skip_fog_of_war :: boolean (optional): If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.
build_from_cursor{position = …, direction = …, alt = …, terrain_building_size = …, skip_fog_of_war = …}

Builds what ever is in the cursor on the surface the player is on.

Table with the following fields:
  • position :: Position: Where the entity would be placed
  • direction :: defines.direction (optional): Direction the entity would be placed
  • alt :: boolean (optional): If alt build should be used instead of normal build. Defaults to normal.
  • terrain_building_size :: uint (optional): The size for building terrain if building terrain. Defaults to 2.
  • skip_fog_of_war :: boolean (optional): If chunks covered by fog-of-war are skipped.
Note: Anything built will fire normal player-built events.
Note: The cursor stack will automatically be reduced as if the player built normally.

Uses the current item in the cursor if it's a capsule or does nothing if not.

position :: Position: Where the item would be used.
play_sound{path = …, position = …, volume_modifier = …, override_sound_type = …}

Play a sound for this player.

Table with the following fields:
  • path :: SoundPath: The sound to play.
  • position :: Position (optional): Where the sound should be played. If not given, it's played at the current position of the player.
  • volume_modifier :: double (optional): The volume of the sound to play. Must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.
  • override_sound_type :: SoundType (optional): The volume mixer to play the sound through. Defaults to the default mixer for the given sound type.
get_associated_characters() → array[LuaEntity]

The characters associated with this player.

Note: The array will always be empty when the player is disconnected (see LuaPlayer::connected) regardless of there being associated characters.
Note: Characters associated with this player will be logged off when this player disconnects but are not controlled by any player.

Associates a character with this player.

character :: LuaEntity: The character entity.
Note: The character must not be connected to any controller.
Note: If this player is currently disconnected (see LuaPlayer::connected) the character will be immediately "logged off".
Note: See LuaPlayer::get_associated_characters for more information.

Disassociates a character from this player. This is functionally the same as setting LuaEntity::associated_player to nil.

character :: LuaEntity: The character entity
Note: See LuaPlayer::get_associated_characters for more information.
create_local_flying_text{text = …, position = …, create_at_cursor = …, color = …, time_to_live = …, speed = …}

Spawn flying text that is only visible to this player. Either position or create_at_cursor are required. When create_at_cursor is true, all parameters other than text are ignored.

Table with the following fields:
  • text :: LocalisedString: The flying text to show.
  • position :: Position (optional): The location on the map at which to show the flying text.
  • create_at_cursor :: boolean (optional): If true, the flying text is created at the player's cursor. Defaults to false.
  • color :: Color (optional): The color of the flying text. Defaults to white text.
  • time_to_live :: uint (optional): The amount of ticks that the flying text will be shown for. Defaults to 80.
  • speed :: double (optional): The speed at which the text rises upwards in tiles/second. Can't be a negative value.
Note: If no custom speed is set and the text is longer than 25 characters, its time_to_live and speed are dynamically adjusted to give players more time to read it.
Note: Local flying text is not saved, which means it will disappear after a save/load-cycle.
get_quick_bar_slot(index) → LuaItemPrototype

Gets the quick bar filter for the given slot or nil.

index :: uint: The slot index. 1 for the first slot of page one, 2 for slot two of page one, 11 for the first slot of page 2, etc.
set_quick_bar_slot(index, filter)

Sets the quick bar filter for the given slot.

index :: uint: The slot index. 1 for the first slot of page one, 2 for slot two of page one, 11 for the first slot of page 2, etc.
filter :: string or LuaItemPrototype or LuaItemStack: The filter or nil.
get_active_quick_bar_page(index) → uint8

Gets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page or nil if not known.

index :: uint: The screen page. Index 1 is the top row in the gui. Index can go beyond the visible number of bars on the screen to account for the interface config setting change.
set_active_quick_bar_page(screen_index, page_index)

Sets which quick bar page is being used for the given screen page.

screen_index :: uint: The screen page. Index 1 is the top row in the gui. Index can go beyond the visible number of bars on the screen to account for the interface config setting change.
page_index :: uint: The new quick bar page.

Jump to the specified cutscene waypoint. Only works when the player is viewing a cutscene.

waypoint_index :: uint

Exit the current cutscene. Errors if not in a cutscene.

open_map(position, scale)

Queues a request to open the map at the specified position. If the map is already opened, the request will simply set the position (and scale). Render mode change requests are processed before rendering of the next frame.

position :: Position
scale :: double (optional)
zoom_to_world(position, scale)

Queues a request to zoom to world at the specified position. If the player is already zooming to world, the request will simply set the position (and scale). Render mode change requests are processed before rendering of the next frame.

position :: Position
scale :: double (optional)

Queues request to switch to the normal game view from the map or zoom to world view. Render mode change requests are processed before rendering of the next frame.

is_shortcut_toggled(prototype_name) → boolean

Is a custom Lua shortcut currently toggled?

prototype_name :: string: Prototype name of the custom shortcut.
is_shortcut_available(prototype_name) → boolean

Is a custom Lua shortcut currently available?

prototype_name :: string: Prototype name of the custom shortcut.
set_shortcut_toggled(prototype_name, toggled)

Toggle or untoggle a custom Lua shortcut

prototype_name :: string: Prototype name of the custom shortcut.
toggled :: boolean
set_shortcut_available(prototype_name, available)

Make a custom Lua shortcut available or unavailable.

prototype_name :: string: Prototype name of the custom shortcut.
available :: boolean
connect_to_server{address = …, name = …, description = …, password = …}

Asks the player if they would like to connect to the given server.

Table with the following fields:
  • address :: string: The server (address:port) if port is not given the default Factorio port is used.
  • name :: LocalisedString (optional): The name of the server.
  • description :: LocalisedString (optional)
  • password :: string (optional): The password if different from the one used to join this game. Note, if the current password is not empty but the one required to join the new server is an empty string should be given for this field.
Note: This only does anything when used on a multiplayer peer. Single player and server hosts will ignore the prompt.

Toggles this player into or out of the map editor. Does nothing if this player isn't an admin or if the player doesn't have permission to use the map editor.

request_translation(localised_string) → boolean

Requests a translation for the given localised string. If the request is successful the on_string_translated event will be fired at a later time with the results.

localised_string :: LocalisedString
Return value
If the request was sent or not.
Note: Does nothing if this player is not connected. (see LuaPlayer::connected).
get_infinity_inventory_filter(index) → InfinityInventoryFilter

Gets the filter for this map editor infinity filters at the given index or nil if the filter index doesn't exist or is empty.

index :: uint: The index to get.
set_infinity_inventory_filter(index, filter)

Sets the filter for this map editor infinity filters at the given index.

index :: uint: The index to set.
filter :: InfinityInventoryFilter: The new filter or nil to clear the filter.
Can only be used if this is InfinityContainer

Clears all recipe notifications for this player.


Adds the given recipe to the list of recipe notifications for this player.

recipe :: string: Name of the recipe prototype to add.

Adds the given blueprint to this player's clipboard queue.

blueprint :: LuaItemStack: The blueprint to add.

Gets a copy of the currently selected blueprint in the clipboard queue into the player's cursor, as if the player activated Paste.

character :: LuaEntity [Read-Write]

The character attached to this player, or nil if no character.

Note: Will also return nil when the player is disconnected (see LuaPlayer::connected).
cutscene_character :: LuaEntity [Read-only]

When in a cutscene; the character this player would be using once the cutscene is over.

Note: Will also return nil when the player is disconnected (see LuaPlayer::connected).
index :: uint [Read-only]

This player's index in LuaGameScript::players.

gui :: LuaGui [Read-only]

opened_self :: boolean [Read-only]

true if the player opened itself. I.e. if they opened the character or god-controller GUI.

controller_type :: defines.controllers [Read-only]

stashed_controller_type :: defines.controllers [Read-only]

The stashed controller type or nil if no controller is stashed.

Note: This is mainly useful when a player is in the map editor.
game_view_settings :: GameViewSettings [Read-Write]

The player's game view settings.

minimap_enabled :: boolean [Read-Write]

true if the minimap is visible.

color :: Color [Read-Write]

The color associated with the player. This will be used to tint the player's character as well as their buildings and vehicles.

chat_color :: Color [Read-Write]

The color used when this player talks in game.

name :: string [Read-only]

The player's username.

tag :: string [Read-Write]

The tag that is shown after the player in chat and on the map.

connected :: boolean [Read-only]

true if the player is currently connected to the game.

admin :: boolean [Read-Write]

true if the player is an admin.

Note: Trying to change player admin status from the console when you aren't an admin does nothing.
entity_copy_source :: LuaEntity [Read-only]

The source entity used during entity settings copy-paste if any.

nil if there isn't currently a source entity.

afk_time :: uint [Read-only]

How many ticks since the last action of this player

online_time :: uint [Read-only]

How many ticks did this player spend playing this save (all sessions combined)

last_online :: uint [Read-only]

At what tick this player was last online.

permission_group :: LuaPermissionGroup [Read-Write]

The permission group this player is part of or nil if not part of any group.

mod_settings :: LuaCustomTable[stringModSetting] [Read-only]

Gets the current per-player settings for the this player, indexed by prototype name. Returns the same structure as LuaSettings::get_player_settings.

Note: This can become invalid if during operation this player becomes invalid.
ticks_to_respawn :: uint [Read-Write]

The number of ticks until this player will respawn or nil if not waiting to respawn.

Note: Set to nil to immediately respawn the player.
Note: Set to any positive value to trigger the respawn state for this player.
display_resolution :: DisplayResolution [Read-only]

The display resolution for this player.

display_scale :: double [Read-only]

The display scale for this player.

blueprint_to_setup :: LuaItemStack [Read-only]

The item stack containing a blueprint to be setup.

render_mode :: defines.render_mode [Read-only]

The render mode of the player, like map or zoom to world. The render mode can be set using LuaPlayer::open_map, LuaPlayer::zoom_to_world and LuaPlayer::close_map.

spectator :: boolean [Read-Write]

If true, zoom-to-world noise effect will be disabled and environmental sounds will be based on zoom-to-world view instead of position of player's character.

remove_unfiltered_items :: boolean [Read-Write]

If items not included in this map editor infinity inventory filters should be removed.

infinity_inventory_filters :: array[InfinityInventoryFilter] [Read-Write]

The filters for this map editor infinity inventory settings.

auto_sort_main_inventory :: boolean [Read-only]

If the main inventory will be auto sorted.

hand_location :: ItemStackLocation [Read-Write]

The original location of the item in the cursor, marked with a hand. When writing, the specified inventory slot must be empty and the cursor stack must not be empty.

zoom :: double [Write-only]

The player's zoom-level.

map_view_settings :: MapViewSettings [Write-only]

The player's map view settings. To write to this, use a table containing the fields that should be changed.