Factorio Prototype Docs Version 1.1.93

NoiseFunctionFactorioBasisNoise :: struct

Scaling input and output can be accomplished other ways, but are done so commonly as to be built into this function for performance reasons.


type :: "function-application"
function_name :: "factorio-basis-noise"
arguments :: FactorioBasisNoiseArguments


type :: "function-application"

function_name :: "factorio-basis-noise"

arguments :: FactorioBasisNoiseArguments

FactorioBasisNoiseArguments :: struct


seed0 :: ConstantNoiseNumber

Integer between 0 and 4 294 967 295 (inclusive) used to populate the backing random noise.

seed1 :: ConstantNoiseNumber

Integer between 0 and 255 (inclusive) used to provide extra randomness when sampling.

input_scale :: ConstantNoiseNumber optional

Default: 1

x and y will be multiplied by this value before sampling.

output_scale :: ConstantNoiseNumber optional

Default: 1

The output will be multiplied by this value before returning.


