Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 1.1.98

ItemProductPrototype :: struct or {ItemID, uint16}

An item product definition. It can be specified as a table with named or numbered keys, but not a mix of both.


type optional :: "item"
name :: ItemID

The name of an ItemPrototype.

The name of an ItemPrototype.

amount optional :: uint16
amount_min :: uint16

Only loaded if amount is not defined.

Only loaded if amount is not defined.

amount_max :: uint16

Only loaded if amount is not defined.

Only loaded if amount is not defined.

probability optional :: double

Value between 0 and 1, 0 for 0% chance and 1 for 100% chance.

Value between 0 and 1, 0 for 0% chance and 1 for 100% chance.

catalyst_amount optional :: uint16

Amount that should not be affected by productivity modules (not yielded from bonus production) and should not be included in the item production statistics.

Amount that should not be affected by productivity modules (not yielded from bonus production) and should not be included in the item production statistics.

show_details_in_recipe_tooltip optional :: bool

When hovering over a recipe in the crafting menu the recipe tooltip will be shown.

When hovering over a recipe in the crafting menu the recipe tooltip will be shown.


type :: "item" optional

Default: "item"

name :: ItemID

The name of an ItemPrototype.

amount :: uint16 optional

amount_min :: uint16

Only loaded if amount is not defined.

amount_max :: uint16

Only loaded if amount is not defined.

If set to a number that is less than amount_min, the game will use amount_min instead.

probability :: double optional

Default: 1

Value between 0 and 1, 0 for 0% chance and 1 for 100% chance.

The effect of probability is no product, or a linear distribution on [min, max]. For a recipe with probability p, amount_min min, and amount_max max, the Expected Value of this product can be expressed as p * (0.5 * (max + min)). This is what will be shown in a recipe tooltip. The effect of catalyst_amount on the product is not shown.

When amount_min and amount_max are not provided, amount applies as min and max. The Expected Value simplifies to p * amount, providing 0 product, or amount product, on recipe completion.

catalyst_amount :: uint16 optional

Default: 0

Amount that should not be affected by productivity modules (not yielded from bonus production) and should not be included in the item production statistics.

If this item is used in a recipe, the catalyst_amount is calculated automatically based on the RecipePrototype::ingredients and RecipePrototype::results. See here.

show_details_in_recipe_tooltip :: bool optional

Default: true

When hovering over a recipe in the crafting menu the recipe tooltip will be shown. An additional item tooltip will be shown for every product, as a separate tooltip, if the item tooltip has a description and/or properties to show and if show_details_in_recipe_tooltip is true.

