
class LuaForce
get_entity_count(name) → uint Count entities of given type.
disable_research() Disable research for this force.
enable_research() Enable research for this force.
disable_all_prototypes() Disable all recipes and technologies.
reset_recipes() Load the original version of all recipes from the prototypes.
enable_all_recipes() Unlock all recipes.
enable_all_technologies() Unlock all technologies.
research_all_technologies() Research all technologies.
reset_technologies() Load the original versions of technologies from prototypes.
reset() Reset everything.
chart(surface, area) Chart a portion of the map.
clear_chart() Remove all charted area from the chart.
rechart() Force a rechart of the whole chart.
chart_all() Chart all generated chunks.
is_chunk_charted(surface, position) → boolean Has a chunk been charted?
get_ammo_damage_modifier(ammo) → double
set_ammo_damage_modifier(ammo, modifier)
get_gun_speed_modifier(ammo) → double
set_gun_speed_modifier(ammo, modifier)
get_turret_attack_modifier(turret) → double
set_turret_attack_modifier(turret, modifier)
set_cease_fire(other, cease_fire) Stop attacking members of a given force.
get_cease_fire(other) → boolean Will this force attack members of another force?
is_pathfinder_busy() → boolean Is pathfinder busy?
kill_all_units() Kill all units and flush the pathfinder.
find_logistic_network_by_position(position, surface) → LuaLogisticNetwork
set_spawn_position(position, surface)
get_spawn_position(surface) → Position
unchart_chunk(position, surface)
print(message) Print text to the chat console of all players on this force.
name :: string [R] Name of the force.
technologies :: custom dictionary stringLuaTechnology [R] Technologies owned by this force, indexed by their name.
recipes :: custom dictionary stringLuaRecipe [R] Recipes available to this force, indexed by their name.
manual_mining_speed_modifier :: double [RW] Multiplier of the manual mining speed.
manual_crafting_speed_modifier :: double [RW] Multiplier of the manual crafting speed.
laboratory_speed_modifier :: double [RW]
worker_robots_speed_modifier :: double [RW]
worker_robots_storage_bonus :: double [RW]
current_research :: LuaTechnology or string [RW] The current research in progress.
research_progress :: double [RW] Progress of current research, as a number in range [0, 1].
inserter_stack_size_bonus :: double [RW] The inserter stack size bonus for non stack inserters
stack_inserter_capacity_bonus :: uint [RW] Number of items that can be transferred by stack inserters
character_logistic_slot_count :: double [RW] Number of character logistic slots.
character_trash_slot_count :: double [RW] Number of character trash slots.
quickbar_count :: uint [RW] Number of character quick bars.
maximum_following_robot_count :: uint [RW] Maximum number of follower robots.
ghost_time_to_live :: uint [RW] The time, in ticks, before a placed ghost disappears.
players :: array of LuaPlayer [R] Players belonging to this force.
ai_controllable :: boolean [RW] Enables some higher-level AI behaviour for this force.
logistic_networks :: dictionary stringarray of LuaLogisticNetwork [R] List of logistic networks, grouped by surface.
item_production_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [R] The item production statistics for this force.
fluid_production_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [R] The fluid production statistics for this force.
kill_count_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [R] The kill counter statistics for this force.
item_resource_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [R] The item resource statistics for this force (item resources collected).
fluid_resource_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [R] The fluid resource statistics for this force (fluid resources collected).
entity_build_count_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [R] The entity build statistics for this force (built and mined)
character_running_speed_modifier :: uint [RW]
character_build_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_item_drop_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_reach_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]
character_resource_reach_distance_bonus :: double [RW]
character_item_pickup_distance_bonus :: double [RW]
character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus :: double [RW]
character_inventory_slots_bonus :: uint [RW] the number of additional inventory slots the character main inventory has.
deconstruction_time_to_live :: uint [RW] The time, in ticks, before a deconstruction order is removed.
character_health_bonus :: float [RW]
auto_character_trash_slots :: boolean [RW] true if auto character trash slots are enabled.
connected_players :: array of LuaPlayer [R] The connected players belonging to this force.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?

LuaForce encapsulates data local to each "force" or "faction" of the game. Default forces are player, enemy and neutral. Players and mods can create additional forces (up to 64 total).

get_entity_count(name) → uint

Count entities of given type.

name :: string: Prototype name of the entity.
Return value
Number of entities of given prototype belonging to this force.
Note: This function has O(1) time complexity as entity counts are kept and maintained in the game engine.

Disable research for this force.


Enable research for this force.


Disable all recipes and technologies. Only recipes and technologies enabled explicitly will be useable from this point.


Load the original version of all recipes from the prototypes.


Unlock all recipes.


Unlock all technologies.


Research all technologies.


Load the original versions of technologies from prototypes. Preserves research state of technologies.


Reset everything. All technologies are set to not researched, all modifiers are set to default values.

chart(surface, area)

Chart a portion of the map. The chart for the given area is refreshed; it creates chart for any parts of the given area that haven't been charted yet.

area :: BoundingBox: The area on the given surface to chart.
Charts a 2048x2048 rectangle centered around the origin.
                        {{x = -1024, y = -1024}, {x = 1024, y = 1024}})

Remove all charted area from the chart.


Force a rechart of the whole chart.


Chart all generated chunks.

is_chunk_charted(surface, position) → boolean

Has a chunk been charted?

position :: Position: Chunk position. Note that this is in chunk coordinates: I.e. {0, 0} and {1, 0} are one whole chunk away from each other.
get_ammo_damage_modifier(ammo) → double

ammo :: string: Ammo category
set_ammo_damage_modifier(ammo, modifier)

ammo :: string: Ammo category
modifier :: double
get_gun_speed_modifier(ammo) → double

ammo :: string: Ammo category
set_gun_speed_modifier(ammo, modifier)

ammo :: string: Ammo category
modifier :: double
get_turret_attack_modifier(turret) → double

turret :: string: Turret prototype name
set_turret_attack_modifier(turret, modifier)

turret :: string: Turret prototype name
modifier :: double
set_cease_fire(other, cease_fire)

Stop attacking members of a given force.

other :: string or LuaForce
cease_fire :: boolean: When true, this force won't attack other; otherwise it will.
get_cease_fire(other) → boolean

Will this force attack members of another force?

other :: string: Name of the other force
is_pathfinder_busy() → boolean

Is pathfinder busy? When the pathfinder is busy, it won't accept any more pathfinding requests.


Kill all units and flush the pathfinder.

find_logistic_network_by_position(position, surface) → LuaLogisticNetwork

position :: Position: Position to find a network for
surface :: SurfaceSpecification: Surface to search on
Return value
The found network or nil.
set_spawn_position(position, surface)

position :: Position: The new position on the given surface.
surface :: SurfaceSpecification: Surface to set the spawn position for.
get_spawn_position(surface) → Position

unchart_chunk(position, surface)

position :: Position: The chunk position to unchart.
surface :: SurfaceSpecification: Surface to unchart on.

Print text to the chat console of all players on this force.

message :: LocalisedString
name :: string [Read-only]

Name of the force.

Prints "player"
technologies :: custom dictionary stringLuaTechnology [Read-only]

Technologies owned by this force, indexed by their name.

Researches the technology for the player's force
game.player.force.technologies["iron-working"].researched = true
recipes :: custom dictionary stringLuaRecipe [Read-only]

Recipes available to this force, indexed by their name.

Prints the category of the given recipe
manual_mining_speed_modifier :: double [Read-Write]

Multiplier of the manual mining speed. Default value is 0. The actual mining speed will be multiplied by 1 + manual_mining_speed_modifier.

Double the player's mining speed
game.player.force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = 1
manual_crafting_speed_modifier :: double [Read-Write]

Multiplier of the manual crafting speed. Default value is 0. The actual crafting speed will be multiplied by 1 + manual_crafting_speed_modifier.

Double the player's crafting speed
game.player.force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier = 1
laboratory_speed_modifier :: double [Read-Write]

worker_robots_speed_modifier :: double [Read-Write]

worker_robots_storage_bonus :: double [Read-Write]

current_research :: LuaTechnology or string [Read-Write]

The current research in progress. Reading this attribute gives a LuaTechnology of the current technology in research, or nil if no research is currently ongoing. Writing this attribute expects a string specifying a technology name or nil to stop any research in progress; writing will start a research of the specified technology.

research_progress :: double [Read-Write]

Progress of current research, as a number in range [0, 1].

inserter_stack_size_bonus :: double [Read-Write]

The inserter stack size bonus for non stack inserters

stack_inserter_capacity_bonus :: uint [Read-Write]

Number of items that can be transferred by stack inserters

character_logistic_slot_count :: double [Read-Write]

Number of character logistic slots.

character_trash_slot_count :: double [Read-Write]

Number of character trash slots.

quickbar_count :: uint [Read-Write]

Number of character quick bars.

maximum_following_robot_count :: uint [Read-Write]

Maximum number of follower robots.

ghost_time_to_live :: uint [Read-Write]

The time, in ticks, before a placed ghost disappears.

players :: array of LuaPlayer [Read-only]

Players belonging to this force.

ai_controllable :: boolean [Read-Write]

Enables some higher-level AI behaviour for this force. When set to true, biters belonging to this force will automatically expand into new territories, build new spawners, and form unit groups. By default, this value is true for the enemy force and false for all others.

Note: Setting this to false does not turn off biters' AI. They will still move around and attack players who come close.
Note: It is necessary for a force to be AI controllable in order to be able to create unit groups or build bases from scripts.
logistic_networks :: dictionary stringarray of LuaLogisticNetwork [Read-only]

List of logistic networks, grouped by surface.

item_production_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [Read-only]

The item production statistics for this force.

fluid_production_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [Read-only]

The fluid production statistics for this force.

kill_count_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [Read-only]

The kill counter statistics for this force.

item_resource_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [Read-only]

The item resource statistics for this force (item resources collected).

fluid_resource_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [Read-only]

The fluid resource statistics for this force (fluid resources collected).

entity_build_count_statistics :: LuaFlowStatistics [Read-only]

The entity build statistics for this force (built and mined)

character_running_speed_modifier :: uint [Read-Write]

character_build_distance_bonus :: uint [Read-Write]

character_item_drop_distance_bonus :: uint [Read-Write]

character_reach_distance_bonus :: uint [Read-Write]

character_resource_reach_distance_bonus :: double [Read-Write]

character_item_pickup_distance_bonus :: double [Read-Write]

character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus :: double [Read-Write]

character_inventory_slots_bonus :: uint [Read-Write]

the number of additional inventory slots the character main inventory has.

deconstruction_time_to_live :: uint [Read-Write]

The time, in ticks, before a deconstruction order is removed.

character_health_bonus :: float [Read-Write]

auto_character_trash_slots :: boolean [Read-Write]

true if auto character trash slots are enabled. Character trash slots must be > 0 as well for this to actually be used.

connected_players :: array of LuaPlayer [Read-only]

The connected players belonging to this force.

This is primarally useful when you want to do some action against all online players of this force.

Note: This does *not* index using player index. See LuaPlayer::index on each player instance for the player index.