
One research item.

class LuaTechnology - sort
reload() Reload this technology from its prototype.
force :: LuaForce [R] The force this technology belongs to.
name :: string [R] Name of this technology.
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] Localised name of this technology.
localised_description :: LocalisedString [R]
prototype :: LuaTechnologyPrototype [R] The prototype of this technology.
enabled :: boolean [RW] Can this technology be researched?
visible_when_disabled :: boolean [RW] If this technology will be visible in the research GUI even though it is disabled.
upgrade :: boolean [R] Is this an upgrade-type research?
researched :: boolean [RW] Has this technology been researched?
prerequisites :: dictionary[stringLuaTechnology] [R] Prerequisites of this technology.
research_unit_ingredients :: array[Ingredient] [R] Ingredients labs will require to research this technology.
effects :: array[TechnologyModifier] [R] Effects applied when this technology is researched.
research_unit_count :: uint [R] Number of research units required for this technology.
research_unit_energy :: double [R] Amount of energy required to finish a unit of research.
order :: string [R] Order string for this prototype.
level :: uint [RW] The current level of this technology.
research_unit_count_formula :: string [R] The count formula used for this infinite research or nil if this isn't an infinite research.
valid :: boolean [R] Is this object valid?
object_name :: string [R] The class name of this object.
help() → string All methods, and properties that this object supports.

Reload this technology from its prototype.

force :: LuaForce [Read-only]

The force this technology belongs to.

name :: string [Read-only]

Name of this technology.

localised_name :: LocalisedString [Read-only]

Localised name of this technology.

localised_description :: LocalisedString [Read-only]

prototype :: LuaTechnologyPrototype [Read-only]

The prototype of this technology.

enabled :: boolean [Read-Write]

Can this technology be researched?

visible_when_disabled :: boolean [Read-Write]

If this technology will be visible in the research GUI even though it is disabled.

upgrade :: boolean [Read-only]

Is this an upgrade-type research?

researched :: boolean [Read-Write]

Has this technology been researched? Switching from false to true will trigger the technology advancement perks; switching from true to false will reverse them.

prerequisites :: dictionary[stringLuaTechnology] [Read-only]

Prerequisites of this technology. The result maps technology name to the LuaTechnology object.

research_unit_ingredients :: array[Ingredient] [Read-only]

Ingredients labs will require to research this technology.

effects :: array[TechnologyModifier] [Read-only]

Effects applied when this technology is researched.

research_unit_count :: uint [Read-only]

Number of research units required for this technology.

Note: This is multiplied by the current research cost multiplier, unless LuaTechnologyPrototype::ignore_tech_cost_multiplier is true.
research_unit_energy :: double [Read-only]

Amount of energy required to finish a unit of research.

order :: string [Read-only]

Order string for this prototype.

level :: uint [Read-Write]

The current level of this technology. For level-based technology writing to this is the same as researching the technology to the *previous* level. Writing the level will set LuaTechnology::enabled to true.

research_unit_count_formula :: string [Read-only]

The count formula used for this infinite research or nil if this isn't an infinite research.