Factorio Runtime Docs

Class LuaGuiElement

An element of a custom GUI. This type is used to represent any kind of a GUI element - labels, buttons and frames are all instances of this type. Just like LuaEntity, different kinds of elements support different attributes; attempting to access an attribute on an element that doesn't support it (for instance, trying to access the column_count of a textfield) will result in a runtime error.

The following types of GUI element are supported:

  • "button": A clickable element. Relevant event: on_gui_click
  • "sprite-button": A button that displays a sprite rather than text. Relevant event: on_gui_click
  • "checkbox": A clickable element with a check mark that can be turned off or on. Relevant event: on_gui_checked_state_changed
  • "flow": An invisible container that lays out its children either horizontally or vertically.
  • "frame": A non-transparent box that contains other elements. It can have a title (set via the caption attribute). Just like a flow, it lays out its children either horizontally or vertically. Relevant event: on_gui_location_changed
  • "label": A piece of text.
  • "line": A horizontal or vertical separation line.
  • "progressbar": A partially filled bar that can be used to indicate progress.
  • "table": An invisible container that lays out its children in a specific number of columns. The width of each column is determined by the widest element it contains.
  • "textfield": A single-line box the user can type into. Relevant events: on_gui_text_changed, on_gui_confirmed
  • "radiobutton": An element that is similar to a checkbox, but with a circular appearance. Clicking a selected radio button will not unselect it. Radio buttons are not linked to each other in any way. Relevant event: on_gui_checked_state_changed
  • "sprite": An element that shows an image.
  • "scroll-pane": An invisible element that is similar to a flow, but has the ability to show and use scroll bars.
  • "drop-down": A drop-down containing strings of text. Relevant event: on_gui_selection_state_changed
  • "list-box": A list of strings, only one of which can be selected at a time. Shows a scroll bar if necessary. Relevant event: on_gui_selection_state_changed
  • "camera": A camera that shows the game at the given position on the given surface. It can visually track an entity that is set after the element has been created.
  • "choose-elem-button": A button that lets the player pick from a certain kind of prototype, with optional filtering. Relevant event: on_gui_elem_changed
  • "text-box": A multi-line textfield. Relevant event: on_gui_text_changed
  • "slider": A horizontal number line which can be used to choose a number. Relevant event: on_gui_value_changed
  • "minimap": A minimap preview, similar to the normal player minimap. It can visually track an entity that is set after the element has been created.
  • "entity-preview": A preview of an entity. The entity has to be set after the element has been created.
  • "empty-widget": An empty element that just exists. The root GUI elements screen and relative are empty-widgets.
  • "tabbed-pane": A collection of tabs and their contents. Relevant event: on_gui_selected_tab_changed
  • "tab": A tab for use in a tabbed-pane.
  • "switch": A switch with three possible states. Can have labels attached to either side. Relevant event: on_gui_switch_state_changed

Each GUI element allows access to its children by having them as attributes. Thus, one can use the parent.child syntax to refer to children. Lua also supports the parent["child"] syntax to refer to the same element. This can be used in cases where the child has a name that isn't a valid Lua identifier.


This will add a label called greeting to the top flow. Immediately after, it will change its text to illustrate accessing child elements.

game.player.gui.top.add{type="label", name="greeting", caption="Hi"}
game.player.gui.top.greeting.caption = "Hello there!"
game.player.gui.top["greeting"].caption = "Actually, never mind, I don't like your face"

This will add a tabbed-pane and 2 tabs with contents.

local tabbed_pane = game.player.gui.top.add{type="tabbed-pane"}
local tab1 = tabbed_pane.add{type="tab", caption="Tab 1"}
local tab2 = tabbed_pane.add{type="tab", caption="Tab 2"}
local label1 = tabbed_pane.add{type="label", caption="Label 1"}
local label2 = tabbed_pane.add{type="label", caption="Label 2"}
tabbed_pane.add_tab(tab1, label1)
tabbed_pane.add_tab(tab2, label2)


add{type=…, name?=…, caption?=…, tooltip?=…, enabled?=…, visible?=…, ignored_by_interaction?=…, style?=…, tags?=…, index?=…, anchor?=…, game_controller_interaction?=…, raise_hover_events?=…}  → LuaGuiElement

Add a new child element to this GuiElement.

Add a new child element to this GuiElement.


Remove children of this element.

Remove children of this element.


Remove this element, along with its children.

Remove this element, along with its children.

get_mod()  → string?

The mod that owns this Gui element or nil if it's owned by the scenario script.

The mod that owns this Gui element or nil if it's owned by the scenario script.

get_index_in_parent()  → uint

Gets the index that this element has in its parent element.

Gets the index that this element has in its parent element.

swap_children(index_1, index_2)

Swaps the children at the given indices in this element.

Swaps the children at the given indices in this element.


Removes the items in this dropdown or listbox.

Removes the items in this dropdown or listbox.

get_item(index)  → LocalisedString

Gets the item at the given index from this dropdown or listbox.

Gets the item at the given index from this dropdown or listbox.

set_item(index, string)

Sets the given string at the given index in this dropdown or listbox.

Sets the given string at the given index in this dropdown or listbox.

add_item(string, index?)

Inserts a string at the end or at the given index of this dropdown or listbox.

Inserts a string at the end or at the given index of this dropdown or listbox.


Removes the item at the given index from this dropdown or listbox.

Removes the item at the given index from this dropdown or listbox.

get_slider_minimum()  → double

Gets this sliders minimum value.

Gets this sliders minimum value.

get_slider_maximum()  → double

Gets this sliders maximum value.

Gets this sliders maximum value.

set_slider_minimum_maximum(minimum, maximum)

Sets this sliders minimum and maximum values.

Sets this sliders minimum and maximum values.

get_slider_value_step()  → double

Gets the minimum distance this slider can move.

Gets the minimum distance this slider can move.

get_slider_discrete_slider()  → boolean

Returns whether this slider only allows being moved to discrete positions.

Returns whether this slider only allows being moved to discrete positions.

get_slider_discrete_values()  → boolean

Returns whether this slider only allows discrete values.

Returns whether this slider only allows discrete values.


Sets the minimum distance this slider can move.

Sets the minimum distance this slider can move.


Sets whether this slider only allows being moved to discrete positions.

Sets whether this slider only allows being moved to discrete positions.


Sets whether this slider only allows discrete values.

Sets whether this slider only allows discrete values.


Focuses this GUI element if possible.

Focuses this GUI element if possible.


Scrolls this scroll bar to the top.

Scrolls this scroll bar to the top.


Scrolls this scroll bar to the bottom.

Scrolls this scroll bar to the bottom.


Scrolls this scroll bar to the left.

Scrolls this scroll bar to the left.


Scrolls this scroll bar to the right.

Scrolls this scroll bar to the right.

scroll_to_element(element, scroll_mode?)

Scrolls this scroll bar such that the specified GUI element is visible to the player.

Scrolls this scroll bar such that the specified GUI element is visible to the player.


Selects all the text in this textbox.

Selects all the text in this textbox.

select(start, end)

Selects a range of text in this textbox.

Selects a range of text in this textbox.

add_tab(tab, content)

Adds the given tab and content widgets to this tabbed pane as a new tab.

Adds the given tab and content widgets to this tabbed pane as a new tab.


Removes the given tab and its associated content from this tabbed pane.

Removes the given tab and its associated content from this tabbed pane.


Forces this frame to re-auto-center.

Forces this frame to re-auto-center.

scroll_to_item(index, scroll_mode?)

Scrolls the scroll bar such that the specified listbox item is visible to the player.

Scrolls the scroll bar such that the specified listbox item is visible to the player.


Moves this GUI element to the "front" so it will draw over other elements.

Moves this GUI element to the "front" so it will draw over other elements.


Closes the dropdown list if this is a dropdown and it is open.

Closes the dropdown list if this is a dropdown and it is open.

help()  → string

All methods and properties that this object supports.

All methods and properties that this object supports.

index [R] :: uint

The index of this GUI element (unique amongst the GUI elements of a LuaPlayer).

The index of this GUI element (unique amongst the GUI elements of a LuaPlayer).

gui [R] :: LuaGui

The GUI this element is a child of.

The GUI this element is a child of.

parent [R] :: LuaGuiElement?

The direct parent of this element.

The direct parent of this element.

name [RW] :: string

The name of this element.

The name of this element.

caption [RW] :: LocalisedString

The text displayed on this element.

The text displayed on this element.

value [RW] :: double

How much this progress bar is filled.

How much this progress bar is filled.

direction [R] :: string

Direction of this element's layout.

Direction of this element's layout.

style [RW] :: LuaStyle or string

The style of this element.

The style of this element.

visible [RW] :: boolean

Sets whether this GUI element is visible or completely hidden, taking no space in the layout.

Sets whether this GUI element is visible or completely hidden, taking no space in the layout.

text [RW] :: string

The text contained in this textfield or text-box.

The text contained in this textfield or text-box.

children_names [R] :: array[string]

Names of all the children of this element.

Names of all the children of this element.

state [RW] :: boolean

Is this checkbox or radiobutton checked?

Is this checkbox or radiobutton checked?

player_index [R] :: uint

Index into LuaGameScript::players specifying the player who owns this element.

Index into LuaGameScript::players specifying the player who owns this element.

sprite [RW] :: SpritePath

The sprite to display on this sprite-button or sprite in the default state.

The sprite to display on this sprite-button or sprite in the default state.

resize_to_sprite [RW] :: boolean

Whether the sprite widget should resize according to the sprite in it.

Whether the sprite widget should resize according to the sprite in it.

hovered_sprite [RW] :: SpritePath

The sprite to display on this sprite-button when it is hovered.

The sprite to display on this sprite-button when it is hovered.

clicked_sprite [RW] :: SpritePath

The sprite to display on this sprite-button when it is clicked.

The sprite to display on this sprite-button when it is clicked.

tooltip [RW] :: LocalisedString
horizontal_scroll_policy [RW] :: string

Policy of the horizontal scroll bar.

Policy of the horizontal scroll bar.

vertical_scroll_policy [RW] :: string

Policy of the vertical scroll bar.

Policy of the vertical scroll bar.

type [R] :: string

The type of this GUI element.

The type of this GUI element.

children [R] :: array[LuaGuiElement]

The child-elements of this GUI element.

The child-elements of this GUI element.

items [RW] :: array[LocalisedString]

The items in this dropdown or listbox.

The items in this dropdown or listbox.

selected_index [RW] :: uint

The selected index for this dropdown or listbox.

The selected index for this dropdown or listbox.

number [RW] :: double

The number to be shown in the bottom right corner of this sprite-button.

The number to be shown in the bottom right corner of this sprite-button.

show_percent_for_small_numbers [RW] :: boolean

Related to the number to be shown in the bottom right corner of this sprite-button.

Related to the number to be shown in the bottom right corner of this sprite-button.

location [RW] :: GuiLocation?

The location of this widget when stored in LuaGui::screen.

The location of this widget when stored in LuaGui::screen.

auto_center [RW] :: boolean

Whether this frame auto-centers on window resize when stored in LuaGui::screen.

Whether this frame auto-centers on window resize when stored in LuaGui::screen.

badge_text [RW] :: LocalisedString

The text to display after the normal tab text (designed to work with numbers)

The text to display after the normal tab text (designed to work with numbers)

auto_toggle [RW] :: boolean

Whether this button will automatically toggle when clicked.

Whether this button will automatically toggle when clicked.

toggled [RW] :: boolean

Whether this button is currently toggled.

Whether this button is currently toggled.

game_controller_interaction [RW] :: defines.game_controller_interaction

How this element should interact with game controllers.

How this element should interact with game controllers.

position [RW] :: MapPosition

The position this camera or minimap is focused on, if any.

The position this camera or minimap is focused on, if any.

surface_index [RW] :: uint

The surface index this camera or minimap is using.

The surface index this camera or minimap is using.

zoom [RW] :: double

The zoom this camera or minimap is using.

The zoom this camera or minimap is using.

minimap_player_index [RW] :: uint

The player index this minimap is using.

The player index this minimap is using.

force [RW] :: string?

The force this minimap is using, if any.

The force this minimap is using, if any.

elem_type [R] :: string

The elem type of this choose-elem-button.

The elem type of this choose-elem-button.

elem_value [RW] :: string or SignalID?

The elem value of this choose-elem-button, if any.

The elem value of this choose-elem-button, if any.

elem_filters [RW] :: PrototypeFilter?

The elem filters of this choose-elem-button, if any.

The elem filters of this choose-elem-button, if any.

selectable [RW] :: boolean

Whether the contents of this text-box are selectable.

Whether the contents of this text-box are selectable.

word_wrap [RW] :: boolean

Whether this text-box will word-wrap automatically.

Whether this text-box will word-wrap automatically.

read_only [RW] :: boolean

Whether this text-box is read-only.

Whether this text-box is read-only.

enabled [RW] :: boolean

Whether this GUI element is enabled.

Whether this GUI element is enabled.

ignored_by_interaction [RW] :: boolean

Whether this GUI element is ignored by interaction.

Whether this GUI element is ignored by interaction.

locked [RW] :: boolean

Whether this choose-elem-button can be changed by the player.

Whether this choose-elem-button can be changed by the player.

draw_vertical_lines [RW] :: boolean

Whether this table should draw vertical grid lines.

Whether this table should draw vertical grid lines.

draw_horizontal_lines [RW] :: boolean

Whether this table should draw horizontal grid lines.

Whether this table should draw horizontal grid lines.

draw_horizontal_line_after_headers [RW] :: boolean

Whether this table should draw a horizontal grid line below the first table row.

Whether this table should draw a horizontal grid line below the first table row.

column_count [R] :: uint

The number of columns in this table.

The number of columns in this table.

vertical_centering [RW] :: boolean

Whether the content of this table should be vertically centered.

Whether the content of this table should be vertically centered.

slider_value [RW] :: double

The value of this slider element.

The value of this slider element.

mouse_button_filter [RW] :: MouseButtonFlags

The mouse button filters for this button or sprite-button.

The mouse button filters for this button or sprite-button.

numeric [RW] :: boolean

Whether this textfield is limited to only numberic characters.

Whether this textfield is limited to only numberic characters.

allow_decimal [RW] :: boolean

Whether this textfield (when in numeric mode) allows decimal numbers.

Whether this textfield (when in numeric mode) allows decimal numbers.

allow_negative [RW] :: boolean

Whether this textfield (when in numeric mode) allows negative numbers.

Whether this textfield (when in numeric mode) allows negative numbers.

is_password [RW] :: boolean

Whether this textfield displays as a password field, which renders all characters as *.

Whether this textfield displays as a password field, which renders all characters as *.

lose_focus_on_confirm [RW] :: boolean

Whether this textfield loses focus after defines.events.on_gui_confirmed is fired.

Whether this textfield loses focus after defines.events.on_gui_confirmed is fired.

clear_and_focus_on_right_click [RW] :: boolean

Makes it so right-clicking on this textfield clears and focuses it.

Makes it so right-clicking on this textfield clears and focuses it.

drag_target [RW] :: LuaGuiElement?

The frame that is being moved when dragging this GUI element, if any.

The frame that is being moved when dragging this GUI element, if any.

selected_tab_index [RW] :: uint?

The selected tab index for this tabbed pane, if any.

The selected tab index for this tabbed pane, if any.

tabs [R] :: array[TabAndContent]

The tabs and contents being shown in this tabbed-pane.

The tabs and contents being shown in this tabbed-pane.

entity [RW] :: LuaEntity?

The entity associated with this entity-preview, camera, minimap, if any.

The entity associated with this entity-preview, camera, minimap, if any.

anchor [RW] :: GuiAnchor?

The anchor for this relative widget, if any.

The anchor for this relative widget, if any.

tags [RW] :: Tags

The tags associated with this LuaGuiElement.

The tags associated with this LuaGuiElement.

raise_hover_events [RW] :: boolean

Whether this element will raise on_gui_hover and on_gui_leave.

Whether this element will raise on_gui_hover and on_gui_leave.

switch_state [RW] :: string

The switch state (left, none, right) for this switch.

The switch state (left, none, right) for this switch.

allow_none_state [RW] :: boolean

Whether the "none" state is allowed for this switch.

Whether the "none" state is allowed for this switch.

left_label_caption [RW] :: LocalisedString

The text shown for the left switch label.

The text shown for the left switch label.

left_label_tooltip [RW] :: LocalisedString

The tooltip shown on the left switch label.

The tooltip shown on the left switch label.

right_label_caption [RW] :: LocalisedString

The text shown for the right switch label.

The text shown for the right switch label.

right_label_tooltip [RW] :: LocalisedString

The tooltip shown on the right switch label.

The tooltip shown on the right switch label.

valid [R] :: boolean

Is this object valid?

Is this object valid?

object_name [R] :: string

The class name of this object.

The class name of this object.

[] (index) [R] :: LuaGuiElement?

The indexing operator.

The indexing operator.


add{type=…, name?=…, caption?=…, tooltip?=…, enabled?=…, visible?=…, ignored_by_interaction?=…, style?=…, tags?=…, index?=…, anchor?=…, game_controller_interaction?=…, raise_hover_events?=…}  → LuaGuiElement

Add a new child element to this GuiElement.


Table with the following fields:
type :: string

The kind of element to add. Has to be one of the GUI element types listed at the top of this page.

The kind of element to add. Has to be one of the GUI element types listed at the top of this page.

name :: string?

Name of the child element. It must be unique within the parent element.

Name of the child element. It must be unique within the parent element.

caption :: LocalisedString?

Text displayed on the child element. For frames, this is their title. For other elements, like buttons or labels, this is the content. Whilst this attribute may be used on all elements, it doesn't make sense for tables and flows as they won't display it.

Text displayed on the child element. For frames, this is their title. For other elements, like buttons or labels, this is the content. Whilst this attribute may be used on all elements, it doesn't make sense for tables and flows as they won't display it.

tooltip :: LocalisedString?

Tooltip of the child element.

Tooltip of the child element.

enabled :: boolean?

Whether the child element is enabled. Defaults to true.

Whether the child element is enabled. Defaults to true.

visible :: boolean?

Whether the child element is visible. Defaults to true.

Whether the child element is visible. Defaults to true.

ignored_by_interaction :: boolean?

Whether the child element is ignored by interaction. Defaults to false.

Whether the child element is ignored by interaction. Defaults to false.

style :: string?

The name of the style prototype to apply to the new element.

The name of the style prototype to apply to the new element.

tags :: Tags?

Tags associated with the child element.

Tags associated with the child element.

index :: uint?

Location in its parent that the child element should slot into. By default, the child will be appended onto the end.

Location in its parent that the child element should slot into. By default, the child will be appended onto the end.

anchor :: GuiAnchor?

Where to position the child element when in the relative element.

Where to position the child element when in the relative element.

game_controller_interaction :: defines.game_controller_interaction?

How the element should interact with game controllers. Defaults to defines.game_controller_interaction.normal.

How the element should interact with game controllers. Defaults to defines.game_controller_interaction.normal.

raise_hover_events :: boolean?

Whether this element will raise on_gui_hover and on_gui_leave. Defaults to false.

Whether this element will raise on_gui_hover and on_gui_leave. Defaults to false.

Other attributes may be specified depending on type:


mouse_button_filter :: MouseButtonFlags?

Which mouse buttons the button responds to. Defaults to "left-and-right".

Which mouse buttons the button responds to. Defaults to "left-and-right".

auto_toggle :: boolean?

Whether the button will automatically toggle when clicked. Defaults to false.

Whether the button will automatically toggle when clicked. Defaults to false.

toggled :: boolean?

The initial toggled state of the button. Defaults to false.

The initial toggled state of the button. Defaults to false.


direction :: string?

The initial direction of the flow's layout. See LuaGuiElement::direction. Defaults to "horizontal".

The initial direction of the flow's layout. See LuaGuiElement::direction. Defaults to "horizontal".


direction :: string?

The initial direction of the frame's layout. See LuaGuiElement::direction. Defaults to "horizontal".

The initial direction of the frame's layout. See LuaGuiElement::direction. Defaults to "horizontal".


column_count :: uint

Number of columns. This can't be changed after the table is created.

Number of columns. This can't be changed after the table is created.

draw_vertical_lines :: boolean?

Whether the table should draw vertical grid lines. Defaults to false.

Whether the table should draw vertical grid lines. Defaults to false.

draw_horizontal_lines :: boolean?

Whether the table should draw horizontal grid lines. Defaults to false.

Whether the table should draw horizontal grid lines. Defaults to false.

draw_horizontal_line_after_headers :: boolean?

Whether the table should draw a single horizontal grid line after the headers. Defaults to false.

Whether the table should draw a single horizontal grid line after the headers. Defaults to false.

vertical_centering :: boolean?

Whether the content of the table should be vertically centered. Defaults to true.

Whether the content of the table should be vertically centered. Defaults to true.


text :: string?

The initial text contained in the textfield.

The initial text contained in the textfield.

numeric :: boolean?

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false.

allow_decimal :: boolean?

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false.

allow_negative :: boolean?

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false.

is_password :: boolean?

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false.

lose_focus_on_confirm :: boolean?

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false.

clear_and_focus_on_right_click :: boolean?

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false.


value :: double?

The initial value of the progressbar, in the range [0, 1]. Defaults to 0.

The initial value of the progressbar, in the range [0, 1]. Defaults to 0.


state :: boolean

The initial checked-state of the checkbox.

The initial checked-state of the checkbox.


state :: boolean

The initial checked-state of the radiobutton.

The initial checked-state of the radiobutton.


sprite :: SpritePath?

Path to the image to display on the button.

Path to the image to display on the button.

hovered_sprite :: SpritePath?

Path to the image to display on the button when it is hovered.

Path to the image to display on the button when it is hovered.

clicked_sprite :: SpritePath?

Path to the image to display on the button when it is clicked.

Path to the image to display on the button when it is clicked.

number :: double?

The number shown on the button.

The number shown on the button.

show_percent_for_small_numbers :: boolean?

Formats small numbers as percentages. Defaults to false.

Formats small numbers as percentages. Defaults to false.

mouse_button_filter :: MouseButtonFlags?

The mouse buttons that the button responds to. Defaults to "left-and-right".

The mouse buttons that the button responds to. Defaults to "left-and-right".

auto_toggle :: boolean?

Whether the button will automatically toggle when clicked. Defaults to false.

Whether the button will automatically toggle when clicked. Defaults to false.

toggled :: boolean?

The initial toggled state of the button. Defaults to false.

The initial toggled state of the button. Defaults to false.


sprite :: SpritePath?

Path to the image to display.

Path to the image to display.

resize_to_sprite :: boolean?

Whether the widget should resize according to the sprite in it. Defaults to true.

Whether the widget should resize according to the sprite in it. Defaults to true.


horizontal_scroll_policy :: string?

Policy of the horizontal scroll bar. Possible values are "auto", "never", "always", "auto-and-reserve-space", "dont-show-but-allow-scrolling". Defaults to "auto".

Policy of the horizontal scroll bar. Possible values are "auto", "never", "always", "auto-and-reserve-space", "dont-show-but-allow-scrolling". Defaults to "auto".

vertical_scroll_policy :: string?

Policy of the vertical scroll bar. Possible values are "auto", "never", "always", "auto-and-reserve-space", "dont-show-but-allow-scrolling". Defaults to "auto".

Policy of the vertical scroll bar. Possible values are "auto", "never", "always", "auto-and-reserve-space", "dont-show-but-allow-scrolling". Defaults to "auto".


items :: array[LocalisedString]?

The initial items in the dropdown.

The initial items in the dropdown.

selected_index :: uint?

The index of the initially selected item. Defaults to 0.

The index of the initially selected item. Defaults to 0.


direction :: string?

The initial direction of the line. Defaults to "horizontal".

The initial direction of the line. Defaults to "horizontal".


items :: array[LocalisedString]?

The initial items in the listbox.

The initial items in the listbox.

selected_index :: uint?

The index of the initially selected item. Defaults to 0.

The index of the initially selected item. Defaults to 0.


position :: MapPosition

The position the camera centers on.

The position the camera centers on.

surface_index :: uint?

The surface that the camera will render. Defaults to the player's current surface.

The surface that the camera will render. Defaults to the player's current surface.

zoom :: double?

The initial camera zoom. Defaults to 0.75.

The initial camera zoom. Defaults to 0.75.


elem_type :: string

The type of the button - one of the following values.

The type of the button - one of the following values.

item :: string?

If type is "item" - the default value for the button.

If type is "item" - the default value for the button.

tile :: string?

If type is "tile" - the default value for the button.

If type is "tile" - the default value for the button.

entity :: string?

If type is "entity" - the default value for the button.

If type is "entity" - the default value for the button.

signal :: SignalID?

If type is "signal" - the default value for the button.

If type is "signal" - the default value for the button.

fluid :: string?

If type is "fluid" - the default value for the button.

If type is "fluid" - the default value for the button.

recipe :: string?

If type is "recipe" - the default value for the button.

If type is "recipe" - the default value for the button.

decorative :: string?

If type is "decorative" - the default value for the button.

If type is "decorative" - the default value for the button.

item-group :: string?

If type is "item-group" - the default value for the button.

If type is "item-group" - the default value for the button.

achievement :: string?

If type is "achievement" - the default value for the button.

If type is "achievement" - the default value for the button.

equipment :: string?

If type is "equipment" - the default value for the button.

If type is "equipment" - the default value for the button.

technology :: string?

If type is "technology" - the default value for the button.

If type is "technology" - the default value for the button.

elem_filters :: PrototypeFilter?

Filters describing what to show in the selection window. The applicable filter depends on the elem_type.

Filters describing what to show in the selection window. The applicable filter depends on the elem_type.


text :: string?

The initial text contained in the text-box.

The initial text contained in the text-box.

clear_and_focus_on_right_click :: boolean?

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false.


minimum_value :: double?

The minimum value for the slider. Defaults to 0.

The minimum value for the slider. Defaults to 0.

maximum_value :: double?

The maximum value for the slider. Defaults to 30.

The maximum value for the slider. Defaults to 30.

value :: double?

The initial value for the slider. Defaults to minimum_value.

The initial value for the slider. Defaults to minimum_value.

value_step :: double?

The minimum value the slider can move. Defaults to 1.

The minimum value the slider can move. Defaults to 1.

discrete_slider :: boolean?

Defaults to false.

Defaults to false.

discrete_values :: boolean?

Defaults to true.

Defaults to true.


position :: MapPosition?

The position the minimap centers on. Defaults to the player's current position.

The position the minimap centers on. Defaults to the player's current position.

surface_index :: uint?

The surface the camera will render. Defaults to the player's current surface.

The surface the camera will render. Defaults to the player's current surface.

chart_player_index :: uint?

The player index the map should use. Defaults to the current player.

The player index the map should use. Defaults to the current player.

force :: string?

The force this minimap should use. Defaults to the player's current force.

The force this minimap should use. Defaults to the player's current force.

zoom :: double?

The initial camera zoom. Defaults to 0.75.

The initial camera zoom. Defaults to 0.75.


badge_text :: LocalisedString?

The text to display after the normal tab text (designed to work with numbers).

The text to display after the normal tab text (designed to work with numbers).


switch_state :: string?

Possible values are "left", "right", or "none". If set to "none", allow_none_state must be true. Defaults to "left".

Possible values are "left", "right", or "none". If set to "none", allow_none_state must be true. Defaults to "left".

allow_none_state :: boolean?

Whether the switch can be set to a middle state. Defaults to false.

Whether the switch can be set to a middle state. Defaults to false.

left_label_caption :: LocalisedString?
left_label_tooltip :: LocalisedString?
right_label_caption :: LocalisedString?
right_label_tooltip :: LocalisedString?

Return values

→ LuaGuiElement

The GUI element that was added.


Remove children of this element. Any LuaGuiElement objects referring to the destroyed elements become invalid after this operation.




Remove this element, along with its children. Any LuaGuiElement objects referring to the destroyed elements become invalid after this operation.




The top-level GUI elements - LuaGui::top, LuaGui::left, LuaGui::center and LuaGui::screen - can't be destroyed.

get_mod()  → string?

The mod that owns this Gui element or nil if it's owned by the scenario script.


This has a not-super-expensive, but non-free cost to get.

get_index_in_parent()  → uint

Gets the index that this element has in its parent element.


This iterates through the children of the parent of this element, meaning this has a non-free cost to get, but is faster than doing the equivalent in Lua.

swap_children(index_1, index_2)

Swaps the children at the given indices in this element.


index_1 :: uint

The index of the first child.

The index of the first child.

index_2 :: uint

The index of the second child.

The index of the second child.


Removes the items in this dropdown or listbox.

Can only be used if this is drop-down or list-box

get_item(index)  → LocalisedString

Gets the item at the given index from this dropdown or listbox.


index :: uint

The index to get

The index to get

Can only be used if this is drop-down or list-box

set_item(index, string)

Sets the given string at the given index in this dropdown or listbox.


index :: uint

The index whose text to replace.

The index whose text to replace.

string :: LocalisedString

The text to set at the given index.

The text to set at the given index.

Can only be used if this is drop-down or list-box

add_item(string, index?)

Inserts a string at the end or at the given index of this dropdown or listbox.


string :: LocalisedString

The text to insert.

The text to insert.

index :: uint?

The index at which to insert the item.

The index at which to insert the item.

Can only be used if this is drop-down or list-box


Removes the item at the given index from this dropdown or listbox.


index :: uint

The index

The index

Can only be used if this is drop-down or list-box

get_slider_minimum()  → double

Gets this sliders minimum value.

get_slider_maximum()  → double

Gets this sliders maximum value.

set_slider_minimum_maximum(minimum, maximum)

Sets this sliders minimum and maximum values.


minimum :: double
maximum :: double


The minimum can't be >= the maximum.

get_slider_value_step()  → double

Gets the minimum distance this slider can move.

get_slider_discrete_slider()  → boolean

Returns whether this slider only allows being moved to discrete positions.

get_slider_discrete_values()  → boolean

Returns whether this slider only allows discrete values.


Sets the minimum distance this slider can move.


value :: double


The minimum distance can't be > (max - min).


Sets whether this slider only allows being moved to discrete positions.


value :: boolean


Sets whether this slider only allows discrete values.


value :: boolean


Focuses this GUI element if possible.


Scrolls this scroll bar to the top.

Can only be used if this is scroll-pane or text-box


Scrolls this scroll bar to the bottom.

Can only be used if this is scroll-pane or text-box


Scrolls this scroll bar to the left.

Can only be used if this is scroll-pane or text-box


Scrolls this scroll bar to the right.

Can only be used if this is scroll-pane or text-box

scroll_to_element(element, scroll_mode?)

Scrolls this scroll bar such that the specified GUI element is visible to the player.


element :: LuaGuiElement

The element to scroll to.

The element to scroll to.

scroll_mode :: string?

Where the element should be positioned in the scroll-pane. Must be either "in-view" or "top-third". Defaults to "in-view".

Where the element should be positioned in the scroll-pane. Must be either "in-view" or "top-third". Defaults to "in-view".

Can only be used if this is scroll-pane


Selects all the text in this textbox.

Can only be used if this is textfield or text-box

select(start, end)

Selects a range of text in this textbox.


start :: int

The index of the first character to select

The index of the first character to select

end :: int

The index of the last character to select

The index of the last character to select


Select the characters amp from example:

textbox.select(3, 5)

Move the cursor to the start of the text box:

textbox.select(1, 0)
Can only be used if this is textfield or text-box

add_tab(tab, content)

Adds the given tab and content widgets to this tabbed pane as a new tab.


tab :: LuaGuiElement

The tab to add, must be a GUI element of type "tab".

The tab to add, must be a GUI element of type "tab".

content :: LuaGuiElement

The content to show when this tab is selected. Can be any type of GUI element.

The content to show when this tab is selected. Can be any type of GUI element.

Can only be used if this is tabbed-pane


Removes the given tab and its associated content from this tabbed pane.


tab :: LuaGuiElement

The tab to remove. If not given, it removes all tabs.

The tab to remove. If not given, it removes all tabs.


Removing a tab does not destroy the tab or the tab contents. It just removes them from the view.

When removing tabs, LuaGuiElement::selected_tab_index needs to be manually updated.

Can only be used if this is tabbed-pane


Forces this frame to re-auto-center. Only works on frames stored directly in LuaGui::screen.

Raised events

on_gui_location_changed future_tick
Can only be used if this is frame

scroll_to_item(index, scroll_mode?)

Scrolls the scroll bar such that the specified listbox item is visible to the player.


index :: int

The item index to scroll to.

The item index to scroll to.

scroll_mode :: string?

Where the item should be positioned in the list-box. Must be either "in-view" or "top-third". Defaults to "in-view".

Where the item should be positioned in the list-box. Must be either "in-view" or "top-third". Defaults to "in-view".

Can only be used if this is list-box


Moves this GUI element to the "front" so it will draw over other elements.


Only works for elements in LuaGui::screen


Closes the dropdown list if this is a dropdown and it is open.

help()  → string

All methods and properties that this object supports.


index :: uint Read

The index of this GUI element (unique amongst the GUI elements of a LuaPlayer).

gui :: LuaGui Read

The GUI this element is a child of.

parent :: LuaGuiElement? Read

The direct parent of this element. nil if this is a top-level element.

name :: string Read/Write

The name of this element. "" if no name was set.


game.player.gui.top.greeting.name == "greeting"

caption :: LocalisedString Read/Write

The text displayed on this element. For frames, this is the "heading". For other elements, like buttons or labels, this is the content.


Whilst this attribute may be used on all elements without producing an error, it doesn't make sense for tables and flows as they won't display it.

value :: double Read/Write

How much this progress bar is filled. It is a value in the range [0, 1].

Can only be used if this is progressbar

direction :: string Read

Direction of this element's layout. May be either "horizontal" or "vertical".

Can only be used if this is frame or flow or line

style :: LuaStyle or string Read/Write

The style of this element. When read, this evaluates to a LuaStyle. For writing, it only accepts a string that specifies the textual identifier (prototype name) of the desired style.

visible :: boolean Read/Write

Sets whether this GUI element is visible or completely hidden, taking no space in the layout.

text :: string Read/Write

The text contained in this textfield or text-box.

Can only be used if this is textfield or text-box

children_names :: array[string] Read

Names of all the children of this element. These are the identifiers that can be used to access the child as an attribute of this element.

state :: boolean Read/Write

Is this checkbox or radiobutton checked?

Can only be used if this is checkbox or radiobutton

player_index :: uint Read

Index into LuaGameScript::players specifying the player who owns this element.

sprite :: SpritePath Read/Write

The sprite to display on this sprite-button or sprite in the default state.

Can only be used if this is sprite-button or sprite

resize_to_sprite :: boolean Read/Write

Whether the sprite widget should resize according to the sprite in it. Defaults to true.

Can only be used if this is sprite

hovered_sprite :: SpritePath Read/Write

The sprite to display on this sprite-button when it is hovered.

Can only be used if this is sprite-button

clicked_sprite :: SpritePath Read/Write

The sprite to display on this sprite-button when it is clicked.

Can only be used if this is sprite-button

tooltip :: LocalisedString Read/Write

horizontal_scroll_policy :: string Read/Write

Policy of the horizontal scroll bar. Possible values are "auto", "never", "always", "auto-and-reserve-space", "dont-show-but-allow-scrolling".

Can only be used if this is scroll-pane

vertical_scroll_policy :: string Read/Write

Policy of the vertical scroll bar. Possible values are "auto", "never", "always", "auto-and-reserve-space", "dont-show-but-allow-scrolling".

Can only be used if this is scroll-pane

type :: string Read

The type of this GUI element.

children :: array[LuaGuiElement] Read

The child-elements of this GUI element.

items :: array[LocalisedString] Read/Write

The items in this dropdown or listbox.

Can only be used if this is drop-down or list-box

selected_index :: uint Read/Write

The selected index for this dropdown or listbox. Returns 0 if none is selected.

Can only be used if this is drop-down or list-box

number :: double Read/Write

The number to be shown in the bottom right corner of this sprite-button. Set this to nil to show nothing.

Can only be used if this is sprite-button

show_percent_for_small_numbers :: boolean Read/Write

Related to the number to be shown in the bottom right corner of this sprite-button. When set to true, numbers that are non-zero and smaller than one are shown as a percentage rather than the value. For example, 0.5 will be shown as 50% instead.

Can only be used if this is sprite-button

location :: GuiLocation? Read/Write

The location of this widget when stored in LuaGui::screen. nil if not set or not in LuaGui::screen.

auto_center :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this frame auto-centers on window resize when stored in LuaGui::screen.

Can only be used if this is frame

badge_text :: LocalisedString Read/Write

The text to display after the normal tab text (designed to work with numbers)

Can only be used if this is tab

auto_toggle :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this button will automatically toggle when clicked.

Can only be used if this is button or sprite-button

toggled :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this button is currently toggled. When a button is toggled, it will use the selected_graphical_set and selected_font_color defined in its style.

Can only be used if this is button or sprite-button

game_controller_interaction :: defines.game_controller_interaction Read/Write

How this element should interact with game controllers.

position :: MapPosition Read/Write

The position this camera or minimap is focused on, if any.

Can only be used if this is camera or minimap

surface_index :: uint Read/Write

The surface index this camera or minimap is using.

Can only be used if this is camera or minimap

zoom :: double Read/Write

The zoom this camera or minimap is using. This value must be positive.

Can only be used if this is camera or minimap

minimap_player_index :: uint Read/Write

The player index this minimap is using.

Can only be used if this is minimap

force :: string? Read/Write

The force this minimap is using, if any.

Can only be used if this is minimap

elem_type :: string Read

The elem type of this choose-elem-button.

Can only be used if this is choose-elem-button

elem_value :: string or SignalID? Read/Write

The elem value of this choose-elem-button, if any.


The "signal" type operates with SignalID, while all other types use strings.

Can only be used if this is choose-elem-button

elem_filters :: PrototypeFilter? Read/Write

The elem filters of this choose-elem-button, if any. The compatible type of filter is determined by elem_type.


This will configure a choose-elem-button of type "entity" to only show items of type "furnace".

button.elem_filters = {{filter = "type", type = "furnace"}}

Then, there are some types of filters that work on a specific kind of attribute. The following will configure a choose-elem-button of type "entity" to only show entities that have their "hidden" flags set.

button.elem_filters = {{filter = "hidden"}}

Lastly, these filters can be combined at will, taking care to specify how they should be combined (either "and" or "or". The following will filter for any "entities" that are "furnaces" and that are not "hidden".

button.elem_filters = {{filter = "type", type = "furnace"}, {filter = "hidden", invert = true, mode = "and"}}


Writing to this field does not change or clear the currently selected element.

Can only be used if this is choose-elem-button

selectable :: boolean Read/Write

Whether the contents of this text-box are selectable. Defaults to true.

Can only be used if this is text-box

word_wrap :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this text-box will word-wrap automatically. Defaults to false.

Can only be used if this is text-box

read_only :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this text-box is read-only. Defaults to false.

Can only be used if this is text-box

enabled :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this GUI element is enabled. Disabled GUI elements don't trigger events when clicked.

ignored_by_interaction :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this GUI element is ignored by interaction. This makes clicks on this element 'go through' to the GUI element or even the game surface below it.

locked :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this choose-elem-button can be changed by the player.

Can only be used if this is choose-elem-button

draw_vertical_lines :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this table should draw vertical grid lines.

Can only be used if this is table

draw_horizontal_lines :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this table should draw horizontal grid lines.

Can only be used if this is table

draw_horizontal_line_after_headers :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this table should draw a horizontal grid line below the first table row.

Can only be used if this is table

column_count :: uint Read

The number of columns in this table.

Can only be used if this is table

vertical_centering :: boolean Read/Write

Whether the content of this table should be vertically centered. Overrides LuaStyle::column_alignments. Defaults to true.

Can only be used if this is table

slider_value :: double Read/Write

The value of this slider element.

Can only be used if this is slider

mouse_button_filter :: MouseButtonFlags Read/Write

The mouse button filters for this button or sprite-button.

Can only be used if this is button or sprite-button

numeric :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this textfield is limited to only numberic characters.

Can only be used if this is textfield

allow_decimal :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this textfield (when in numeric mode) allows decimal numbers.

Can only be used if this is textfield

allow_negative :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this textfield (when in numeric mode) allows negative numbers.

Can only be used if this is textfield

is_password :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this textfield displays as a password field, which renders all characters as *.

Can only be used if this is textfield

lose_focus_on_confirm :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this textfield loses focus after defines.events.on_gui_confirmed is fired.

Can only be used if this is textfield

clear_and_focus_on_right_click :: boolean Read/Write

Makes it so right-clicking on this textfield clears and focuses it.

Can only be used if this is textfield or text-box

drag_target :: LuaGuiElement? Read/Write

The frame that is being moved when dragging this GUI element, if any. This element needs to be a child of the drag_target at some level.


This creates a frame that contains a dragging handle which can move the frame.

local frame = player.gui.screen.add{type="frame", direction="vertical"}
local dragger = frame.add{type="empty-widget", style="draggable_space"}
dragger.style.size = {128, 24}
dragger.drag_target = frame


Only top-level elements in LuaGui::screen can be drag_targets.

Can only be used if this is flow or frame or label or table or empty-widget

selected_tab_index :: uint? Read/Write

The selected tab index for this tabbed pane, if any.

Can only be used if this is tabbed-pane

tabs :: array[TabAndContent] Read

The tabs and contents being shown in this tabbed-pane.

Can only be used if this is tabbed-pane

entity :: LuaEntity? Read/Write

The entity associated with this entity-preview, camera, minimap, if any.

Can only be used if this is entity-preview or camera or minimap

anchor :: GuiAnchor? Read/Write

The anchor for this relative widget, if any. Setting nil clears the anchor.

tags :: Tags Read/Write

The tags associated with this LuaGuiElement.

raise_hover_events :: boolean Read/Write

Whether this element will raise on_gui_hover and on_gui_leave.

switch_state :: string Read/Write

The switch state (left, none, right) for this switch.


If LuaGuiElement::allow_none_state is false this can't be set to "none".

Can only be used if this is switch

allow_none_state :: boolean Read/Write

Whether the "none" state is allowed for this switch.


This can't be set to false if the current switch_state is 'none'.

Can only be used if this is switch

left_label_caption :: LocalisedString Read/Write

The text shown for the left switch label.

Can only be used if this is switch

left_label_tooltip :: LocalisedString Read/Write

The tooltip shown on the left switch label.

Can only be used if this is switch

right_label_caption :: LocalisedString Read/Write

The text shown for the right switch label.

Can only be used if this is switch

right_label_tooltip :: LocalisedString Read/Write

The tooltip shown on the right switch label.

Can only be used if this is switch

valid :: boolean Read

Is this object valid? This Lua object holds a reference to an object within the game engine. It is possible that the game-engine object is removed whilst a mod still holds the corresponding Lua object. If that happens, the object becomes invalid, i.e. this attribute will be false. Mods are advised to check for object validity if any change to the game state might have occurred between the creation of the Lua object and its access.

object_name :: string Read

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.


[] (index) :: LuaGuiElement ?

The indexing operator. Gets children by name.





Builtin types
