Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 1.1.95

VirtualSignalPrototype - 'virtual-signal'

Inherits from PrototypeBase


icons optional :: array[IconData]

The icon that is used to represent this virtual signal.

The icon that is used to represent this virtual signal.

icon optional :: FileName

Path to the icon file that is used to represent this virtual signal.

Path to the icon file that is used to represent this virtual signal.

icon_size optional :: SpriteSizeType

The size of the square icon, in pixels, e.g.

The size of the square icon, in pixels, e.g.

icon_mipmaps optional :: IconMipMapType

Icons of reduced size will be used at decreased scale.

Icons of reduced size will be used at decreased scale.

subgroup optional :: ItemSubGroupID

The name of a ItemSubGroup.

The name of a ItemSubGroup.

Inherited from PrototypeBase
type :: string

Specifies the kind of prototype this is.

Specifies the kind of prototype this is.

name :: string

Unique textual identification of the prototype.

Unique textual identification of the prototype.

order optional :: Order

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs.

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs.

localised_name optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the name set in the locale file.

Overwrites the name set in the locale file.

localised_description optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the description set in the locale file.

Overwrites the description set in the locale file.


icons :: array[IconData] optional

The icon that is used to represent this virtual signal. Can't be an empty array.

icon :: FileName optional

Path to the icon file that is used to represent this virtual signal.

Mandatory if icons is not defined.

icon_size :: SpriteSizeType optional

The size of the square icon, in pixels, e.g. 32 for a 32px by 32px icon.

Mandatory if icons is not defined, or if icon_size is not specified for all instances of icons.

icon_mipmaps :: IconMipMapType optional

Default: 0

Icons of reduced size will be used at decreased scale.

subgroup :: ItemSubGroupID optional

Default: "virtual-signal"

The name of a ItemSubGroup.

