Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 1.1.95

BeaconModuleVisualization :: struct


has_empty_slot optional :: bool
draw_as_light optional :: bool
draw_as_sprite optional :: bool
secondary_draw_order optional :: int8

Used to determine render order for sprites with the same render_layer in the same position.

Used to determine render order for sprites with the same render_layer in the same position.

apply_module_tint optional :: ModuleTint

Which tint set in ModulePrototype::beacon_tint should be applied to this, if any.

Which tint set in ModulePrototype::beacon_tint should be applied to this, if any.

render_layer optional :: RenderLayer
pictures optional :: SpriteVariations


has_empty_slot :: bool optional

Default: false

draw_as_light :: bool optional

Default: false

draw_as_sprite :: bool optional

Default: true

secondary_draw_order :: int8 optional

Default: 0

Used to determine render order for sprites with the same render_layer in the same position. Sprites with a higher secondary_draw_order are drawn on top.

apply_module_tint :: ModuleTint optional

Default: "none"

Which tint set in ModulePrototype::beacon_tint should be applied to this, if any.

render_layer :: RenderLayer optional

Default: "object"

pictures :: SpriteVariations optional

