Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 1.1.100

Class LuaRemote

Registry of interfaces between scripts. An interface is simply a dictionary mapping names to functions. A script or mod can then register an interface with LuaRemote, after that any script can call the registered functions, provided it knows the interface name and the desired function name. An instance of LuaRemote is available through the global object named remote.


Will register a remote interface containing two functions. Later, it will call these functions through remote.

remote.add_interface("human interactor",
                     {hello = function() game.player.print("Hi!") end,
                      bye = function(name) game.player.print("Bye " .. name) end})
-- Some time later, possibly in a different mod...
remote.call("human interactor", "hello")
remote.call("human interactor", "bye", "dear reader")


add_interface(name, functions)

Add a remote interface.

Add a remote interface.

remove_interface(name)  → boolean

Removes an interface with the given name.

Removes an interface with the given name.

call(interface, function, ...)  → Any?

Call a function of an interface.

Call a function of an interface.

object_name [R] :: string

This object's name.

This object's name.

interfaces [R] :: dictionary[string → dictionary[string → true]]

List of all registered interfaces.

List of all registered interfaces.


add_interface(name, functions)

Add a remote interface.


name :: string

Name of the interface. If the name matches any existing interface, an error is thrown.

Name of the interface. If the name matches any existing interface, an error is thrown.

functions :: dictionary[string → function()]

List of functions that are members of the new interface.

List of functions that are members of the new interface.

remove_interface(name)  → boolean

Removes an interface with the given name.


name :: string

Name of the interface.

Name of the interface.

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the interface was removed. False if the interface didn't exist.

call(interface, function, ...)  → Any?

Call a function of an interface.


interface :: string

Interface to look up function in.

Interface to look up function in.

function :: string

Function name that belongs to the interface.

Function name that belongs to the interface.

... :: Any

Arguments to pass to the called function. Note that any arguments passed through the interface are a copy of the original, not a reference. Metatables are not retained, while references to LuaObjects stay intact.

Arguments to pass to the called function. Note that any arguments passed through the interface are a copy of the original, not a reference. Metatables are not retained, while references to LuaObjects stay intact.


object_name :: stringRead

This object's name.

interfaces :: dictionary[string → dictionary[string → true]] Read

List of all registered interfaces. For each interface name, remote.interfaces[name] is a dictionary mapping the interface's registered functions to true.


Assuming the "human interactor" interface is registered as above

game.player.print(tostring(remote.interfaces["human interactor"]["hello"]))        -- prints true
game.player.print(tostring(remote.interfaces["human interactor"]["nonexistent"]))  -- prints nil





Builtin types