Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 1.1.100

FuelCategory - 'fuel-category'

Each item which has a fuel_value must have a fuel category. The fuel categories are used to allow only certain fuels to be used in EnergySource.

Prototype limited to 255 total instances.

Inherits from PrototypeBase


No new properties
Inherited from PrototypeBase
type :: string

Specifies the kind of prototype this is.

Specifies the kind of prototype this is.

name :: string

Unique textual identification of the prototype.

Unique textual identification of the prototype.

order optional :: Order

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs.

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs.

localised_name optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the name set in the locale file.

Overwrites the name set in the locale file.

localised_description optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the description set in the locale file.

Overwrites the description set in the locale file.

