Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 1.1.100

RocketSiloRocketPrototype - 'rocket-silo-rocket'

The rocket inside the rocket silo.

Inherits from EntityPrototype « PrototypeBase


Inherited from EntityPrototype
icons optional :: array[IconData]

This will be used in the electric network statistics, editor building selection, and the bonus gui.

This will be used in the electric network statistics, editor building selection, and the bonus gui.

icon optional :: FileName

Path to the icon file.

Path to the icon file.

icon_size optional :: SpriteSizeType

The size of the square icon, in pixels, e.g.

The size of the square icon, in pixels, e.g.

icon_mipmaps optional :: IconMipMapType

Icons of reduced size will be used at decreased scale.

Icons of reduced size will be used at decreased scale.

collision_box optional :: BoundingBox

Specification of the entity collision boundaries.

Specification of the entity collision boundaries.

collision_mask optional :: CollisionMask

Two entities can collide only if they share a layer from the collision mask.

Two entities can collide only if they share a layer from the collision mask.

map_generator_bounding_box optional :: BoundingBox

Used instead of the collision box during map generation.

Used instead of the collision box during map generation.

selection_box optional :: BoundingBox

Specification of the entity selection area.

Specification of the entity selection area.

drawing_box optional :: BoundingBox

Specification of space needed to see the whole entity in GUIs.

Specification of space needed to see the whole entity in GUIs.

sticker_box optional :: BoundingBox

Used to set the area of the entity that can have stickers on it, currently only used for units to specify the area where the green slow down stickers can appear.

Used to set the area of the entity that can have stickers on it, currently only used for units to specify the area where the green slow down stickers can appear.

hit_visualization_box optional :: BoundingBox

Where beams should hit the entity.

Where beams should hit the entity.

trigger_target_mask optional :: TriggerTargetMask
flags optional :: EntityPrototypeFlags
minable optional :: MinableProperties

The item given to the player when they mine the entity and other properties relevant to mining this entity.

The item given to the player when they mine the entity and other properties relevant to mining this entity.

subgroup optional :: ItemSubGroupID

The name of the subgroup this entity should be sorted into in the map editor building selection.

The name of the subgroup this entity should be sorted into in the map editor building selection.

allow_copy_paste optional :: bool
selectable_in_game optional :: bool
selection_priority optional :: uint8

The entity with the higher number is selectable before the entity with the lower number.

The entity with the higher number is selectable before the entity with the lower number.

build_grid_size optional :: uint8

Supported values are 1 (for 1x1 grid) and 2 (for 2x2 grid, like rails).

Supported values are 1 (for 1x1 grid) and 2 (for 2x2 grid, like rails).

remove_decoratives optional :: "automatic" or "true" or "false"

Whether this entity should remove decoratives that collide with it when this entity is built.

Whether this entity should remove decoratives that collide with it when this entity is built.

emissions_per_second optional :: double

Amount of emissions created (positive number) or cleaned (negative number) every second by the entity.

Amount of emissions created (positive number) or cleaned (negative number) every second by the entity.

shooting_cursor_size optional :: float

The cursor size used when shooting at this entity.

The cursor size used when shooting at this entity.

created_smoke optional :: CreateTrivialSmokeEffectItem

The smoke that is shown when the entity is placed.

The smoke that is shown when the entity is placed.

working_sound optional :: WorkingSound

Will also work on entities that don't actually do work.

Will also work on entities that don't actually do work.

created_effect optional :: Trigger

The effect/trigger that happens when the entity is placed.

The effect/trigger that happens when the entity is placed.

build_sound optional :: Sound
mined_sound optional :: Sound
mining_sound optional :: Sound
rotated_sound optional :: Sound
vehicle_impact_sound optional :: Sound

When playing this sound, the volume is scaled by the speed of the vehicle when colliding with this entity.

When playing this sound, the volume is scaled by the speed of the vehicle when colliding with this entity.

open_sound optional :: Sound
close_sound optional :: Sound
radius_visualisation_specification optional :: RadiusVisualisationSpecification
build_base_evolution_requirement optional :: double
alert_icon_shift optional :: Vector
alert_icon_scale optional :: float
fast_replaceable_group optional :: string

This allows you to replace an entity that's already placed, with a different one in your inventory.

This allows you to replace an entity that's already placed, with a different one in your inventory.

next_upgrade optional :: EntityID

Name of the entity that will be automatically selected as the upgrade of this entity when using the upgrade planner without configuration.

Name of the entity that will be automatically selected as the upgrade of this entity when using the upgrade planner without configuration.

protected_from_tile_building optional :: bool

When this is true, this entity prototype should be included during tile collision checks with tiles that have TilePrototype::check_collision_with_entities set to true.

When this is true, this entity prototype should be included during tile collision checks with tiles that have TilePrototype::check_collision_with_entities set to true.

placeable_by optional :: ItemToPlace or array[ItemToPlace]

Item that when placed creates this entity.

Item that when placed creates this entity.

remains_when_mined optional :: EntityID or array[EntityID]

The entity that remains when this one is mined, deconstructed or fast-replaced.

The entity that remains when this one is mined, deconstructed or fast-replaced.

additional_pastable_entities optional :: array[EntityID]

Names of the entity prototypes this entity prototype can be pasted on to in addition to the standard supported types.

Names of the entity prototypes this entity prototype can be pasted on to in addition to the standard supported types.

tile_width optional :: uint32

Used to determine how the center of the entity should be positioned when building (unless the off-grid flag is specified).

Used to determine how the center of the entity should be positioned when building (unless the off-grid flag is specified).

tile_height optional :: uint32
autoplace optional :: AutoplaceSpecification

Used to specify the rules for placing this entity during map generation.

Used to specify the rules for placing this entity during map generation.

map_color optional :: Color
friendly_map_color optional :: Color
enemy_map_color optional :: Color
water_reflection optional :: WaterReflectionDefinition

May also be defined inside graphics_set instead of directly in the entity prototype.

May also be defined inside graphics_set instead of directly in the entity prototype.

Inherited from PrototypeBase
type :: string

Specifies the kind of prototype this is.

Specifies the kind of prototype this is.

name :: string

Unique textual identification of the prototype.

Unique textual identification of the prototype.

order optional :: Order

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs.

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs.

localised_name optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the name set in the locale file.

Overwrites the name set in the locale file.

localised_description optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the description set in the locale file.

Overwrites the description set in the locale file.


rocket_sprite :: Sprite

rocket_shadow_sprite :: Sprite

rocket_glare_overlay_sprite :: Sprite

rocket_smoke_bottom1_animation :: Animation

rocket_smoke_bottom2_animation :: Animation

rocket_smoke_top1_animation :: Animation

rocket_smoke_top2_animation :: Animation

rocket_smoke_top3_animation :: Animation

rocket_flame_animation :: Animation

rocket_flame_left_animation :: Animation

rocket_flame_right_animation :: Animation

rocket_rise_offset :: Vector

rocket_flame_left_rotation :: float

rocket_flame_right_rotation :: float

rocket_render_layer_switch_distance :: double

full_render_layer_switch_distance :: double

rocket_launch_offset :: Vector

effects_fade_in_start_distance :: double

effects_fade_in_end_distance :: double

shadow_fade_out_start_ratio :: double

shadow_fade_out_end_ratio :: double

rocket_visible_distance_from_center :: float

rising_speed :: double

engine_starting_speed :: double

flying_speed :: double

flying_acceleration :: double

inventory_size :: ItemStackIndex

shadow_slave_entity :: EntityID optional

dying_explosion :: EntityID optional

glow_light :: LightDefinition optional

rocket_initial_offset :: Vector optional

rocket_above_wires_slice_offset_from_center :: float optional

Default: -3

rocket_air_object_slice_offset_from_center :: float optional

Default: -5.5

flying_trigger :: TriggerEffect optional

