Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 1.1.100

PipeConnectionDefinition :: struct


position optional :: Vector

Where pipes can connect to this fluidbox regardless the directions of entity.

Where pipes can connect to this fluidbox regardless the directions of entity.

positions optional :: array[Vector]

Only loaded, and mandatory if position is not defined.

Only loaded, and mandatory if position is not defined.

max_underground_distance optional :: uint32

0 means not underground.

0 means not underground.

type optional :: union


position :: Vector optional

Where pipes can connect to this fluidbox regardless the directions of entity.

positions :: array[Vector] optional

Only loaded, and mandatory if position is not defined.

Where pipes can connect to this fluidbox, depending on the entity direction.

Table must have 4 members, which are 4 explicit positions corresponding to the 4 directions of entity. Positions must correspond to directions going one after another.

max_underground_distance :: uint32 optional

Default: 0

0 means not underground.

type :: union optional

Default: "input-output"

Union members


