Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 1.1.107

NoiseVariable :: struct Example code

Variables referencing named noise expressions may have their reference overridden by other named noise expression if their intended_property is the variable name and it is selected by the user in the map generator GUI. See the second example on NamedNoiseExpression::intended_property.


type :: "variable"
variable_name :: "x" or "y" or NoiseVariableConstants or BaseNamedNoiseExpressions or string

A string referring to a pre-defined variable, constant, or NamedNoiseExpression. [...]

A string referring to a pre-defined variable, constant, or NamedNoiseExpression. [...]


type :: "variable"

variable_name :: "x" or "y" or NoiseVariableConstants or BaseNamedNoiseExpressions or string

A string referring to a pre-defined variable, constant, or NamedNoiseExpression.

The "x" or "y" variables refer to the current coordinates of the map position being evaluated.

The constants refer to a set of values mostly defined by MapGenSettings.

The named noise expressions refer to one of the notable BaseNamedNoiseExpressions, or any other existing one by name.


local noise = require("noise")

local y =
  type = "variable",
  variable_name = "y" -- predefined variable
local x = noise.var("x") -- predefined variable, with the noise lib

local width =
  type = "variable",
  variable_name = "map_width" -- predefined constant
local height = noise.var("map_height") -- predefined constant, with the noise lib

local aux =
  type = "variable",
  variable_name = "aux" -- named noise expression
local cliffiness = noise.var("cliffiness") -- named noise expression, with the noise lib

