Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

DestroyDecorativesTriggerEffectItem :: struct

Inherits from TriggerEffectItem


type :: "destroy-decoratives"
radius :: float
from_render_layer optional :: RenderLayer
to_render_layer optional :: RenderLayer
include_soft_decoratives optional :: boolean

Soft decoratives are those where DecorativePrototype::grows_through_rail_path is true.

Soft decoratives are those where DecorativePrototype::grows_through_rail_path is true.

include_decals optional :: boolean
invoke_decorative_trigger optional :: boolean
decoratives_with_trigger_only optional :: boolean

If true, only decoratives with a DecorativePrototype::trigger_effect will be destroyed.

If true, only decoratives with a DecorativePrototype::trigger_effect will be destroyed.

Inherited from TriggerEffectItem
repeat_count optional :: uint16
repeat_count_deviation optional :: uint16
probability optional :: float

Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.

Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.

affects_target optional :: boolean
show_in_tooltip optional :: boolean
damage_type_filters optional :: DamageTypeFilters


type :: "destroy-decoratives"

radius :: float

from_render_layer :: RenderLayer optional

Default: first layer

to_render_layer :: RenderLayer optional

Default: last layer

include_soft_decoratives :: boolean optional

Default: false

Soft decoratives are those where DecorativePrototype::grows_through_rail_path is true.

include_decals :: boolean optional

Default: false

invoke_decorative_trigger :: boolean optional

Default: true

decoratives_with_trigger_only :: boolean optional

Default: false

If true, only decoratives with a DecorativePrototype::trigger_effect will be destroyed.

Type used in


