Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

HeatConnection :: struct

Defines the connections for HeatEnergySource and HeatBuffer.


position :: MapPosition

The location of the heat pipe connection, relative to the center of the entity in the north-facing direction.

The location of the heat pipe connection, relative to the center of the entity in the north-facing direction.

direction :: Direction

The "outward" direction of this heat connection. [...]

The "outward" direction of this heat connection. [...]


position :: MapPosition

The location of the heat pipe connection, relative to the center of the entity in the north-facing direction.

direction :: Direction

The "outward" direction of this heat connection. For a connection to succeed, the other heat connection must face the opposite direction (a south-facing connection needs a north-facing connection to succeed). A connection rotates with the entity.


