Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.37

TileTransitionSpritesheetLayout :: struct Example code

The properties from the parent TileSpriteLayoutVariant provide defaults for the TileTransitionVariantLayouts.

The {inner_corner | outer_corner | side | double_side | u_transition | o_transition}_* properties provide defaults for the corresponding properties in the TileTransitionVariantLayouts. They are used when the TileTransitionVariantLayouts have the same layout. See the example below.

Inherits from TileSpriteLayoutVariant


overlay optional :: TileTransitionVariantLayout

Only loaded if TileTransitions::overlay_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

Only loaded if TileTransitions::overlay_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

mask optional :: TileTransitionVariantLayout

Only loaded if TileTransitions::mask_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

Only loaded if TileTransitions::mask_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

background optional :: TileTransitionVariantLayout

Only loaded if TileTransitions::background_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

Only loaded if TileTransitions::background_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

background_mask optional :: TileTransitionVariantLayout

Only loaded if TileTransitions::background_mask_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

Only loaded if TileTransitions::background_mask_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

effect_map optional :: TileTransitionVariantLayout

Only loaded if TileTransitions::effect_map_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

Only loaded if TileTransitions::effect_map_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

lightmap optional :: TileTransitionVariantLayout

Only loaded if TileTransitions::lightmap_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

Only loaded if TileTransitions::lightmap_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

auxiliary_effect_mask optional :: TileTransitionVariantLayout

Only loaded if TileTransitions::auxiliary_effect_mask_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

Only loaded if TileTransitions::auxiliary_effect_mask_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

inner_corner_scale optional :: float
inner_corner_x optional :: SpriteSizeType

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

inner_corner_y optional :: SpriteSizeType

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

inner_corner_tile_height optional :: uint8
inner_corner_line_length optional :: uint8
inner_corner_count optional :: uint8
outer_corner_scale optional :: float
outer_corner_x optional :: SpriteSizeType

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

outer_corner_y optional :: SpriteSizeType

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

outer_corner_tile_height optional :: uint8
outer_corner_line_length optional :: uint8
outer_corner_count optional :: uint8
side_scale optional :: float
side_x optional :: SpriteSizeType

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

side_y optional :: SpriteSizeType

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

side_tile_height optional :: uint8
side_line_length optional :: uint8
side_count optional :: uint8
double_side_scale optional :: float
double_side_x optional :: SpriteSizeType

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

double_side_y optional :: SpriteSizeType

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

double_side_tile_height optional :: uint8
double_side_line_length optional :: uint8
double_side_count optional :: uint8
u_transition_scale optional :: float
u_transition_x optional :: SpriteSizeType

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

u_transition_y optional :: SpriteSizeType

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

u_transition_tile_height optional :: uint8
u_transition_line_length optional :: uint8
u_transition_count optional :: uint8
o_transition_scale optional :: float
o_transition_x optional :: SpriteSizeType

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

o_transition_y optional :: SpriteSizeType

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

o_transition_tile_height optional :: uint8
o_transition_line_length optional :: uint8
o_transition_count optional :: uint8

Inherited from TileSpriteLayoutVariant
spritesheet optional :: FileName
scale optional :: float
x optional :: SpriteSizeType

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

y optional :: SpriteSizeType

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

tile_height optional :: uint8

Height of the transition sprite in tiles. [...]

Height of the transition sprite in tiles. [...]

line_length optional :: uint8

Once the specified number of pictures is loaded, other pictures are loaded on other line. [...]

Once the specified number of pictures is loaded, other pictures are loaded on other line. [...]

count optional :: uint8

Frame count.

Frame count.


overlay :: TileTransitionVariantLayout optional

Only loaded if TileTransitions::overlay_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

mask :: TileTransitionVariantLayout optional

Only loaded if TileTransitions::mask_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

background :: TileTransitionVariantLayout optional

Only loaded if TileTransitions::background_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

background_mask :: TileTransitionVariantLayout optional

Only loaded if TileTransitions::background_mask_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

effect_map :: TileTransitionVariantLayout optional

Only loaded if TileTransitions::effect_map_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

lightmap :: TileTransitionVariantLayout optional

Only loaded if TileTransitions::lightmap_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

auxiliary_effect_mask :: TileTransitionVariantLayout optional

Only loaded if TileTransitions::auxiliary_effect_mask_layout is not defined in the TileTransitions that load this.

inner_corner_scale :: float optional

inner_corner_x :: SpriteSizeType optional

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

inner_corner_y :: SpriteSizeType optional

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

inner_corner_tile_height :: uint8 optional

inner_corner_line_length :: uint8 optional

inner_corner_count :: uint8 optional

outer_corner_scale :: float optional

outer_corner_x :: SpriteSizeType optional

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

outer_corner_y :: SpriteSizeType optional

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

outer_corner_tile_height :: uint8 optional

outer_corner_line_length :: uint8 optional

outer_corner_count :: uint8 optional

side_scale :: float optional

side_x :: SpriteSizeType optional

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

side_y :: SpriteSizeType optional

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

side_tile_height :: uint8 optional

side_line_length :: uint8 optional

side_count :: uint8 optional

double_side_scale :: float optional

double_side_x :: SpriteSizeType optional

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

double_side_y :: SpriteSizeType optional

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

double_side_tile_height :: uint8 optional

double_side_line_length :: uint8 optional

double_side_count :: uint8 optional

u_transition_scale :: float optional

u_transition_x :: SpriteSizeType optional

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

u_transition_y :: SpriteSizeType optional

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

u_transition_tile_height :: uint8 optional

u_transition_line_length :: uint8 optional

u_transition_count :: uint8 optional

o_transition_scale :: float optional

o_transition_x :: SpriteSizeType optional

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

o_transition_y :: SpriteSizeType optional

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

o_transition_tile_height :: uint8 optional

o_transition_line_length :: uint8 optional

o_transition_count :: uint8 optional


-- all the layers use the same layout, at different offsets inside the spritesheet
layout =
  scale = 0.5,
  inner_corner_count = 8,
  outer_corner_count = 8,
  o_transition_count = 1,
  outer_corner_x = 576,
  u_transition_x = 1728,

  overlay = { y_offset = 0 },  -- 0 is default, but by defining overlay property, we enable the layer
  mask = { y_offset = 512 },
  background = { y_offset = 1024 }


