art_style | :: string | The visualization is chosen based on the ModulePrototype::art_style, meaning if module art style equals beacon module visualization art style then this visualization is chosen. [...] |
The visualization is chosen based on the ModulePrototype::art_style, meaning if module art style equals beacon module visualization art style then this visualization is chosen. [...] | ||
use_for_empty_slots optional | :: boolean | |
tier_offset optional | :: int32 | |
slots optional | :: array[array[BeaconModuleVisualization]] | The outer array contains the different slots, the inner array contains the different layers for those slots (with different tints etc). [...] |
The outer array contains the different slots, the inner array contains the different layers for those slots (with different tints etc). [...] |
art_style | :: string | The visualization is chosen based on the ModulePrototype::art_style, meaning if module art style equals beacon module visualization art style then this visualization is chosen. [...] |
The visualization is chosen based on the ModulePrototype::art_style, meaning if module art style equals beacon module visualization art style then this visualization is chosen. [...] | ||
slots optional | :: array[array[BeaconModuleVisualization]] | The outer array contains the different slots, the inner array contains the different layers for those slots (with different tints etc). [...] |
The outer array contains the different slots, the inner array contains the different layers for those slots (with different tints etc). [...] | ||
tier_offset optional | :: int32 | |
use_for_empty_slots optional | :: boolean |
The visualization is chosen based on the ModulePrototype::art_style, meaning if module art style equals beacon module visualization art style then this visualization is chosen. Vanilla uses "vanilla"
Default: 0
The outer array contains the different slots, the inner array contains the different layers for those slots (with different tints etc). Example:
slots =
{ --slot 1
{ --layer 1 of slot 1
BeaconModuleVisualization data
{ --layer 2 of slot 1
BeaconModuleVisualization data
{ --slot 2
{ --layer 1 of slot 2
BeaconModuleVisualization data
{ --layer 2 of slot 2
BeaconModuleVisualization data
{ --layer 3 of slot 2
BeaconModuleVisualization data