Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

RailPictureSet :: struct


north :: RailPieceLayers
northeast :: RailPieceLayers
east :: RailPieceLayers
southeast :: RailPieceLayers
south :: RailPieceLayers
southwest :: RailPieceLayers
west :: RailPieceLayers
northwest :: RailPieceLayers
front_rail_endings optional :: Sprite16Way
back_rail_endings optional :: Sprite16Way
rail_endings optional :: Sprite16Way

Can be used to load rail endings instead of the front and back variants. [...]

Can be used to load rail endings instead of the front and back variants. [...]

segment_visualisation_endings optional :: RotatedAnimation

Must contain exactly 16 directions and 6 frames.

Must contain exactly 16 directions and 6 frames.

render_layers :: RailRenderLayers
secondary_render_layers optional :: RailRenderLayers
slice_origin optional :: RailsSliceOffsets
fog_mask optional :: RailsFogMaskDefinitions


north :: RailPieceLayers

northeast :: RailPieceLayers

southeast :: RailPieceLayers

south :: RailPieceLayers

southwest :: RailPieceLayers

northwest :: RailPieceLayers

front_rail_endings :: Sprite16Way optional

Default: Value of rail_endings

back_rail_endings :: Sprite16Way optional

Default: Value of rail_endings

rail_endings :: Sprite16Way optional

Can be used to load rail endings instead of the front and back variants.

Only loaded if front_rail_endings or back_rail_endings are not defined.

segment_visualisation_endings :: RotatedAnimation optional

Must contain exactly 16 directions and 6 frames.

render_layers :: RailRenderLayers

secondary_render_layers :: RailRenderLayers optional

Default: Value of render_layers

slice_origin :: RailsSliceOffsets optional

RailsSliceOffsets :: struct


north :: Vector optional

east :: Vector optional

south :: Vector optional

west :: Vector optional

fog_mask :: RailsFogMaskDefinitions optional

RailsFogMaskDefinitions :: struct


north :: FogMaskShapeDefinition optional

east :: FogMaskShapeDefinition optional

south :: FogMaskShapeDefinition optional

west :: FogMaskShapeDefinition optional


