Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

SpiderVehicleGraphicsSet :: struct

Used to specify the graphics for SpiderVehiclePrototype.

Inherits from SpiderTorsoGraphicsSet


autopilot_destination_visualisation_render_layer optional :: RenderLayer
light optional :: LightDefinition
eye_light optional :: LightDefinition

Placed in multiple positions, as determined by light_positions.

Placed in multiple positions, as determined by light_positions.

autopilot_destination_on_map_visualisation optional :: Animation
autopilot_destination_queue_on_map_visualisation optional :: Animation
autopilot_destination_visualisation optional :: Animation
autopilot_destination_queue_visualisation optional :: Animation
autopilot_path_visualisation_line_width optional :: float
autopilot_path_visualisation_on_map_line_width optional :: float
light_positions optional :: array[array[Vector]]

Defines where each eye_light is placed. [...]

Defines where each eye_light is placed. [...]

default_color optional :: float

The default mask color for the spider vehicle. [...]

The default mask color for the spider vehicle. [...]

Inherited from SpiderTorsoGraphicsSet


autopilot_destination_visualisation_render_layer :: RenderLayer optional

Default: "object"

light :: LightDefinition optional

eye_light :: LightDefinition optional

Placed in multiple positions, as determined by light_positions.

autopilot_destination_on_map_visualisation :: Animation optional

autopilot_destination_queue_on_map_visualisation :: Animation optional

autopilot_destination_visualisation :: Animation optional

autopilot_destination_queue_visualisation :: Animation optional

autopilot_path_visualisation_line_width :: float optional

Default: 0.125

autopilot_path_visualisation_on_map_line_width :: float optional

Default: 2.0

light_positions :: array[array[Vector]] optional

Defines where each eye_light is placed. One array per eye and each of those arrays should contain one position per body direction.

default_color :: float optional

The default mask color for the spider vehicle. Defaults to orange.


