Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

Order :: stringExample code

The order property is a simple string. When the game needs to sort prototypes (of the same type), it looks at their order properties and sorts those alphabetically. A prototype with an order string of "a" will be listed before other prototypes with order string "b" or "c". The "-" or "[]" structures that can be found in vanilla order strings do not have any special meaning.

The alphabetical sorting uses lexicographical comparison to determine if a given prototype is shown before or after another. If the order strings are equal then the game falls back to comparing the prototype names to determine order.


{  -- This item will be shown after the below one
  type = "item",
  name = "item-1",
  order = "ad",
{  -- This item will be shown before the above one
  type = "item",
  name = "item-2",
  order = "ab",
-- The order of special characters can be identified by looking at a UTF-8 character list.
-- This is the order some common characters are sorted in:
-- The following order strings would be ordered thusly then:
"azaaa"  -- "b" is sorted before "z", so "ab" comes before "az", regardless of the letters following it
"b[aaa]" -- "[" is sorted after "-" in UTF-8
"bb"  -- "b" is sorted after "[" in UTF-8


