Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

ProcessionTimeline :: struct

A wrapper for a collection of ProcessionLayers.


duration :: MapTick

The time to play this cutscene regardless of individual layer durations.

The time to play this cutscene regardless of individual layer durations.

special_action_tick optional :: MapTick

Time to initiate usage specific actions:

  • Ascending animation will detach from rocket on this tick.

  • Descending animation will request hatch to be opened.

Time to initiate usage specific actions:

  • Ascending animation will detach from rocket on this tick.

  • Descending animation will request hatch to be opened.

draw_switch_tick optional :: MapTick

During procession, the pod will at some point start being drawn above the rest of the game:

  • When ascending this tick will go from world to above.

  • When descending this tick will go from above to world.

Notably, LUT override won't be applied until the pod is drawn above the game.

During procession, the pod will at some point start being drawn above the rest of the game:

  • When ascending this tick will go from world to above.

  • When descending this tick will go from above to world.

Notably, LUT override won't be applied until the pod is drawn above the game.

intermezzo_min_duration optional :: MapTick

The real duration of the intermezzo playing will be above this value.

The real duration of the intermezzo playing will be above this value.

intermezzo_max_duration optional :: MapTick

The real duration of the intermezzo playing will be below this value.

The real duration of the intermezzo playing will be below this value.

layers :: array[ProcessionLayer]
audio_events optional :: array[ProcessionAudioEvent]


duration :: MapTick

The time to play this cutscene regardless of individual layer durations.

special_action_tick :: MapTick optional

Default: 1/2 of duration

Time to initiate usage specific actions:

  • Ascending animation will detach from rocket on this tick.

  • Descending animation will request hatch to be opened.

draw_switch_tick :: MapTick optional

Default: 1/2 of duration

During procession, the pod will at some point start being drawn above the rest of the game:

  • When ascending this tick will go from world to above.

  • When descending this tick will go from above to world.

Notably, LUT override won't be applied until the pod is drawn above the game.

intermezzo_min_duration :: MapTick optional

Default: 0

The real duration of the intermezzo playing will be above this value.

intermezzo_max_duration :: MapTick optional

Default: 0

The real duration of the intermezzo playing will be below this value.

layers :: array[ProcessionLayer]

audio_events :: array[ProcessionAudioEvent] optional


