Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.37

PodMovementProcessionLayer :: struct Example code


type :: "pod-movement"
reference_group optional :: ProcessionLayerInheritanceGroupID

The group this layer belongs to, for inheritance.

The group this layer belongs to, for inheritance.

inherit_from optional :: ProcessionLayerInheritanceGroupID

Adds the final position value from given layer to this one.

Adds the final position value from given layer to this one.

contribute_to_distance_traveled optional :: bool
distance_traveled_contribution optional :: float
frames :: array[PodMovementProcessionBezierControlPoint]


type :: "pod-movement"

reference_group :: ProcessionLayerInheritanceGroupID optional

The group this layer belongs to, for inheritance.

inherit_from :: ProcessionLayerInheritanceGroupID optional

Adds the final position value from given layer to this one.

contribute_to_distance_traveled :: bool optional

Default: true

distance_traveled_contribution :: float optional

Default: 1.0

frames :: array[PodMovementProcessionBezierControlPoint]

PodMovementProcessionBezierControlPoint :: struct

One frame in time for a Bezier interpolation.


timestamp :: MapTick optional

Mandatory if tilt is defined.

tilt :: double optional

tilt and tilt_t interpolate a double smoothly over time.

tilt_t :: double optional

Bidirectional tangent at the given timestamp.

offset :: Vector optional

offset and offset_t interpolate a vector smoothly over time using offset_rate and offset_rate_t for a 0-1 rate curve.

Vector value.

offset_t :: Vector optional

Vector tangent.

offset_rate :: double optional

Rate 0-1 value.

offset_rate_t :: double optional

Rate tangent.


  type = "pod-movement",
  frames =
    { timestamp = 700 , tilt = 0.0               , tilt_t = 0 },
    { timestamp = 700 , offset = {0, 0 - 500}    , offset_t = {0, -40} },
    { timestamp = 900 , offset = {15, -60 - 500} , offset_t = {-10, -10} },
    { timestamp = 900 , opacity = 1.0 },
    { timestamp = 960 , tilt = 0.05              , tilt_t = -0.03 },
    { timestamp = 1050, tilt = 0.25              , tilt_t = 0 },
    { timestamp = 1050, offset = {40, -70 - 500} , offset_t = {-1, 0} },
    { timestamp = 1050, opacity = 0.0 },
    { timestamp = 700 , offset_rate = 0 },
    { timestamp = 1050, offset_rate = 1.0 }

Type used in


