Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

SurfaceRenderParameters :: struct


day_night_cycle_color_lookup optional :: DaytimeColorLookupTable
shadow_opacity optional :: float
draw_sprite_clouds optional :: bool

When set to true and clouds property is not set, the legacy sprite clouds will be rendered on the surface.

When set to true and clouds property is not set, the legacy sprite clouds will be rendered on the surface.

clouds optional :: CloudsEffectProperties
fog optional :: FogEffectProperties
terrain_tint_effect optional :: GlobalTintEffectProperties
space_dust_background optional :: SpaceDustEffectProperties
space_dust_foreground optional :: SpaceDustEffectProperties


day_night_cycle_color_lookup :: DaytimeColorLookupTable optional

shadow_opacity :: float optional

Default: 0.5

draw_sprite_clouds :: bool optional

Default: false

When set to true and clouds property is not set, the legacy sprite clouds will be rendered on the surface.

clouds :: CloudsEffectProperties optional

fog :: FogEffectProperties optional

terrain_tint_effect :: GlobalTintEffectProperties optional

space_dust_background :: SpaceDustEffectProperties optional

space_dust_foreground :: SpaceDustEffectProperties optional


