Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

BoxSpecification :: struct

A cursor box, for use in UtilitySprites.


sprite :: Sprite
is_whole_box optional :: boolean

Whether this is a complete box or just the top left corner. [...]

Whether this is a complete box or just the top left corner. [...]

side_length optional :: double

Only loaded, and mandatory if is_whole_box is true.

Only loaded, and mandatory if is_whole_box is true.

side_height optional :: double

Only loaded, and mandatory if is_whole_box is true.

Only loaded, and mandatory if is_whole_box is true.

max_side_length optional :: double

Only loaded, and mandatory if is_whole_box is false.

Only loaded, and mandatory if is_whole_box is false.


sprite :: Sprite

is_whole_box :: boolean optional

Default: false

Whether this is a complete box or just the top left corner. If this is true, side_length and side_height must be present. Otherwise max_side_length must be present.

side_length :: double optional

Only loaded, and mandatory if is_whole_box is true.

side_height :: double optional

Only loaded, and mandatory if is_whole_box is true.

max_side_length :: double optional

Only loaded, and mandatory if is_whole_box is false.


