Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.31

BuildEntityTipTrigger :: struct

Inherits from CountBasedTipTrigger


type :: "build-entity"
entity optional :: EntityID
match_type_only optional :: bool
build_by_dragging optional :: bool
consecutive optional :: bool

Building is considered consecutive when the built entity is the same as the last built entity.

Building is considered consecutive when the built entity is the same as the last built entity.

linear_power_pole_line optional :: bool
build_in_line optional :: bool
quality optional :: QualityID

Inherited from CountBasedTipTrigger
count optional :: uint32


type :: "build-entity"

entity :: EntityID optional

match_type_only :: bool optional

Default: false

build_by_dragging :: bool optional

consecutive :: bool optional

Default: false

Building is considered consecutive when the built entity is the same as the last built entity.

linear_power_pole_line :: bool optional

Default: false

build_in_line :: bool optional

Default: false

quality :: QualityID optional

Type used in


