Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

TerritorySettings :: struct


units optional :: array[EntityID]
territory_index_expression optional :: string

Mandatory if units is not empty.

Mandatory if units is not empty.

territory_variation_expression optional :: string

The result will be converted to integer, clamped and used as an index for units array. [...]

The result will be converted to integer, clamped and used as an index for units array. [...]

minimum_territory_size optional :: uint32

Minimum number of chunks a territory must have. [...]

Minimum number of chunks a territory must have. [...]


units :: array[EntityID] optional

territory_index_expression :: string optional

Mandatory if units is not empty.

territory_variation_expression :: string optional

Default: 0

The result will be converted to integer, clamped and used as an index for units array. Negative values will result in empty spawn location.

minimum_territory_size :: uint32 optional

Default: 0

Minimum number of chunks a territory must have. Below this, it will get deleted.


