Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

EnemySpawnerPrototype 'unit-spawner' changed

Can spawn entities. Used for biter/spitter nests.

Inherits from EntityWithOwnerPrototype « EntityWithHealthPrototype « EntityPrototype « Prototype « PrototypeBase


graphics_setnew :: EnemySpawnerGraphicsSet
max_count_of_owned_units :: uint32

Count of enemies this spawner can sustain.

Count of enemies this spawner can sustain.

max_count_of_owned_defensive_unitsnew optional :: uint32

Count of defensive enemies this spawner can sustain. [...]

Count of defensive enemies this spawner can sustain. [...]

max_friends_around_to_spawn :: uint32

How many friendly units are required within the EnemySpawnerPrototype::spawning_radius of this spawner for it to stop producing more units.

How many friendly units are required within the EnemySpawnerPrototype::spawning_radius of this spawner for it to stop producing more units.

max_defensive_friends_around_to_spawnnew optional :: uint32

How many friendly defensive units are required within the EnemySpawnerPrototype::spawning_radius of this spawner for it to stop producing more units. [...]

How many friendly defensive units are required within the EnemySpawnerPrototype::spawning_radius of this spawner for it to stop producing more units. [...]

spawning_cooldown :: {double, double}

Ticks for cooldown after unit is spawned. [...]

Ticks for cooldown after unit is spawned. [...]

spawning_radius :: double

How far from the spawner can the units be spawned.

How far from the spawner can the units be spawned.

spawning_spacing :: double

What spaces should be between the spawned units.

What spaces should be between the spawned units.

max_richness_for_spawn_shift :: double

Max richness to determine spawn shift. [...]

Max richness to determine spawn shift. [...]

max_spawn_shift :: double

Caps how much richness can be added on top of evolution when spawning units. [...]

Caps how much richness can be added on top of evolution when spawning units. [...]

call_for_help_radius :: double
time_to_capturenew optional :: uint32
result_units :: array[UnitSpawnDefinition]

Array of the entities that this spawner can spawn and their spawn probabilities. [...]

Array of the entities that this spawner can spawn and their spawn probabilities. [...]

dying_sound optional :: Sound
absorptions_per_secondnew optional :: dictionary[AirbornePollutantID → EnemySpawnerAbsorption]
min_darkness_to_spawn optional :: float
max_darkness_to_spawn optional :: float
spawn_decorations_on_expansion optional :: bool

Whether spawn_decoration should be spawned when enemies expand.

Whether spawn_decoration should be spawned when enemies expand.

spawn_decorationchanged optional :: array[CreateDecorativesTriggerEffectItem]

Decoratives to be created when the spawner is created by the map generator. [...]

Decoratives to be created when the spawner is created by the map generator. [...]

captured_spawner_entitynew optional :: EntityID

Inherited from EntityWithOwnerPrototype
is_military_target[overridden] optional :: bool

Whether this prototype should be a high priority target for enemy forces. [...]

Whether this prototype should be a high priority target for enemy forces. [...]

allow_run_time_change_of_is_military_target[overridden] optional :: bool

If this is true, this entity's is_military_target property can be changed during runtime (on the entity, not on the prototype itself).

If this is true, this entity's is_military_target property can be changed during runtime (on the entity, not on the prototype itself).

quality_indicator_shiftnew optional :: Vector

The shift from the bottom left corner of the selection box.

The shift from the bottom left corner of the selection box.

quality_indicator_scalenew optional :: double

The default scale is based on the tile distance of the shorter dimension. [...]

The default scale is based on the tile distance of the shorter dimension. [...]

max_health optional :: float

The unit health can never go over the maximum. [...]

The unit health can never go over the maximum. [...]

healing_per_tick optional :: float

The amount of health automatically regenerated per tick. [...]

The amount of health automatically regenerated per tick. [...]

repair_speed_modifier optional :: float

Multiplier of RepairToolPrototype::speed for this entity prototype.

Multiplier of RepairToolPrototype::speed for this entity prototype.

dying_explosion optional :: ExplosionDefinition or array[ExplosionDefinition]

The entities that are spawned in place of this one when it dies.

The entities that are spawned in place of this one when it dies.

dying_trigger_effect optional :: TriggerEffect
damaged_trigger_effect optional :: TriggerEffect
loot optional :: array[LootItem]

The loot is dropped on the ground when the entity is killed.

The loot is dropped on the ground when the entity is killed.

resistances optional :: array[Resistance]

See damage.

See damage.

attack_reaction optional :: AttackReactionItem or array[AttackReactionItem]
repair_sound optional :: Sound

Played when this entity is repaired with a RepairToolPrototype.

Played when this entity is repaired with a RepairToolPrototype.

alert_when_damaged optional :: bool
hide_resistances optional :: bool

Whether the resistances of this entity should be hidden in the entity tooltip.

Whether the resistances of this entity should be hidden in the entity tooltip.

create_ghost_on_death optional :: bool
random_corpse_variation optional :: bool
integration_patch_render_layer optional :: RenderLayer

May also be defined inside graphics_set instead of directly in the entity prototype. [...]

May also be defined inside graphics_set instead of directly in the entity prototype. [...]

corpse optional :: EntityID or array[EntityID]

Specifies the names of the CorpsePrototype to be used when this entity dies.

Specifies the names of the CorpsePrototype to be used when this entity dies.

integration_patch optional :: Sprite4Way

May also be defined inside graphics_set instead of directly in the entity prototype. [...]

May also be defined inside graphics_set instead of directly in the entity prototype. [...]

overkill_fractionnew optional :: float

Fraction of health by which predicted damage must be exceeded before entity is considered as "predicted to die" causing turrets (and others) to stop shooting more projectiles. [...]

Fraction of health by which predicted damage must be exceeded before entity is considered as "predicted to die" causing turrets (and others) to stop shooting more projectiles. [...]

Inherited from EntityPrototype
icons optional :: array[IconData]

This will be used in the electric network statistics, editor building selection, and the bonus gui. [...]

This will be used in the electric network statistics, editor building selection, and the bonus gui. [...]

icon optional :: FileName

Path to the icon file. [...]

Path to the icon file. [...]

icon_size optional :: SpriteSizeType

The size of the square icon, in pixels. [...]

The size of the square icon, in pixels. [...]

collision_box optional :: BoundingBox

Specification of the entity collision boundaries. [...]

Specification of the entity collision boundaries. [...]

collision_maskchanged optional :: CollisionMaskConnector

Defaults to the mask from UtilityConstants::default_collision_masks when indexed by the entity type.

Defaults to the mask from UtilityConstants::default_collision_masks when indexed by the entity type.

map_generator_bounding_box optional :: BoundingBox

Used instead of the collision box during map generation. [...]

Used instead of the collision box during map generation. [...]

selection_box optional :: BoundingBox

Specification of the entity selection area. [...]

Specification of the entity selection area. [...]

drawing_box_vertical_extensionnew optional :: double

Specification of extra vertical space needed to see the whole entity in GUIs. [...]

Specification of extra vertical space needed to see the whole entity in GUIs. [...]

sticker_box optional :: BoundingBox

Used to set the area of the entity that can have stickers on it, currently only used for units to specify the area where the green slow down stickers can appear.

Used to set the area of the entity that can have stickers on it, currently only used for units to specify the area where the green slow down stickers can appear.

hit_visualization_box optional :: BoundingBox

Where beams should hit the entity. [...]

Where beams should hit the entity. [...]

trigger_target_mask optional :: TriggerTargetMask
flags optional :: EntityPrototypeFlags
tile_buildability_rulesnew optional :: array[TileBuildabilityRule]
minable optional :: MinableProperties

The item given to the player when they mine the entity and other properties relevant to mining this entity.

The item given to the player when they mine the entity and other properties relevant to mining this entity.

surface_conditionsnew optional :: array[SurfaceCondition]
deconstruction_alternativenew optional :: EntityID

Used to merge multiple entities into one entry in the deconstruction planner.

Used to merge multiple entities into one entry in the deconstruction planner.

selection_priority optional :: uint8

The entity with the higher number is selectable before the entity with the lower number.

The entity with the higher number is selectable before the entity with the lower number.

build_grid_size optional :: uint8

Supported values are 1 (for 1x1 grid) and 2 (for 2x2 grid, like rails). [...]

Supported values are 1 (for 1x1 grid) and 2 (for 2x2 grid, like rails). [...]

remove_decorativeschanged optional :: "automatic" or "true" or "false"

Whether this entity should remove decoratives that collide with it when this entity is built. [...]

Whether this entity should remove decoratives that collide with it when this entity is built. [...]

emissions_per_secondchanged optional :: dictionary[AirbornePollutantID → double]

Amount of emissions created (positive number) or cleaned (negative number) every second by the entity. [...]

Amount of emissions created (positive number) or cleaned (negative number) every second by the entity. [...]

shooting_cursor_sizechanged optional :: double

The cursor size used when shooting at this entity.

The cursor size used when shooting at this entity.

created_smoke optional :: CreateTrivialSmokeEffectItem

The smoke that is shown when the entity is placed.

The smoke that is shown when the entity is placed.

working_sound optional :: WorkingSound

Will also work on entities that don't actually do work.

Will also work on entities that don't actually do work.

created_effect optional :: Trigger

The effect/trigger that happens when the entity is placed.

The effect/trigger that happens when the entity is placed.

build_sound optional :: Sound
mined_sound optional :: Sound
mining_sound optional :: Sound
rotated_sound optional :: Sound
impact_categorynew optional :: string

Name of a ImpactCategory.

Name of a ImpactCategory.

open_sound optional :: Sound
close_sound optional :: Sound
placeable_position_visualizationnew optional :: Sprite
radius_visualisation_specification optional :: RadiusVisualisationSpecification
stateless_visualisationnew optional :: StatelessVisualisations
build_base_evolution_requirement optional :: double
alert_icon_shift optional :: Vector
alert_icon_scale optional :: float
fast_replaceable_group optional :: string

This allows you to replace an entity that's already placed, with a different one in your inventory. [...]

This allows you to replace an entity that's already placed, with a different one in your inventory. [...]

next_upgrade optional :: EntityID

Name of the entity that will be automatically selected as the upgrade of this entity when using the upgrade planner without configuration. [...]

Name of the entity that will be automatically selected as the upgrade of this entity when using the upgrade planner without configuration. [...]

protected_from_tile_building optional :: bool

When this is true, this entity prototype should be included during tile collision checks with tiles that have TilePrototype::check_collision_with_entities set to true.

When this is true, this entity prototype should be included during tile collision checks with tiles that have TilePrototype::check_collision_with_entities set to true.

heating_energynew optional :: Energy
allow_copy_paste optional :: bool
selectable_in_game optional :: bool
placeable_by optional :: ItemToPlace or array[ItemToPlace]

Item that when placed creates this entity. [...]

Item that when placed creates this entity. [...]

remains_when_mined optional :: EntityID or array[EntityID]

The entity that remains when this one is mined, deconstructed or fast-replaced. [...]

The entity that remains when this one is mined, deconstructed or fast-replaced. [...]

additional_pastable_entities optional :: array[EntityID]

Names of the entity prototypes this entity prototype can be pasted on to in addition to the standard supported types. [...]

Names of the entity prototypes this entity prototype can be pasted on to in addition to the standard supported types. [...]

tile_widthchanged optional :: int32

Used to determine how the center of the entity should be positioned when building (unless the off-grid flag is specified). [...]

Used to determine how the center of the entity should be positioned when building (unless the off-grid flag is specified). [...]

tile_heightchanged optional :: int32
diagonal_tile_grid_sizenew optional :: TilePosition
autoplace optional :: AutoplaceSpecification

Used to specify the rules for placing this entity during map generation.

Used to specify the rules for placing this entity during map generation.

map_color optional :: Color
friendly_map_color optional :: Color
enemy_map_color optional :: Color
water_reflection optional :: WaterReflectionDefinition

May also be defined inside graphics_set instead of directly in the entity prototype. [...]

May also be defined inside graphics_set instead of directly in the entity prototype. [...]

ambient_sounds_groupnew optional :: EntityID
ambient_soundsnew optional :: WorldAmbientSoundDefinition or array[WorldAmbientSoundDefinition]
icon_draw_specificationnew optional :: IconDrawSpecification

Used to specify where and how should be the alt-mode icons of entities should be drawn.

Used to specify where and how should be the alt-mode icons of entities should be drawn.

icons_positioningnew optional :: array[IconSequencePositioning]

Inherited from Prototype
factoriopedia_alternative optional :: string

The ID type corresponding to the prototype that inherits from this. [...]

The ID type corresponding to the prototype that inherits from this. [...]

Inherited from PrototypeBase
type :: string

Specifies the kind of prototype this is. [...]

Specifies the kind of prototype this is. [...]

name :: string

Unique textual identification of the prototype. [...]

Unique textual identification of the prototype. [...]

order optional :: Order

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs. [...]

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs. [...]

localised_name optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the name set in the locale file. [...]

Overwrites the name set in the locale file. [...]

localised_description optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the description set in the locale file. [...]

Overwrites the description set in the locale file. [...]

factoriopedia_descriptionnew optional :: LocalisedString

Provides additional description used in factoriopedia.

Provides additional description used in factoriopedia.

subgroupnew optional :: ItemSubGroupID

The name of an ItemSubGroup.

The name of an ItemSubGroup.

hiddennew optional :: bool
hidden_in_factoriopedianew optional :: bool
parameternew optional :: bool

Whether the prototype is a special type which can be used to parametrize blueprints and doesn't have other function.

Whether the prototype is a special type which can be used to parametrize blueprints and doesn't have other function.

factoriopedia_simulationnew optional :: SimulationDefinition

The simulation shown when looking at this prototype in the Factoriopedia GUI.

The simulation shown when looking at this prototype in the Factoriopedia GUI.


graphics_set :: EnemySpawnerGraphicsSetnew

max_count_of_owned_units :: uint32

Count of enemies this spawner can sustain.

max_count_of_owned_defensive_units :: uint32 optional new

Default: Value of max_count_of_owned_units

Count of defensive enemies this spawner can sustain. Defensive units are units with UnitAISettings::join_attacks set to false. If set below EnemySpawnerPrototype::max_count_of_owned_units, the difference will be the space reserved for non-defensive units.

max_friends_around_to_spawn :: uint32

How many friendly units are required within the EnemySpawnerPrototype::spawning_radius of this spawner for it to stop producing more units.

max_defensive_friends_around_to_spawn :: uint32 optional new

Default: Value of max_friends_around_to_spawn

How many friendly defensive units are required within the EnemySpawnerPrototype::spawning_radius of this spawner for it to stop producing more units. Defensive units are units with UnitAISettings::join_attacks set to false. If set below EnemySpawnerPrototype::max_friends_around_to_spawn, the difference will be the space reserved for non-defensive units.

spawning_cooldown :: {double, double}

Ticks for cooldown after unit is spawned. The first member of the tuple is min, the second member of the tuple is max.

spawning_radius :: double

How far from the spawner can the units be spawned.

spawning_spacing :: double

What spaces should be between the spawned units.

max_richness_for_spawn_shift :: double

Max richness to determine spawn shift. Spawn shift is linear interpolation between 0 and max_spawn_shift.

max_spawn_shift :: double

Caps how much richness can be added on top of evolution when spawning units. See also

call_for_help_radius :: double

time_to_capture :: uint32 optional new

Default: 0

result_units :: array[UnitSpawnDefinition]

Array of the entities that this spawner can spawn and their spawn probabilities. The sum of probabilities is expected to be 1.0. The array must not be empty.

dying_sound :: Sound optional

absorptions_per_second :: dictionary[AirbornePollutantID → EnemySpawnerAbsorption] optional new

min_darkness_to_spawn :: float optional

Default: 0.0

max_darkness_to_spawn :: float optional

Default: 1.0

spawn_decorations_on_expansion :: bool optional

Default: false

Whether spawn_decoration should be spawned when enemies expand.

spawn_decoration :: array[CreateDecorativesTriggerEffectItem] optional changed

Decoratives to be created when the spawner is created by the map generator. Placed when enemies expand if spawn_decorations_on_expansion is set to true.

captured_spawner_entity :: EntityID optional new

Overridden Properties

is_military_target ::  true optional

Default: true

Whether this prototype should be a high priority target for enemy forces. See Military units and structures.

allow_run_time_change_of_is_military_target ::  false optional

Default: false

If this is true, this entities is_military_target property can be changed runtime (on the entity, not on the prototype itself).


