Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.37

NeighbourConnectable :: struct

Defines how this entity connects to its neighbours


affected_by_direction optional :: bool

If the connection positions and directions will be affected by entity's direction.

If the connection positions and directions will be affected by entity's direction.

neighbour_search_distance optional :: float

Distance by which connection point is shifted along its direction to select a position where neighbor will be searched.

Distance by which connection point is shifted along its direction to select a position where neighbor will be searched.

connections :: array[NeighbourConnectableConnectionDefinition]

Definitions of the connection points.

Definitions of the connection points.


affected_by_direction :: bool optional

Default: true

If the connection positions and directions will be affected by entity's direction.

neighbour_search_distance :: float optional

Default: 0.7

Distance by which connection point is shifted along its direction to select a position where neighbor will be searched.

connections :: array[NeighbourConnectableConnectionDefinition]

Definitions of the connection points.


