Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

LineTriggerItem :: struct Example code

Inherits from TriggerItem


type :: "line"
range :: double
width :: double
range_effects optional :: TriggerEffect

Inherited from TriggerItem
entity_flags optional :: EntityPrototypeFlags

Only prototypes with these flags are affected by the trigger item.

Only prototypes with these flags are affected by the trigger item.

collision_mask optional :: CollisionMaskConnector

Only prototypes with these collision masks are affected by the trigger item.

Only prototypes with these collision masks are affected by the trigger item.

ignore_collision_condition optional :: bool
trigger_target_mask optional :: TriggerTargetMask

The trigger affects only prototypes with these masks.

The trigger affects only prototypes with these masks.

repeat_count optional :: uint32
probability optional :: float

Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.

Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.

action_delivery optional :: TriggerDelivery or array[TriggerDelivery]
force optional :: ForceCondition

Only entities meeting the force condition are affected by the trigger item.

Only entities meeting the force condition are affected by the trigger item.


type :: "line"

range :: double

width :: double

range_effects :: TriggerEffect optional


action =
  type = "line",
  range = 25,
  width = 0.5,

  range_effects =
    type = "create-explosion",
    entity_name = "railgun-beam"

  action_delivery =
    type = "instant",
    target_effects =
      type = "damage",
      damage = { amount = 100, type = "physical"}

Type used in


