Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

MapGenSize :: union

A floating point number specifying an amount.

For backwards compatibility, MapGenSizes can also be specified as one of the following strings, which will be converted to a number:

Each of the values in a triplet (such as "low", "small", and "poor") are synonymous. In-game the values can be set from 0.166 to 6 via the GUI (respective to the percentages), while 0 is used to disable the autoplace control.

Union members


Specifying a map gen dimension.


equivalent to 0.


equivalent to 1/2.


equivalent to 1/2.


equivalent to 1/2.


equivalent to 1/sqrt(2).


equivalent to 1/sqrt(2).


equivalent to 1/sqrt(2).


equivalent to 1.


equivalent to 1.


equivalent to 1.


equivalent to sqrt(2).


equivalent to sqrt(2).


equivalent to sqrt(2).


equivalent to 2.


equivalent to 2.


equivalent to 2.


