Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

TileSpriteLayoutVariant :: struct



spritesheet optional :: FileName
scale optional :: float
x optional :: SpriteSizeType

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

y optional :: SpriteSizeType

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

tile_height optional :: uint8

Height of the transition sprite in tiles. [...]

Height of the transition sprite in tiles. [...]

line_length optional :: uint8

Once the specified number of pictures is loaded, other pictures are loaded on other line. [...]

Once the specified number of pictures is loaded, other pictures are loaded on other line. [...]

count optional :: uint8

Frame count.

Frame count.


spritesheet :: FileName optional

scale :: float optional

x :: SpriteSizeType optional

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

y :: SpriteSizeType optional

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.

tile_height :: uint8 optional

Default: 1

Height of the transition sprite in tiles. May be 1 or 2. It is forced to 1 for mask layers and for o_transition. A tile is considered 32px with scale 1 (so 64px with scale 0.5). Shift of the sprite will be adjusted such that the top 1x1 tile is centered on a tile being drawn (so it will be

{0, 0.5*(tile_height - 1)}

) It can be anything between 1 to 8 for background layer if draw_background_layer_under_tiles is set to true.

line_length :: uint8 optional

Default: 0

Once the specified number of pictures is loaded, other pictures are loaded on other line. This is to allow having longer animations in matrix, to input files with too high width. The game engine limits the width of any input files to 8192px, so it is compatible with most graphics cards. 0 means that all the pictures are in one horizontal line.

count :: uint8 optional

Frame count.


