Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

AmbientSound 'ambient-sound' changedExample code

This prototype is used to make sound while playing the game. This includes the game's music, composed by Daniel James Taylor.


type :: "ambient-sound"

Specification of the type of the prototype.

Specification of the type of the prototype.

name :: string

Unique textual identification of the prototype.

Unique textual identification of the prototype.

weight optional :: double

Cannot be less than zero. [...]

Cannot be less than zero. [...]

track_typechanged :: AmbientSoundType
planetnew optional :: SpaceLocationID

Track without a planet is bound to space platforms.

Track without a planet is bound to space platforms.

sound optional :: Sound

Static music track. [...]

Static music track. [...]

variable_soundnew optional :: VariableAmbientSoundVariableSound

Variable music track. [...]

Variable music track. [...]


type :: "ambient-sound"

Specification of the type of the prototype.

name :: string

Unique textual identification of the prototype.

weight :: double optional

Default: 1

Cannot be less than zero.

Cannot be defined if track_type is "hero-track".

track_type :: AmbientSoundTypechanged

planet :: SpaceLocationID optional new

Track without a planet is bound to space platforms.

sound :: Sound optional

Static music track.

One of sound or variable_sound must be defined. Both cannot be defined together.

variable_sound :: VariableAmbientSoundVariableSound optional new

Variable music track.

One of sound or variable_sound must be defined. Both cannot be defined together.


  type = "ambient-sound",
  name = "world-ambience-4",
  track_type = "interlude",
  sound =
    filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/world-ambience-4.ogg",
    volume = 1.2


