Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

SpacePlatformStarterPackPrototype 'space-platform-starter-pack' new

Inherits from ItemPrototype « Prototype « PrototypeBase


trigger optional :: Trigger
surface optional :: SurfaceID
create_electric_network optional :: boolean
tiles optional :: array[SpacePlatformTileDefinition]
initial_items optional :: array[ItemProductPrototype]

The quality of the items will match the quality of the starter pack.

The quality of the items will match the quality of the starter pack.

Inherited from ItemPrototype
stack_size :: ItemCountType

Count of items of the same name that can be stored in one inventory slot. [...]

Count of items of the same name that can be stored in one inventory slot. [...]

icons optional :: array[IconData]

Can't be an empty array.

Can't be an empty array.

icon optional :: FileName

Path to the icon file. [...]

Path to the icon file. [...]

icon_size optional :: SpriteSizeType

The size of the square icon, in pixels. [...]

The size of the square icon, in pixels. [...]

dark_background_icons optional :: array[IconData]

Can't be an empty array.

Can't be an empty array.

dark_background_icon optional :: FileName

If this is set, it is used to show items in alt-mode instead of the normal item icon. [...]

If this is set, it is used to show items in alt-mode instead of the normal item icon. [...]

dark_background_icon_sizenew optional :: SpriteSizeType

The size of the square icon, in pixels. [...]

The size of the square icon, in pixels. [...]

place_result optional :: EntityID

Name of the EntityPrototype that can be built using this item. [...]

Name of the EntityPrototype that can be built using this item. [...]

place_as_equipment_resultnew optional :: EquipmentID
fuel_category optional :: FuelCategoryID

Must exist when a nonzero fuel_value is defined.

Must exist when a nonzero fuel_value is defined.

burnt_result optional :: ItemID

The item that is the result when this item gets burned as fuel.

The item that is the result when this item gets burned as fuel.

spoil_resultnew optional :: ItemID
plant_resultnew optional :: EntityID
place_as_tile optional :: PlaceAsTile
pictures optional :: SpriteVariations

Used to give the item multiple different icons so that they look less uniform on belts. [...]

Used to give the item multiple different icons so that they look less uniform on belts. [...]

flags optional :: ItemPrototypeFlags

Specifies some properties of the item.

Specifies some properties of the item.

spoil_ticksnew optional :: uint32
fuel_value optional :: Energy

Amount of energy the item gives when used as fuel. [...]

Amount of energy the item gives when used as fuel. [...]

fuel_acceleration_multiplier optional :: double

Must be 0 or positive.

Must be 0 or positive.

fuel_top_speed_multiplier optional :: double

Must be 0 or positive.

Must be 0 or positive.

fuel_emissions_multiplier optional :: double
fuel_acceleration_multiplier_quality_bonusnew optional :: double

Additional fuel acceleration multiplier per quality level. [...]

Additional fuel acceleration multiplier per quality level. [...]

fuel_top_speed_multiplier_quality_bonusnew optional :: double

Additional fuel top speed multiplier per quality level. [...]

Additional fuel top speed multiplier per quality level. [...]

weightnew optional :: Weight

The default weight is calculated automatically from recipes and falls back to UtilityConstants::default_item_weight. [...]

The default weight is calculated automatically from recipes and falls back to UtilityConstants::default_item_weight. [...]

ingredient_to_weight_coefficientnew optional :: double
fuel_glow_color optional :: Color

Colors the glow of the burner energy source when this fuel is burned. [...]

Colors the glow of the burner energy source when this fuel is burned. [...]

open_sound optional :: Sound
close_sound optional :: Sound
pick_soundnew optional :: Sound
drop_soundnew optional :: Sound
inventory_move_soundnew optional :: Sound
default_import_locationnew optional :: SpaceLocationID
color_hintnew optional :: ColorHintSpecification

Only used by hidden setting, support may be limited.

Only used by hidden setting, support may be limited.

has_random_tintnew optional :: boolean
spoil_to_trigger_resultnew optional :: SpoilToTriggerResult
destroyed_by_dropping_triggernew optional :: Trigger

The effect/trigger that happens when an item is destroyed by being dropped on a TilePrototype marked as destroying dropped items. [...]

The effect/trigger that happens when an item is destroyed by being dropped on a TilePrototype marked as destroying dropped items. [...]

rocket_launch_products optional :: array[ItemProductPrototype]
send_to_orbit_modenew optional :: SendToOrbitMode

The way this item works when we try to send it to the orbit on its own. [...]

The way this item works when we try to send it to the orbit on its own. [...]

random_tint_colornew optional :: Color

Randomly tints item instances on belts and in the world. [...]

Randomly tints item instances on belts and in the world. [...]

spoil_levelnew optional :: uint8

Used by Inserters with spoil priority. [...]

Used by Inserters with spoil priority. [...]

auto_recyclenew optional :: boolean

Whether the item should be included in the self-recycling recipes automatically generated by the quality mod. [...]

Whether the item should be included in the self-recycling recipes automatically generated by the quality mod. [...]

Inherited from Prototype
factoriopedia_alternative optional :: string

The ID type corresponding to the prototype that inherits from this. [...]

The ID type corresponding to the prototype that inherits from this. [...]

Inherited from PrototypeBase
type :: string

Specifies the kind of prototype this is. [...]

Specifies the kind of prototype this is. [...]

name :: string

Unique textual identification of the prototype. [...]

Unique textual identification of the prototype. [...]

order optional :: Order

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs. [...]

Used to order prototypes in inventory, recipes and GUIs. [...]

localised_name optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the name set in the locale file. [...]

Overwrites the name set in the locale file. [...]

localised_description optional :: LocalisedString

Overwrites the description set in the locale file. [...]

Overwrites the description set in the locale file. [...]

factoriopedia_descriptionnew optional :: LocalisedString

Provides additional description used in factoriopedia.

Provides additional description used in factoriopedia.

subgroupnew optional :: ItemSubGroupID

The name of an ItemSubGroup.

The name of an ItemSubGroup.

hiddennew optional :: boolean
hidden_in_factoriopedianew optional :: boolean
parameternew optional :: boolean

Whether the prototype is a special type which can be used to parametrize blueprints and doesn't have other function.

Whether the prototype is a special type which can be used to parametrize blueprints and doesn't have other function.

factoriopedia_simulationnew optional :: SimulationDefinition

The simulation shown when looking at this prototype in the Factoriopedia GUI.

The simulation shown when looking at this prototype in the Factoriopedia GUI.


trigger :: Trigger optional

surface :: SurfaceID optional

create_electric_network :: boolean optional

Default: false

tiles :: array[SpacePlatformTileDefinition] optional

initial_items :: array[ItemProductPrototype] optional

The quality of the items will match the quality of the starter pack.


