Types are data formats which are commonly used as parts of prototypes.
ActivateEquipmentCapsuleAction | struct | |
ActivateImpactTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
ActivatePasteTipTrigger | struct | |
ActiveTriggerID | string | The name of an ActiveTriggerPrototype. |
The name of an ActiveTriggerPrototype. | ||
ActivityBarStyleSpecification | struct | |
ActivityMatchingModifiers | struct | |
AdvancedVolumeControl | struct | |
AggregationSpecification | struct | |
AgriculturalCraneProperties | struct | |
AgriculturalCraneSpeed | struct | |
AgriculturalCraneSpeedArm | struct | |
AgriculturalCraneSpeedGrappler | struct | |
AirbornePollutantID | string | The name of an AirbornePollutantPrototype. |
The name of an AirbornePollutantPrototype. | ||
AlternativeBuildTipTrigger | struct | |
AmbientSoundType | union | Lets the game know in what instances the audio file is played. |
Lets the game know in what instances the audio file is played. | ||
AmmoCategoryID | string | The name of an AmmoCategory. |
The name of an AmmoCategory. | ||
AmmoDamageModifier | struct | |
AmmoSourceType | union | Used to allow specifying different ammo effects depending on which kind of entity the ammo is used in. [...] |
Used to allow specifying different ammo effects depending on which kind of entity the ammo is used in. [...] | ||
AmmoType | struct | Definition of actual parameters used in attack. |
Definition of actual parameters used in attack. | ||
AndTipTrigger | struct | |
AnimatedVector | struct | |
Animation | struct | Specifies an animation that can be used in the game. [...] |
Specifies an animation that can be used in the game. [...] | ||
Animation4Way | struct or Animation | If this is loaded as a single Animation, it applies to all directions. [...] |
If this is loaded as a single Animation, it applies to all directions. [...] | ||
AnimationElement | struct | |
AnimationFrameSequence | array[uint16] | This is a list of 1-based frame indices into the spritesheet. [...] |
This is a list of 1-based frame indices into the spritesheet. [...] | ||
AnimationParameters | struct | |
AnimationRunMode | union | |
AnimationSheet | struct | |
AnimationVariations | struct or Animation or array[Animation] | |
AnyPrototype | union | A union of all prototypes. [...] |
A union of all prototypes. [...] | ||
ApplyStarterPackTipTrigger | struct | |
AreaTriggerItem | struct | |
ArtilleryRangeModifier | struct | |
ArtilleryRemoteCapsuleAction | struct | |
ArtilleryTriggerDelivery | struct | |
AsteroidChunkID | string | The name of an AsteroidChunkPrototype. |
The name of an AsteroidChunkPrototype. | ||
AsteroidGraphicsSet | struct | |
AsteroidSettings | struct | |
AsteroidSpawnPoint | struct | |
AsteroidVariation | struct | |
AttackParameters | union | Loaded as one of the BaseAttackParameters extensions, based on the value of the |
Loaded as one of the BaseAttackParameters extensions, based on the value of the | ||
AttackReactionItem | struct | |
Attenuation | struct | |
AttenuationType | union | |
AutoplaceControlID | string | The name of an AutoplaceControl. |
The name of an AutoplaceControl. | ||
AutoplaceSettings | struct | |
AutoplaceSpecification | struct | Autoplace specification is used to determine which entities are placed when generating map. [...] |
Autoplace specification is used to determine which entities are placed when generating map. [...] | ||
BaseAttackParameters | struct | The abstract base of all AttackParameters. |
The abstract base of all AttackParameters. | ||
BaseEnergySource | struct | The abstract base of all EnergySources. [...] |
The abstract base of all EnergySources. [...] | ||
BaseModifier | struct | The abstract base of all Modifiers. |
The abstract base of all Modifiers. | ||
BaseStyleSpecification | struct | The abstract base of all StyleSpecifications. |
The abstract base of all StyleSpecifications. | ||
BeaconDistributionModifier | struct | |
BeaconGraphicsSet | struct | |
BeaconModuleVisualization | struct | |
BeaconModuleVisualizations | struct | |
BeamAnimationSet | struct | |
BeamAttackParameters | struct | |
BeamGraphicsSet | struct | |
BeamTriggerDelivery | struct | |
BeltReaderLayer | struct | |
BeltStackSizeBonusModifier | struct | |
BeltTraverseTipTrigger | struct | |
BlendMode | union | Determines how sprites/animations should blend with the background. [...] |
Determines how sprites/animations should blend with the background. [...] | ||
BoilerPictures | struct | |
BoolModifier | struct | |
BorderImageSet | struct | |
BoundingBox | struct or {MapPosition, MapPosition} | BoundingBoxes are typically centered around the position of an entity. [...] |
BoundingBoxes are typically centered around the position of an entity. [...] | ||
BoxSpecification | struct | A cursor box, for use in UtilitySprites. |
A cursor box, for use in UtilitySprites. | ||
BuildEntityByRobotTipTrigger | struct | |
BuildEntityTechnologyTrigger | struct | |
BuildEntityTipTrigger | struct | |
BuildMode | union | |
BulkInserterCapacityBonusModifier | struct | |
BurnerEnergySource | struct | |
BurnerUsageID | string | The name of a BurnerUsagePrototype. |
The name of a BurnerUsagePrototype. | ||
ButtonStyleSpecification | struct | |
CameraEffectTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
CameraStyleSpecification | struct | |
CapsuleAction | union | Loaded as one of the capsule actions, based on the value of the |
Loaded as one of the capsule actions, based on the value of the | ||
CaptureSpawnerTechnologyTrigger | struct | |
CargoBayConnectableGraphicsSet | struct | |
CargoBayConnections | struct | Walls should have an even number of variations because they are interleaved. |
Walls should have an even number of variations because they are interleaved. | ||
CargoHatchDefinition | struct | |
CargoLandingPadLimitModifier | struct | |
CargoStationParameters | struct | A cargo station is any entity that has the capacity to send cargo units. [...] |
A cargo station is any entity that has the capacity to send cargo units. [...] | ||
ChainTriggerDelivery | struct | |
ChangeRecipeProductivityModifier | struct | |
ChangeSurfaceTipTrigger | struct | |
CharacterArmorAnimation | struct | The data for one variation of character animations. |
The data for one variation of character animations. | ||
CharacterBuildDistanceModifier | struct | |
CharacterCraftingSpeedModifier | struct | |
CharacterHealthBonusModifier | struct | |
CharacterInventorySlotsBonusModifier | struct | |
CharacterItemDropDistanceModifier | struct | |
CharacterItemPickupDistanceModifier | struct | |
CharacterLogisticRequestsModifier | struct | |
CharacterLogisticTrashSlotsModifier | struct | |
CharacterLootPickupDistanceModifier | struct | |
CharacterMiningSpeedModifier | struct | |
CharacterReachDistanceModifier | struct | |
CharacterResourceReachDistanceModifier | struct | |
CharacterRunningSpeedModifier | struct | |
ChargableGraphics | struct | |
ChartUtilityConstants | struct | |
CheckBoxStyleSpecification | struct | |
CircuitConnectorDefinition | struct | Definition of a circuit connector. |
Definition of a circuit connector. | ||
CircuitConnectorLayer | struct | |
CircuitConnectorSecondaryDrawOrder | struct | |
CircuitConnectorSprites | struct | |
CircuitNetworkModifier | struct | |
CircularParticleCreationSpecification | struct | |
CircularProjectileCreationSpecification | array[{RealOrientation, Vector}] | |
ClearCursorTipTrigger | struct | |
CliffDeconstructionEnabledModifier | struct | |
CliffPlacementSettings | struct | |
CloudEffectStyle | union | Additional mask which dictates where in the world certain ProcessionLayers are drawn. [...] |
Additional mask which dictates where in the world certain ProcessionLayers are drawn. [...] | ||
CloudsEffectProperties | struct | |
CloudsTextureCoordinateTransformation | struct | |
ClusterTriggerItem | struct | |
CollisionLayerID | string | The name of a CollisionLayerPrototype. |
The name of a CollisionLayerPrototype. | ||
CollisionMaskConnector | struct | The base game provides common collision mask functions in a Lua file in the core lualib. |
The base game provides common collision mask functions in a Lua file in the core lualib. | ||
Color | struct or {float, float, float} or {float, float, float, float} | Table of red, green, blue, and alpha float values between 0 and 1. [...] |
Table of red, green, blue, and alpha float values between 0 and 1. [...] | ||
ColorHintSpecification | struct | |
ColorLookupTable | FileName or "identity" | A lookup table (LUT) for the color which maps the original color to a position in the sprite where the replacement color is found. [...] |
A lookup table (LUT) for the color which maps the original color to a position in the sprite where the replacement color is found. [...] | ||
ColumnAlignment | struct | |
ColumnWidth | struct | |
ColumnWidthItem | struct | |
ComparatorString | union | A string that specifies how the inputs should be compared. |
A string that specifies how the inputs should be compared. | ||
ConnectableEntityGraphics | struct | Graphics for the heat pipe. |
Graphics for the heat pipe. | ||
ConsumingType | union | Defines which other inputs a CustomInputPrototype consumes. |
Defines which other inputs a CustomInputPrototype consumes. | ||
ControlPoint | struct or {float, float} | |
CountBasedTipTrigger | struct | |
CoverGraphicEffectData | struct | Clips the CoverGraphicProcessionLayer. |
Clips the CoverGraphicProcessionLayer. | ||
CoverGraphicProcessionLayer | struct | Draws a layer of cloud texture covering the screen. [...] |
Draws a layer of cloud texture covering the screen. [...] | ||
CraftFluidTechnologyTrigger | struct | |
CraftItemTechnologyTrigger | struct | |
CraftItemTipTrigger | struct | |
CraftingMachineGraphicsSet | struct | |
CranePart | struct | |
CranePartDyingEffect | struct | |
CraterPlacementDefinition | struct | |
CreateAsteroidChunkEffectItem | struct | |
CreateDecorativesTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
CreateEntityTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
CreateExplosionTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
CreateFireTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
CreateGhostOnEntityDeathModifier | struct | |
CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
CreateSmokeTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
CreateSpacePlatformTechnologyTrigger | struct | |
CreateStickerTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
CreateTrivialSmokeEffectItem | struct | |
CursorBoxType | union | One of the following values: |
One of the following values: | ||
CyclicSound | struct | Used by BaseAttackParameters to play a sound during the attack. |
Used by BaseAttackParameters to play a sound during the attack. | ||
DamageParameters | struct | Used to specify what type of damage and how much damage something deals. |
Used to specify what type of damage and how much damage something deals. | ||
DamageTileTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
DamageTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
DamageTypeFilters | struct or DamageTypeID or array[DamageTypeID] | |
DamageTypeID | string | The name of a DamageType. |
The name of a DamageType. | ||
Data | struct | The data table is read by the game to load all prototypes. [...] |
The data table is read by the game to load all prototypes. [...] | ||
DataExtendMethod | builtin | The data.extend method. [...] |
The data.extend method. [...] | ||
DaytimeColorLookupTable | array[{double, ColorLookupTable}] | The first member of the tuple states at which time of the day the LUT should be used. [...] |
The first member of the tuple states at which time of the day the LUT should be used. [...] | ||
DeconstructionTimeToLiveModifier | struct | |
DecorativeID | string | The name of a DecorativePrototype. |
The name of a DecorativePrototype. | ||
DelayedTriggerDelivery | struct | |
DependenciesMetTipTrigger | struct | This trigger is considered fulfilled when the TipsAndTricksItem::dependencies are fulfilled. |
This trigger is considered fulfilled when the TipsAndTricksItem::dependencies are fulfilled. | ||
DestroyCliffsCapsuleAction | struct | |
DestroyCliffsTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
DestroyDecorativesTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
DifficultySettings | struct | |
DirectTriggerItem | struct | |
Direction | union | Usually specified by using defines.direction. |
Usually specified by using defines.direction. | ||
DirectionString | union | One of the 16 directions, specified with a string. |
One of the 16 directions, specified with a string. | ||
DoubleSliderStyleSpecification | struct | |
DropDownStyleSpecification | struct | |
DropItemTipTrigger | struct | |
Effect | struct | When applied to modules, the resulting effect is a sum of all module effects, multiplied through calculations: |
When applied to modules, the resulting effect is a sum of all module effects, multiplied through calculations: | ||
EffectReceiver | struct | |
EffectRelativeTo | union | Identifies what CloudEffectStyle refers to. |
Identifies what CloudEffectStyle refers to. | ||
EffectTexture | struct | |
EffectTypeLimitation | union or array[union] | A list of module effects, or just a single effect. [...] |
A list of module effects, or just a single effect. [...] | ||
EffectValue | float | Precision is ignored beyond two decimals - |
Precision is ignored beyond two decimals - | ||
EffectVariation | union | |
ElectricEnergySource | struct | |
ElectricUsagePriority | union | Used to specify priority of energy usage in the electric system. |
Used to specify priority of energy usage in the electric system. | ||
ElementImageSet | struct or ElementImageSetLayer | If this is loaded as a single ElementImageSetLayer, it gets used as |
If this is loaded as a single ElementImageSetLayer, it gets used as | ||
ElementImageSetLayer | struct or Sprite | If this is loaded as a Sprite, it gets used as |
If this is loaded as a Sprite, it gets used as | ||
EmptyWidgetStyleSpecification | struct | |
EnemyEvolutionSettings | struct | |
EnemyExpansionSettings | struct | |
EnemySpawnerAbsorption | struct | |
EnemySpawnerGraphicsSet | struct | |
Energy | string | Specifies an amount of electric energy in joules, or electric energy per time in watts. [...] |
Specifies an amount of electric energy in joules, or electric energy per time in watts. [...] | ||
EnergySource | union | Loaded as one of the BaseEnergySource extensions, based on the value of the |
Loaded as one of the BaseEnergySource extensions, based on the value of the | ||
EnterVehicleTipTrigger | struct | |
EntityBuildAnimationPiece | struct | A single tiles worth of animations used when building entities. |
A single tiles worth of animations used when building entities. | ||
EntityID | string | The name of an EntityPrototype. |
The name of an EntityPrototype. | ||
EntityIDFilter | struct or EntityID | |
EntityPrototypeFlags | array[union] | An array containing the following values. [...] |
An array containing the following values. [...] | ||
EntityStatus | union | |
EntityTransferTipTrigger | struct | |
EquipmentCategoryID | string | The name of an EquipmentCategory. |
The name of an EquipmentCategory. | ||
EquipmentGridID | string | The name of an EquipmentGridPrototype. |
The name of an EquipmentGridPrototype. | ||
EquipmentID | string | The name of an EquipmentPrototype. |
The name of an EquipmentPrototype. | ||
EquipmentShape | struct | The shape and dimensions of an equipment module. |
The shape and dimensions of an equipment module. | ||
ExplosionDefinition | EntityID or struct | |
Fade | struct or AttenuationType | |
Fades | struct | |
FastBeltBendTipTrigger | struct | |
FastReplaceTipTrigger | struct | |
FeatureFlags | struct | A dictionary of feature flags and their status. [...] |
A dictionary of feature flags and their status. [...] | ||
FileName | string | A slash |
A slash | ||
FlipEntityTipTrigger | struct | |
FlowStyleSpecification | struct | |
FluidAmount | double | A fluid amount. [...] |
A fluid amount. [...] | ||
FluidBox | struct | Used to set the fluid amount an entity can hold, as well as the connection points for pipes leading into and out of the entity. [...] |
Used to set the fluid amount an entity can hold, as well as the connection points for pipes leading into and out of the entity. [...] | ||
FluidBoxLinkedConnectionID | uint32 | |
FluidEnergySource | struct | |
FluidID | string | The name of a FluidPrototype. |
The name of a FluidPrototype. | ||
FluidIngredientPrototype | struct | A fluid ingredient definition. |
A fluid ingredient definition. | ||
FluidProductPrototype | struct | A fluid product definition. |
A fluid product definition. | ||
FogEffectProperties | struct | |
FogMaskShapeDefinition | struct | |
FollowerRobotLifetimeModifier | struct | |
FootprintParticle | struct | |
FootstepTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
FootstepTriggerEffectList | array[FootstepTriggerEffectItem] | |
ForceCondition | union | One of the following values: |
One of the following values: | ||
FrameStyleSpecification | struct | |
FrequencySizeRichness | struct | |
FuelCategoryID | string | The name of a FuelCategory. |
The name of a FuelCategory. | ||
FusionGeneratorDirectionGraphicsSet | struct | |
FusionGeneratorFluidInputGraphics | struct | |
FusionGeneratorGraphicsSet | struct | |
FusionReactorConnectionGraphics | struct | |
FusionReactorGraphicsSet | struct | |
GameControllerVibrationData | struct | |
GameViewSettings | struct | |
GateOverRailBuildTipTrigger | struct | |
GeneratingPowerTipTrigger | struct | |
GhostShimmerConfig | struct | |
GhostShimmerDistortionData | struct | |
GhostShimmerOverlayData | struct | |
GhostTintSet | struct | |
GigaCargoHatchDefinition | struct | |
GiveItemModifier | struct | |
GlobalRecipeTints | struct | |
GlobalTintEffectProperties | struct | |
GlowStyleSpecification | struct | |
GraphStyleSpecification | struct | |
GroupAttackTipTrigger | struct | |
GunSpeedModifier | struct | |
HeatBuffer | struct | Used to specify heat capacity properties without a heat energy source. |
Used to specify heat capacity properties without a heat energy source. | ||
HeatConnection | struct | Defines the connections for HeatEnergySource and HeatBuffer. |
Defines the connections for HeatEnergySource and HeatBuffer. | ||
HeatEnergySource | struct | |
HorizontalAlign | union | |
HorizontalFlowStyleSpecification | struct | |
HorizontalScrollBarStyleSpecification | struct | |
IconData | struct | One layer of an icon. [...] |
One layer of an icon. [...] | ||
IconDrawSpecification | struct | Specification of where and how should be the alt-mode icons of entities be drawn. |
Specification of where and how should be the alt-mode icons of entities be drawn. | ||
IconSequencePositioning | struct | Specification of where and how should be the icons of individual inventories be drawn. |
Specification of where and how should be the icons of individual inventories be drawn. | ||
ImageStyleSpecification | struct | |
IngredientPrototype | union | Item or fluid ingredient. |
Item or fluid ingredient. | ||
InsertItemTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
InserterStackSizeBonusModifier | struct | |
InstantTriggerDelivery | struct | |
InterruptibleSound | struct | |
InvokeTileEffectTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
ItemCountType | uint32 | |
ItemGroupID | string | The name of an ItemGroup. |
The name of an ItemGroup. | ||
ItemID | string | The name of an ItemPrototype. |
The name of an ItemPrototype. | ||
ItemIDFilter | struct or ItemID | |
ItemIngredientPrototype | struct | An item ingredient definition. |
An item ingredient definition. | ||
ItemProductPrototype | struct | An item product definition. |
An item product definition. | ||
ItemPrototypeFlags | array[union] | An array containing the following values. |
An array containing the following values. | ||
ItemStackIndex | uint16 | |
ItemSubGroupID | string | The name of an ItemSubGroup. |
The name of an ItemSubGroup. | ||
ItemToPlace | struct | Item that when placed creates this entity/tile. |
Item that when placed creates this entity/tile. | ||
KillTipTrigger | struct | |
LabelStyleSpecification | struct | |
LaboratoryProductivityModifier | struct | |
LaboratorySpeedModifier | struct | |
LayeredSound | struct or Sound | |
LayeredSprite | struct or array[LayeredSprite] | |
LayeredSpriteVariations | array[LayeredSprite] | |
LightDefinition | struct or array[struct] | Specifies a light source. [...] |
Specifies a light source. [...] | ||
LightFlickeringDefinition | struct | Specifies the light flicker. [...] |
Specifies the light flicker. [...] | ||
LightProperties | struct | |
LightningGraphicsSet | struct | |
LightningPriorityRule | struct | |
LightningProperties | struct | |
LightningRuleBase | struct | |
LimitChestTipTrigger | struct | |
LineStyleSpecification | struct | |
LineTriggerItem | struct | |
LinkedGameControl | union | The internal name of a game control (key binding). |
The internal name of a game control (key binding). | ||
ListBoxStyleSpecification | struct | |
LoaderStructure | struct | |
LocalisedString | string or array[LocalisedString] | Localised strings are a way to support translation of in-game text. [...] |
Localised strings are a way to support translation of in-game text. [...] | ||
LogisticFilterIndex | uint16 | |
LootItem | struct | The items generated when an EntityWithHealthPrototype is killed. |
The items generated when an EntityWithHealthPrototype is killed. | ||
LowPowerTipTrigger | struct | |
MainSound | struct | |
ManualTransferTipTrigger | struct | |
ManualWireDragTipTrigger | struct | |
MapGenPreset | struct | |
MapGenPresetAsteroidSettings | struct | |
MapGenPresetDifficultySettings | struct | |
MapGenPresetEnemyEvolutionSettings | struct | |
MapGenPresetEnemyExpansionSettings | struct | |
MapGenPresetPollutionSettings | struct | The pollution settings, the values are for 60 ticks (1 second). |
The pollution settings, the values are for 60 ticks (1 second). | ||
MapGenSettings | struct | |
MapGenSize | union | A floating point number specifying an amount. [...] |
A floating point number specifying an amount. [...] | ||
MapPosition | struct or {double, double} | Coordinates of a tile in a map. [...] |
Coordinates of a tile in a map. [...] | ||
MapTick | uint64 |
| ||
MaterialAmountType | double | |
MaterialTextureParameters | struct | Used by TilePrototype. |
Used by TilePrototype. | ||
MathExpression | string | A string that represents a math expression. [...] |
A string that represents a math expression. [...] | ||
MaxFailedAttemptsPerTickPerConstructionQueueModifier | struct | |
MaxSuccessfulAttemptsPerTickPerConstructionQueueModifier | struct | |
MaximumFollowingRobotsCountModifier | struct | |
MinableProperties | struct | The mining properties of objects. [...] |
The mining properties of objects. [...] | ||
MineEntityTechnologyTrigger | struct | |
MineItemByRobotTipTrigger | struct | |
MinimapStyleSpecification | struct | |
MiningDrillGraphicsSet | struct | Used by MiningDrillPrototype. |
Used by MiningDrillPrototype. | ||
MiningDrillProductivityBonusModifier | struct | |
MiningWithFluidModifier | struct | |
Mirroring | union | |
ModSetting | struct | The user-set value of a startup mod setting. |
The user-set value of a startup mod setting. | ||
Modifier | union | The effect that is applied when a TechnologyPrototype is researched. [...] |
The effect that is applied when a TechnologyPrototype is researched. [...] | ||
Mods | dictionary[string → string] | A dictionary of mod names to mod versions of all active mods. [...] |
A dictionary of mod names to mod versions of all active mods. [...] | ||
ModuleCategoryID | string | The name of a ModuleCategory. |
The name of a ModuleCategory. | ||
ModuleTint | union | |
ModuleTransferTipTrigger | struct | |
MouseCursorID | string | The name of a MouseCursor. |
The name of a MouseCursor. | ||
NeighbourConnectable | struct | Defines how this entity connects to its neighbours |
Defines how this entity connects to its neighbours | ||
NeighbourConnectableConnectionCategory | string | |
NeighbourConnectableConnectionDefinition | struct | In order for 2 NeighbourConnectable to connect they need to share a connection point at the same position with opposite direction and both accept neighbor's category. |
In order for 2 NeighbourConnectable to connect they need to share a connection point at the same position with opposite direction and both accept neighbor's category. | ||
NestedTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
NoiseExpression | string or bool or double | A boolean or double as simple values or a string that represents a math expression. [...] |
A boolean or double as simple values or a string that represents a math expression. [...] | ||
NoiseFunction | struct | The advantage of noise functions over noise expressions is that they have parameters. |
The advantage of noise functions over noise expressions is that they have parameters. | ||
NothingModifier | struct | |
OffshorePumpGraphicsSet | struct | |
OrTipTrigger | struct | |
Order | string | The order property is a simple |
The order property is a simple | ||
OrientedCliffPrototype | struct | |
ParticleID | string | The name of a ParticlePrototype. |
The name of a ParticlePrototype. | ||
PasteEntitySettingsTipTrigger | struct | |
PathFinderSettings | struct | |
PerceivedPerformance | struct | Not all prototypes that use this type are affected by all properties. |
Not all prototypes that use this type are affected by all properties. | ||
PersistentWorldAmbientSoundDefinition | struct or Sound | |
PersistentWorldAmbientSoundsDefinition | struct | |
PersistentWorldAmbientSoundsDefinitionCrossfade | struct | |
PipeConnectionDefinition | struct | |
PipePictures | struct | |
PlaceEquipmentTipTrigger | struct | |
PlanTrainPathTipTrigger | struct | |
PlanetPrototypeMapGenSettings | struct | |
PlaySoundTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
PlayerInputMethodFilter | union | |
PlumeEffect | struct | |
PlumesSpecification | struct | |
PodAnimationProcessionLayer | struct | |
PodDistanceTraveledProcessionLayer | struct | |
PodMovementProcessionLayer | struct | |
PodOpacityProcessionLayer | struct | |
PollutionSettings | struct | The pollution settings, the values are for 60 ticks (1 second). |
The pollution settings, the values are for 60 ticks (1 second). | ||
ProbabilityTable | array[ProbabilityTableItem] | Probabilities of all items must add up to 100. |
Probabilities of all items must add up to 100. | ||
ProbabilityTableItem | {uint8, uint8} | The first number is the value. [...] |
The first number is the value. [...] | ||
ProcessionAudio | struct | |
ProcessionAudioCatalogue | array[ProcessionAudioCatalogueItem] | Allows a prototype to load variable amount of sounds which may be referenced by index. |
Allows a prototype to load variable amount of sounds which may be referenced by index. | ||
ProcessionAudioCatalogueItem | struct | |
ProcessionAudioEvent | struct | Controls sounds during procession. |
Controls sounds during procession. | ||
ProcessionAudioEventType | union | Type of ProcessionAudioEvent. |
Type of ProcessionAudioEvent. | ||
ProcessionAudioType | union | Types of ProcessionAudio. |
Types of ProcessionAudio. | ||
ProcessionAudioUsage | union | Who will hear ProcessionAudioEvent. |
Who will hear ProcessionAudioEvent. | ||
ProcessionGraphic | struct | |
ProcessionGraphicCatalogue | array[ProcessionGraphicCatalogueItem] | Allows a prototype to load variable amount of sprites which may be referenced by index. |
Allows a prototype to load variable amount of sprites which may be referenced by index. | ||
ProcessionGraphicCatalogueItem | struct | Either picture or animation must be provided. |
Either picture or animation must be provided. | ||
ProcessionGraphicType | union | Types of ProcessionGraphic. |
Types of ProcessionGraphic. | ||
ProcessionID | string | The name of a ProcessionPrototype. |
The name of a ProcessionPrototype. | ||
ProcessionLayer | union | Describes one aspect of a procession. [...] |
Describes one aspect of a procession. [...] | ||
ProcessionLayerInheritanceGroupID | string | The name of an ProcessionLayerInheritanceGroup. |
The name of an ProcessionLayerInheritanceGroup. | ||
ProcessionLayerWithTime | ProcessionLayer | |
ProcessionSet | struct | Lists arrivals and departures available for travel to a given surface. |
Lists arrivals and departures available for travel to a given surface. | ||
ProcessionTimeline | struct | A wrapper for a collection of ProcessionLayers. |
A wrapper for a collection of ProcessionLayers. | ||
ProductPrototype | union | |
ProductionHealthEffect | struct | |
ProgrammableSpeakerNote | struct | |
ProgressBarStyleSpecification | struct | |
ProjectileAttackParameters | struct | |
ProjectileTriggerDelivery | struct | |
PrototypeStrafeSettings | struct | Used by UnitPrototype. |
Used by UnitPrototype. | ||
PuddleTileEffectParameters | struct | |
PumpConnectorGraphics | struct | A mapping of arrays of PumpConnectorGraphicsAnimations to all 4 directions of the pump connection (to a fluid wagon). |
A mapping of arrays of PumpConnectorGraphicsAnimations to all 4 directions of the pump connection (to a fluid wagon). | ||
PumpConnectorGraphicsAnimation | struct | |
PushBackTriggerEffectItem | struct | The push back effect used by the discharge defense. [...] |
The push back effect used by the discharge defense. [...] | ||
QualityID | string | The name of a QualityPrototype. |
The name of a QualityPrototype. | ||
RadioButtonStyleSpecification | struct | |
RadiusVisualisationSpecification | struct | Sprite to be shown around the entity when it is selected/held in the cursor. |
Sprite to be shown around the entity when it is selected/held in the cursor. | ||
RailFenceDirectionSet | struct | |
RailFenceGraphicsSet | struct | Used for graphics by RailPrototype. |
Used for graphics by RailPrototype. | ||
RailFencePictureSet | struct | |
RailPictureSet | struct | |
RailPieceLayers | struct | Used for graphics by RailPrototype and RailRemnantsPrototype. |
Used for graphics by RailPrototype and RailRemnantsPrototype. | ||
RailPlannerAllowElevatedRailsModifier | struct | |
RailRenderLayers | struct | |
RailSignalColorToFrameIndex | struct | |
RailSignalLightDefinition | struct | |
RailSignalLights | struct | |
RailSignalPictureSet | struct | |
RailSignalStaticSpriteLayer | struct | |
RailSupportOnDeepOilOceanModifier | struct | |
RandomRange | union | Define a numerical property in terms of minimum and maximum to be used as a randomly chosen value in that range (inclusively). [...] |
Define a numerical property in terms of minimum and maximum to be used as a randomly chosen value in that range (inclusively). [...] | ||
RangeMode | union | |
RangedValue | {float, float} or float | |
RealOrientation | float | Specified by a float between 0 and 1, including 0 and excluding 1. |
Specified by a float between 0 and 1, including 0 and excluding 1. | ||
RecipeCategoryID | string | The name of a RecipeCategory. |
The name of a RecipeCategory. | ||
RecipeID | string | The name of a RecipePrototype. |
The name of a RecipePrototype. | ||
RecipeTints | struct | If no tint is specified, the machine falls back to WorkingVisualisations::default_recipe_tint. |
If no tint is specified, the machine falls back to WorkingVisualisations::default_recipe_tint. | ||
RenderLayer | union | The render layer specifies the order of the sprite when rendering, most of the objects have it hardcoded in the source, but some are configurable. [...] |
The render layer specifies the order of the sprite when rendering, most of the objects have it hardcoded in the source, but some are configurable. [...] | ||
ResearchIngredient | {ItemID, uint16} | Defines the amount of an item required to research one unit of a technology. [...] |
Defines the amount of an item required to research one unit of a technology. [...] | ||
ResearchProgressProductPrototype | struct | A research progress product definition. |
A research progress product definition. | ||
ResearchTechnologyTipTrigger | struct | |
ResearchWithSciencePackTipTrigger | struct | |
Resistance | struct | Resistances to certain types of attacks from enemy, and physical damage. [...] |
Resistances to certain types of attacks from enemy, and physical damage. [...] | ||
ResourceCategoryID | string | The name of a ResourceCategory. |
The name of a ResourceCategory. | ||
RichTextSetting | union | |
RollingStockRotatedSlopedGraphics | struct | |
RotateEntityTipTrigger | struct | |
RotatedAnimation | struct | |
RotatedAnimation8Way | struct or RotatedAnimation | A map of rotated animations for all 8 directions of the entity. [...] |
A map of rotated animations for all 8 directions of the entity. [...] | ||
RotatedAnimationVariations | RotatedAnimation or array[RotatedAnimation] | |
RotatedSprite | struct | Specifies series of sprites used to visualize different rotations of the object. |
Specifies series of sprites used to visualize different rotations of the object. | ||
RotatedSpriteFrame | struct | Specifies frame-specific properties of an individual sprite within a RotatedSprite set. [...] |
Specifies frame-specific properties of an individual sprite within a RotatedSprite set. [...] | ||
ScriptTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
ScrollBarStyleSpecification | struct | |
ScrollPaneStyleSpecification | struct | |
SegmentEngineSpecification | struct | Used by SegmentedUnitPrototype to define and manage the segments that make up the body of the entity. |
Used by SegmentedUnitPrototype to define and manage the segments that make up the body of the entity. | ||
SegmentSpecification | struct | A container for an individual instance of a SegmentPrototype within a SegmentEngineSpecification. [...] |
A container for an individual instance of a SegmentPrototype within a SegmentEngineSpecification. [...] | ||
SelectionModeData | struct | |
SelectionModeFlags | union or array[union] | An array containing the following values. |
An array containing the following values. | ||
SemiPersistentWorldAmbientSoundDefinition | struct or Sound | |
SendItemToOrbitTechnologyTrigger | struct | |
SendSpidertronTipTrigger | struct | |
SendToOrbitMode | union | |
SequenceTipTrigger | struct | |
SetFilterTipTrigger | struct | |
SetLogisticRequestTipTrigger | struct | |
SetRecipeTipTrigger | struct | |
SetTileTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
Settings | struct | A struct that provides access to the user-set values of startup mod settings. |
A struct that provides access to the user-set values of startup mod settings. | ||
ShiftAnimationWaypoints | struct | |
ShootTipTrigger | struct | |
ShowExplosionOnChartTriggerEffectItem | struct | |
SignalColorMapping | struct | |
SignalIDConnector | struct | |
SimpleBoundingBox | struct or {MapPosition, MapPosition} | An axis aligned bounding box. [...] |
An axis aligned bounding box. [...] | ||
SimpleModifier | struct | |
SimulationDefinition | struct | Used by tips and tricks and main menu simulations. [...] |
Used by tips and tricks and main menu simulations. [...] | ||
SingleGraphicProcessionLayer | struct | |
SliderStyleSpecification | struct | |
SmokeSource | struct | Definition of the smoke of an entity. |
Definition of the smoke of an entity. | ||
Sound | struct or array[SoundDefinition] | |
SoundAccent | struct | |
SoundDefinition | struct or FileName | |
SoundModifier | struct | |
SoundModifierType | union | |
SoundType | union | This defines which slider in the sound settings affects the volume of this sound. [...] |
This defines which slider in the sound settings affects the volume of this sound. [...] | ||
SpaceConnectionAsteroidSpawnDefinition | struct or {EntityID, array[SpaceConnectionAsteroidSpawnPoint]} | |
SpaceConnectionAsteroidSpawnPoint | struct | |
SpaceConnectionID | string | The name of a SpaceConnectionPrototype. |
The name of a SpaceConnectionPrototype. | ||
SpaceDustEffectProperties | struct | |
SpaceLocationAsteroidSpawnDefinition | struct | |
SpaceLocationID | string | The name of a SpaceLocationPrototype. |
The name of a SpaceLocationPrototype. | ||
SpacePlatformTileDefinition | struct | |
SpacePlatformsModifier | struct | |
SpaceTileEffectParameters | struct | Nebulae are rendered only behind tiles with the effect, but stars are rendered behind entire terrain. [...] |
Nebulae are rendered only behind tiles with the effect, but stars are rendered behind entire terrain. [...] | ||
SpacingItem | struct | |
SpawnPoint | struct or {double, double} | The definition of a evolution and probability weights for a spawnable unit for a EnemySpawnerPrototype. [...] |
The definition of a evolution and probability weights for a spawnable unit for a EnemySpawnerPrototype. [...] | ||
SpeechBubbleStyleSpecification | struct | |
SpiderEngineSpecification | struct | Used by SpiderVehiclePrototype. |
Used by SpiderVehiclePrototype. | ||
SpiderLegPart | struct | |
SpiderLegSpecification | struct | Used by SpiderEngineSpecification for SpiderVehiclePrototype. |
Used by SpiderEngineSpecification for SpiderVehiclePrototype. | ||
SpiderLegTriggerEffect | struct | |
SpiderTorsoGraphicsSet | struct | |
SpiderVehicleGraphicsSet | struct | Used to specify the graphics for SpiderVehiclePrototype. |
Used to specify the graphics for SpiderVehiclePrototype. | ||
SpoilToTriggerResult | struct | |
Sprite | struct | Specifies one picture that can be used in the game. [...] |
Specifies one picture that can be used in the game. [...] | ||
Sprite16Way | struct | A map of sprites for all 16 directions of the entity. |
A map of sprites for all 16 directions of the entity. | ||
Sprite4Way | struct or Sprite | Sprites for the 4 major directions of the entity. [...] |
Sprites for the 4 major directions of the entity. [...] | ||
SpriteFlags | array[union] | An array containing the following values. |
An array containing the following values. | ||
SpriteNWaySheet | struct | |
SpriteParameters | struct | |
SpritePriority | union | This sets the "caching priority" of a sprite, so deciding priority of it being included in VRAM instead of streaming it and is therefore a purely technical value. [...] |
This sets the "caching priority" of a sprite, so deciding priority of it being included in VRAM instead of streaming it and is therefore a purely technical value. [...] | ||
SpriteSheet | struct | |
SpriteSizeType | int16 | |
SpriteSource | struct | |
SpriteUsageHint | union | Provides hint to sprite atlas system, so it can pack sprites that are related to each other to the same sprite atlas. |
Provides hint to sprite atlas system, so it can pack sprites that are related to each other to the same sprite atlas. | ||
SpriteUsageSurfaceHint | union | Provides hint to sprite atlas system, so it can try to put sprites that are intended to be used at the same locations to the same sprite atlas. |
Provides hint to sprite atlas system, so it can try to put sprites that are intended to be used at the same locations to the same sprite atlas. | ||
SpriteVariations | struct or SpriteSheet or array[Sprite] | |
StackTransferTipTrigger | struct | |
StateSteeringSettings | struct | |
StatelessVisualisation | struct | |
StatelessVisualisations | StatelessVisualisation or array[StatelessVisualisation] | |
StatusColors | struct | |
StreamAttackParameters | struct | |
StreamTriggerDelivery | struct | |
StretchRule | union | Sets whether a GUI element can be stretched or squashed. |
Sets whether a GUI element can be stretched or squashed. | ||
Stripe | struct | Used as an alternative way to specify animations. |
Used as an alternative way to specify animations. | ||
StyleSpecification | union | Loaded as one of the BaseStyleSpecification extensions, based on the value of the |
Loaded as one of the BaseStyleSpecification extensions, based on the value of the | ||
StyleWithClickableGraphicalSetSpecification | struct | |
SurfaceCondition | struct | Requires Space Age to use. |
Requires Space Age to use. | ||
SurfaceID | string | The name of a SurfacePrototype. |
The name of a SurfacePrototype. | ||
SurfacePropertyID | string | The name of a SurfacePropertyPrototype. |
The name of a SurfacePropertyPrototype. | ||
SurfaceRenderParameters | struct | |
SwitchStyleSpecification | struct | |
TabStyleSpecification | struct | |
TabbedPaneStyleSpecification | struct | |
TableStyleSpecification | struct | |
TechnologyID | string | The name of a TechnologyPrototype. |
The name of a TechnologyPrototype. | ||
TechnologySlotStyleSpecification | struct | |
TechnologyTrigger | union | Loaded as one of the technology triggers, based on the value of the |
Loaded as one of the technology triggers, based on the value of the | ||
TechnologyUnit | struct | Either |
Either | ||
TerritorySettings | struct | |
TextBoxStyleSpecification | struct | |
ThrowCapsuleAction | struct | |
ThrusterGraphicsSet | struct | |
ThrusterPerformancePoint | struct or {double, double, double} | |
TileBasedParticleTints | struct | Used for particles created with apply_tile_tint defined. |
Used for particles created with apply_tile_tint defined. | ||
TileBuildabilityRule | struct | |
TileEffectDefinitionID | string | The name of an TileEffectDefinition. |
The name of an TileEffectDefinition. | ||
TileID | string | The name of a TilePrototype. |
The name of a TilePrototype. | ||
TileLightPictures | struct | |
TileMainPictures | struct | |
TilePosition | struct or {int32, int32} | Coordinates of a tile on a map where each integer |
Coordinates of a tile on a map where each integer | ||
TileRenderLayer | union | |
TileSpriteLayout | struct | |
TileSpriteLayoutVariant | struct | |
TileTransitionSpritesheetLayout | struct | The properties from the parent TileSpriteLayoutVariant provide defaults for the TileTransitionVariantLayouts. [...] |
The properties from the parent TileSpriteLayoutVariant provide defaults for the TileTransitionVariantLayouts. [...] | ||
TileTransitionVariantLayout | struct | The properties from the parent TileSpriteLayoutVariant provide defaults for the properties defined here. [...] |
The properties from the parent TileSpriteLayoutVariant provide defaults for the properties defined here. [...] | ||
TileTransitions | struct | Used for TilePrototype graphics. [...] |
Used for TilePrototype graphics. [...] | ||
TileTransitionsBetweenTransitions | struct | |
TileTransitionsToTiles | struct | |
TileTransitionsVariants | struct | |
TimeElapsedTipTrigger | struct | |
TimeSinceLastTipActivationTipTrigger | struct | |
TintProcessionLayer | struct | Fullscreen overlay which blends gradient from top to bottom edge of the screen using premultiplied alpha blending. |
Fullscreen overlay which blends gradient from top to bottom edge of the screen using premultiplied alpha blending. | ||
TipStatus | union | This is used by TipsAndTricksItem for the initial starting status. [...] |
This is used by TipsAndTricksItem for the initial starting status. [...] | ||
TipTrigger | union | Loaded as one of the tip triggers, based on the value of the |
Loaded as one of the tip triggers, based on the value of the | ||
ToggleRailLayerTipTrigger | struct | |
ToggleShowEntityInfoTipTrigger | struct | |
TrainBrakingForceBonusModifier | struct | |
TrainStopLight | struct | |
TrainVisualizationConstants | struct | |
TransitionApplication | struct | |
TransportBeltAnimationSet | struct | |
TransportBeltAnimationSetWithCorners | struct | |
TransportBeltConnectorFrame | struct | Used to define the graphics for the (in vanilla) yellow frame that is used when a TransportBeltPrototype is connected to the circuit network. |
Used to define the graphics for the (in vanilla) yellow frame that is used when a TransportBeltPrototype is connected to the circuit network. | ||
TreeVariation | struct | Tree has number of "dying" stages, which is deduced from frame count of |
Tree has number of "dying" stages, which is deduced from frame count of | ||
Trigger | union or array[union] | Loaded as one of the TriggerItem extensions, based on the value of the |
Loaded as one of the TriggerItem extensions, based on the value of the | ||
TriggerDelivery | union | Loaded as one of the TriggerDeliveryItem extensions, based on the value of the |
Loaded as one of the TriggerDeliveryItem extensions, based on the value of the | ||
TriggerDeliveryItem | struct | The abstract base of all TriggerDeliveries. |
The abstract base of all TriggerDeliveries. | ||
TriggerEffect | union or array[union] | Loaded as one of the TriggerEffectItem extensions, based on the value of the |
Loaded as one of the TriggerEffectItem extensions, based on the value of the | ||
TriggerEffectItem | struct | The abstract base of all TriggerEffects. |
The abstract base of all TriggerEffects. | ||
TriggerEffectWithCooldown | struct | A TriggerEffect with cooldown conditions, used to limit the frequency of trigger effects that would otherwise fire every single tick. [...] |
A TriggerEffect with cooldown conditions, used to limit the frequency of trigger effects that would otherwise fire every single tick. [...] | ||
TriggerItem | struct | The abstract base of all Triggers. |
The abstract base of all Triggers. | ||
TriggerTargetMask | array[string] | An array of names of TriggerTargetType. [...] |
An array of names of TriggerTargetType. [...] | ||
TrivialSmokeID | string | The name of a TrivialSmokePrototype. |
The name of a TrivialSmokePrototype. | ||
TurretAttackModifier | struct | |
TurretBaseVisualisation | struct | |
TurretGraphicsSet | struct | |
TurretSpecialEffect | struct | |
TurretSpecialEffectCenter | struct or Vector | If this is loaded as a single Vector, it is used for all directions. |
If this is loaded as a single Vector, it is used for all directions. | ||
TurretState | union | |
UnitAISettings | struct | Used by UnitPrototype and SpiderUnitPrototype. |
Used by UnitPrototype and SpiderUnitPrototype. | ||
UnitAlternativeFrameSequence | struct | |
UnitGroupSettings | struct | |
UnitSpawnDefinition | struct or {EntityID, array[SpawnPoint]} | It can be specified as a table with named or numbered keys, but not a mix of both. [...] |
It can be specified as a table with named or numbered keys, but not a mix of both. [...] | ||
UnlockQualityModifier | struct | |
UnlockRecipeModifier | struct | |
UnlockRecipeTipTrigger | struct | |
UnlockSpaceLocationModifier | struct | |
UseConfirmTipTrigger | struct | |
UseOnSelfCapsuleAction | struct | |
UsePipetteTipTrigger | struct | |
UseRailPlannerTipTrigger | struct | |
VariableAmbientSoundCompositionMode | union | Defines how are individual samples selected and played after each other. |
Defines how are individual samples selected and played after each other. | ||
VariableAmbientSoundLayer | struct | |
VariableAmbientSoundLayerSample | {string, uint32} | First property is the name of a layer. [...] |
First property is the name of a layer. [...] | ||
VariableAmbientSoundLayerStateProperties | struct | |
VariableAmbientSoundNextStateConditions | struct | |
VariableAmbientSoundNextStateItem | struct | |
VariableAmbientSoundNextStateTrigger | union | Defines how a transition to next state is triggered. |
Defines how a transition to next state is triggered. | ||
VariableAmbientSoundState | struct | |
VariableAmbientSoundStateType | union | |
VariableAmbientSoundVariableSound | struct | |
Vector | struct or {double, double} | A vector is a two-element array or dictionary containing the x and y components. [...] |
A vector is a two-element array or dictionary containing the x and y components. [...] | ||
Vector3D | struct or {float, float, float} | If this is specified as a three-element array then the array items are x, y and z, in that order. |
If this is specified as a three-element array then the array items are x, y and z, in that order. | ||
Vector4f | struct or {float, float, float, float} | |
VehicleLogisticsModifier | struct | |
VerticalAlign | union | |
VerticalFlowStyleSpecification | struct | |
VerticalScrollBarStyleSpecification | struct | |
VirtualSignalID | string | The name of a VirtualSignalPrototype. |
The name of a VirtualSignalPrototype. | ||
VisualState | struct | |
VoidEnergySource | struct | Void energy sources provide unlimited free energy. |
Void energy sources provide unlimited free energy. | ||
WaterReflectionDefinition | struct | Entity water reflection. [...] |
Entity water reflection. [...] | ||
WaterTileEffectParameters | struct | |
Weight | double | Weight of an object. [...] |
Weight of an object. [...] | ||
WireConnectionPoint | struct | Definition of a point where circuit network wires can be connected to an entity. |
Definition of a point where circuit network wires can be connected to an entity. | ||
WirePosition | struct | Used by WireConnectionPoint. |
Used by WireConnectionPoint. | ||
WorkerRobotBatteryModifier | struct | |
WorkerRobotSpeedModifier | struct | |
WorkerRobotStorageModifier | struct | |
WorkingSound | struct or Sound | This type is used to produce sound from in-game entities when they are working/idle. |
This type is used to produce sound from in-game entities when they are working/idle. | ||
WorkingVisualisation | struct | Used by crafting machines to display different graphics when the machine is running. |
Used by crafting machines to display different graphics when the machine is running. | ||
WorkingVisualisations | struct | |
WorldAmbientSoundDefinition | struct or Sound | |
bool | builtin | A variable type which can have one of two values: |
A variable type which can have one of two values: | ||
double | builtin | Format uses a dot as its decimal delimiter. [...] |
Format uses a dot as its decimal delimiter. [...] | ||
float | builtin | Format uses a dot as its decimal delimiter. [...] |
Format uses a dot as its decimal delimiter. [...] | ||
int16 | builtin | 16 bit signed integer. [...] |
16 bit signed integer. [...] | ||
int32 | builtin | 32 bit signed integer. [...] |
32 bit signed integer. [...] | ||
int64 | builtin | 64 bit signed integer. |
64 bit signed integer. | ||
int8 | builtin | 8 bit signed integer. [...] |
8 bit signed integer. [...] | ||
string | builtin | Strings are enclosed in double-quotes. |
Strings are enclosed in double-quotes. | ||
uint16 | builtin | 16 bit unsigned integer. [...] |
16 bit unsigned integer. [...] | ||
uint32 | builtin | 32 bit unsigned integer. [...] |
32 bit unsigned integer. [...] | ||
uint64 | builtin | 64 bit unsigned integer. |
64 bit unsigned integer. | ||
uint8 | builtin | 8 bit unsigned integer. [...] |
8 bit unsigned integer. [...] |