Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

FootstepTriggerEffectItem :: struct

Inherits from CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem « TriggerEffectItem


tiles :: array[TileID]
actions optional :: array[CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem]

Can be used to specify multiple CreateParticleTriggerEffectItems. [...]

Can be used to specify multiple CreateParticleTriggerEffectItems. [...]

use_as_default optional :: boolean

When true, the trigger(s) defined in actions are the default triggers for tiles that don't have an associated footstep particle trigger. [...]

When true, the trigger(s) defined in actions are the default triggers for tiles that don't have an associated footstep particle trigger. [...]

type :: "create-particle"
particle_name :: ParticleID
initial_height :: float
offset_deviation optional :: SimpleBoundingBox
tile_collision_mask optional :: CollisionMaskConnector
offsets optional :: array[Vector]
initial_height_deviation optional :: float
initial_vertical_speed optional :: float
initial_vertical_speed_deviation optional :: float
speed_from_center optional :: float
speed_from_center_deviation optional :: float
frame_speed optional :: float
frame_speed_deviation optional :: float
movement_multiplier optional :: float
tail_length optional :: uint8

Silently capped to a maximum of 100.

Silently capped to a maximum of 100.

tail_length_deviation optional :: uint8

Silently capped to a maximum of 100.

Silently capped to a maximum of 100.

tail_width optional :: float
rotate_offsets optional :: boolean
only_when_visible optional :: boolean

Create particles only when they are in 200 tiles range of any connected player.

Create particles only when they are in 200 tiles range of any connected player.

apply_tile_tint optional :: "primary" or "secondary"
tint optional :: Color

Only loaded if apply_tile_tint is not defined.

Only loaded if apply_tile_tint is not defined.

Inherited from TriggerEffectItem
repeat_count optional :: uint16
repeat_count_deviation optional :: uint16
probability optional :: float

Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.

Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.

affects_target optional :: boolean
show_in_tooltip optional :: boolean
damage_type_filters optional :: DamageTypeFilters


tiles :: array[TileID]

actions :: array[CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem] optional

Can be used to specify multiple CreateParticleTriggerEffectItems. If this property is defined, all properties inherited from CreateParticleTriggerEffectItem are ignored.

use_as_default :: boolean optional

Default: false

When true, the trigger(s) defined in actions are the default triggers for tiles that don't have an associated footstep particle trigger. (ie. don't show up in one of the "tiles" lists).


