Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.37

MainSound :: struct



sound optional :: Sound

Cannot be empty.

Cannot be empty.

probability optional :: double

Modifies how often the sound is played. [...]

Modifies how often the sound is played. [...]

fade_in_ticks optional :: uint32

Can't be used when match_progress_to_activity is true.

Can't be used when match_progress_to_activity is true.

fade_out_ticks optional :: uint32

Can't be used when match_progress_to_activity is true.

Can't be used when match_progress_to_activity is true.

activity_to_volume_modifiers optional :: ActivityMatchingModifiers
activity_to_speed_modifiers optional :: ActivityMatchingModifiers
match_progress_to_activity optional :: bool
match_volume_to_activity optional :: bool
match_speed_to_activity optional :: bool
play_for_working_visualisations optional :: array[string]

Array of WorkingVisualisation::names, individual names cannot be empty. [...]

Array of WorkingVisualisation::names, individual names cannot be empty. [...]

volume_smoothing_window_size optional :: uint32

Only used if WorkingSound::persistent is true.

Only used if WorkingSound::persistent is true.


sound :: Sound optional

Cannot be empty.

probability :: double optional

Default: 1

Modifies how often the sound is played.

Silently clamped to the [0.0, 1.0] range.


probability = 1 / (3 * 60) -- average pause between the sound is 3 seconds

fade_in_ticks :: uint32 optional

Default: 0

Can't be used when match_progress_to_activity is true.

fade_out_ticks :: uint32 optional

Default: 0

Can't be used when match_progress_to_activity is true.

activity_to_volume_modifiers :: ActivityMatchingModifiers optional

activity_to_speed_modifiers :: ActivityMatchingModifiers optional

match_progress_to_activity :: bool optional

Default: false

match_volume_to_activity :: bool optional

Default: false

match_speed_to_activity :: bool optional

Default: false

play_for_working_visualisations :: array[string] optional

Array of WorkingVisualisation::names, individual names cannot be empty.

The sound is played when at least one of the specified working visualisations is drawn.

volume_smoothing_window_size :: uint32 optional

Default: 0

Only used if WorkingSound::persistent is true.


