Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

PlumeEffect :: struct

Inherits from StatelessVisualisation


Inherited from StatelessVisualisation
animation optional :: AnimationVariations

One of nested_visualisations, animation and light needs to be defined.

One of nested_visualisations, animation and light needs to be defined.

shadow optional :: AnimationVariations

Shadow variation count must be equal to animation variation count. [...]

Shadow variation count must be equal to animation variation count. [...]

light optional :: LightDefinition

One of nested_visualisations, animation and light needs to be defined.

One of nested_visualisations, animation and light needs to be defined.

count optional :: uint16
min_count optional :: uint16

Only loaded if count is not defined.

Only loaded if count is not defined.

max_count optional :: uint16

Only loaded if count is not defined.

Only loaded if count is not defined.

period optional :: uint16
particle_tick_offset optional :: float
probability optional :: float

Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1.

Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1.

offset_x optional :: RangedValue
offset_y optional :: RangedValue
offset_z optional :: RangedValue
speed_x optional :: RangedValue
speed_y optional :: RangedValue
speed_z optional :: RangedValue
acceleration_x optional :: float
acceleration_y optional :: float
acceleration_z optional :: float
movement_slowdown_factor_x optional :: float

Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1.

Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1.

movement_slowdown_factor_y optional :: float

Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1.

Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1.

movement_slowdown_factor_z optional :: float

Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1.

Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1.

scale optional :: RangedValue
begin_scale optional :: float
end_scale optional :: float
fade_in_progress_duration optional :: float
fade_out_progress_duration optional :: float
spread_progress_duration optional :: float
adjust_animation_speed_by_base_scale optional :: boolean
affected_by_wind optional :: boolean
render_layer optional :: RenderLayer
positions optional :: array[Vector]

Array may be at most 32 elements.

Array may be at most 32 elements.

nested_visualisations optional :: StatelessVisualisation or array[StatelessVisualisation]

One of nested_visualisations, animation and light needs to be defined.

One of nested_visualisations, animation and light needs to be defined.

can_lay_on_the_ground optional :: boolean


age_discrimination :: int8 optional

Default: 0


