Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

SpiderLegSpecification :: struct


leg :: EntityID
mount_position :: Vector
ground_position :: Vector
leg_hit_the_ground_trigger optional :: TriggerEffect

Triggers to activate whenever the leg hits the ground, even if the owning spider is actively attacking an entity. [...]

Triggers to activate whenever the leg hits the ground, even if the owning spider is actively attacking an entity. [...]

leg_hit_the_ground_when_attacking_trigger optional :: TriggerEffect

Triggers to activate whenever the leg hits the ground and the owning spider is actively attacking an entity. [...]

Triggers to activate whenever the leg hits the ground and the owning spider is actively attacking an entity. [...]

walking_group :: uint8

The walking group this leg belongs to. [...]

The walking group this leg belongs to. [...]


leg :: EntityID

mount_position :: Vector

ground_position :: Vector

leg_hit_the_ground_trigger :: TriggerEffect optional

Triggers to activate whenever the leg hits the ground, even if the owning spider is actively attacking an entity. For triggers, the source is the leg entity and the target is the leg's current position. Certain effects may not raise as desired, e.g. "push-back" does nothing.

leg_hit_the_ground_when_attacking_trigger :: TriggerEffect optional

Triggers to activate whenever the leg hits the ground and the owning spider is actively attacking an entity. These effects will trigger after leg_hit_the_ground_trigger have triggered. For triggers, the source is the let entity and the target is the leg's current position. Certain effects may not raise as desired.

walking_group :: uint8

The walking group this leg belongs to. Legs in the same walking group move or stay still at the same time, according to the engine that drives them. Walking groups must start at 1 and increment upward without skipping any numbers. If all legs are part of the same walking_group, they will all move simultaneously.


