Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.42

BeamAnimationSet :: struct


start optional :: Animation

Start point of the beam.

Start point of the beam.

ending optional :: Animation

End point of the beam.

End point of the beam.

head optional :: Animation

Head segment of the beam.

Head segment of the beam.

tail optional :: Animation

Tail segment of the beam.

Tail segment of the beam.

body optional :: AnimationVariations

Body segment of the beam.

Body segment of the beam.

render_layer optional :: RenderLayer


start :: Animation optional

Start point of the beam.

ending :: Animation optional

End point of the beam.

tail :: Animation optional

Tail segment of the beam.

body :: AnimationVariations optional

Body segment of the beam.

render_layer :: RenderLayer optional

Default: "projectile"


