Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

SmokeSource :: struct

Definition of the smoke of an entity.


name :: TrivialSmokeID
frequency :: float

Number of smokes generated per entity animation cycle (or per tick for some entities). [...]

Number of smokes generated per entity animation cycle (or per tick for some entities). [...]

offset optional :: float

Offsets animation cycle, to move at which points of the cycle the smoke gets emitted.

Offsets animation cycle, to move at which points of the cycle the smoke gets emitted.

position optional :: Vector

Positional offset of smoke source relative to owner entity position. [...]

Positional offset of smoke source relative to owner entity position. [...]

has_8_directions optional :: bool
north_position optional :: Vector
north_east_position optional :: Vector

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

east_position optional :: Vector
south_east_position optional :: Vector

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

south_position optional :: Vector
south_west_position optional :: Vector

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

west_position optional :: Vector
north_west_position optional :: Vector

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

deviation optional :: Vector
starting_frame optional :: uint16
starting_frame_deviation optional :: uint16
height optional :: float
height_deviation optional :: float
starting_vertical_speed optional :: float
starting_vertical_speed_deviation optional :: float
vertical_speed_slowdown optional :: float

A value between 0 and 1.

A value between 0 and 1.


frequency :: float

Number of smokes generated per entity animation cycle (or per tick for some entities). Can't be negative or infinite.

offset :: float optional

Default: 0

Offsets animation cycle, to move at which points of the cycle the smoke gets emitted.

position :: Vector optional

Positional offset of smoke source relative to owner entity position. The vector is rotated by orientation of the entity.

If any of north_position, north_east_position, east_position, south_east_position, south_position, south_west_position, west_position, north_west_position is defined, position is used only as default value for directional positions. Orientation of the owner entity will be rounded to 4 or 8 directions and one of the directional positions will be used as the offset instead of position.

has_8_directions :: bool optional

Default: false

north_position :: Vector optional

Default: Value of position

north_east_position :: Vector optional

Default: Value of position rotated north-east

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

east_position :: Vector optional

Default: Value of position rotated east

south_east_position :: Vector optional

Default: Value of position rotated south-east

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

south_position :: Vector optional

Default: Value of position rotated south

south_west_position :: Vector optional

Default: Value of position rotated south-west

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

west_position :: Vector optional

Default: Value of position rotated west

north_west_position :: Vector optional

Default: Value of position rotated north-west

Only loaded if has_8_directions is true.

deviation :: Vector optional

starting_frame :: uint16 optional

Default: 0

starting_frame_deviation :: uint16 optional

Default: 0

height :: float optional

Default: 0

height_deviation :: float optional

Default: 0

starting_vertical_speed :: float optional

Default: 0

starting_vertical_speed_deviation :: float optional

Default: 0

vertical_speed_slowdown :: float optional

Default: 0.965

A value between 0 and 1.


