Factorio Prototype DocsVersion 2.0.39

WorkingVisualisation :: struct

Used by crafting machines to display different graphics when the machine is running.


render_layer optional :: RenderLayer
fadeout optional :: bool
synced_fadeout optional :: bool
constant_speed optional :: bool

Whether the animations are always played at the same speed, not adjusted to the machine speed.

Whether the animations are always played at the same speed, not adjusted to the machine speed.

always_draw optional :: bool
animated_shift optional :: bool
align_to_waypoint optional :: bool
mining_drill_scorch_mark optional :: bool
secondary_draw_order optional :: int8

Used to determine render order for sprites with the same render_layer in the same position. [...]

Used to determine render order for sprites with the same render_layer in the same position. [...]

light optional :: LightDefinition
effect optional :: "flicker" or "uranium-glow" or "none"
apply_recipe_tint optional :: "primary" or "secondary" or "tertiary" or "quaternary" or "none"
apply_tint optional :: "resource-color" or "input-fluid-base-color" or "input-fluid-flow-color" or "status" or "none" or "visual-state-color"

Used by CraftingMachinePrototype ("status" and "visual-state-color" only) and MiningDrillPrototype. [...]

Used by CraftingMachinePrototype ("status" and "visual-state-color" only) and MiningDrillPrototype. [...]

north_animation optional :: Animation
east_animation optional :: Animation
south_animation optional :: Animation
west_animation optional :: Animation
north_position optional :: Vector
east_position optional :: Vector
south_position optional :: Vector
west_position optional :: Vector
north_secondary_draw_order optional :: int8
east_secondary_draw_order optional :: int8
south_secondary_draw_order optional :: int8
west_secondary_draw_order optional :: int8
north_fog_mask optional :: FogMaskShapeDefinition

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

east_fog_mask optional :: FogMaskShapeDefinition

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

south_fog_mask optional :: FogMaskShapeDefinition

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

west_fog_mask optional :: FogMaskShapeDefinition

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

fog_mask optional :: FogMaskShapeDefinition

Loaded only if at least one of north_fog_mask, east_fog_mask, south_fog_mask, west_fog_mask is not specified. [...]

Loaded only if at least one of north_fog_mask, east_fog_mask, south_fog_mask, west_fog_mask is not specified. [...]

animation optional :: Animation
draw_in_states optional :: array[string]

Only loaded if WorkingVisualisations::states is defined in the WorkingVisualisations that loads this.

Only loaded if WorkingVisualisations::states is defined in the WorkingVisualisations that loads this.

draw_when_state_filter_matches optional :: bool

Only loaded if WorkingVisualisations::states is defined in the WorkingVisualisations that loads this.

Only loaded if WorkingVisualisations::states is defined in the WorkingVisualisations that loads this.

enabled_by_name optional :: bool
name optional :: string
enabled_in_animated_shift_during_waypoint_stop optional :: bool
enabled_in_animated_shift_during_transition optional :: bool
frame_based_on_shift_animation_progress optional :: bool
scorch_mark_fade_out_duration optional :: uint16

Only loaded, and mandatory if mining_drill_scorch_mark is true. [...]

Only loaded, and mandatory if mining_drill_scorch_mark is true. [...]

scorch_mark_lifetime optional :: uint16

Only loaded, and mandatory if mining_drill_scorch_mark is true.

Only loaded, and mandatory if mining_drill_scorch_mark is true.

scorch_mark_fade_in_frames optional :: uint8

Only loaded, and mandatory if mining_drill_scorch_mark is true.

Only loaded, and mandatory if mining_drill_scorch_mark is true.


render_layer :: RenderLayer optional

Default: "object"

fadeout :: bool optional

Default: false

synced_fadeout :: bool optional

Default: false

constant_speed :: bool optional

Default: false

Whether the animations are always played at the same speed, not adjusted to the machine speed.

always_draw :: bool optional

Default: false

animated_shift :: bool optional

Default: false

align_to_waypoint :: bool optional

Default: false

mining_drill_scorch_mark :: bool optional

Default: false

secondary_draw_order :: int8 optional

Used to determine render order for sprites with the same render_layer in the same position. Sprites with a higher secondary_draw_order are drawn on top.

light :: LightDefinition optional

effect :: "flicker" or "uranium-glow" or "none" optional

apply_recipe_tint :: "primary" or "secondary" or "tertiary" or "quaternary" or "none" optional

Used by CraftingMachinePrototype. Has precedence over apply_tint.

apply_tint :: "resource-color" or "input-fluid-base-color" or "input-fluid-flow-color" or "status" or "none" or "visual-state-color" optional

Used by CraftingMachinePrototype ("status" and "visual-state-color" only) and MiningDrillPrototype.

For "status" on CraftingMachine and MiningDrill, the colors are specified via WorkingVisualisations::status_colors. For "resource-color", the colors are specified via ResourceEntityPrototype::mining_visualisation_tint.

north_animation :: Animation optional

east_animation :: Animation optional

south_animation :: Animation optional

west_animation :: Animation optional

north_position :: Vector optional

east_position :: Vector optional

south_position :: Vector optional

west_position :: Vector optional

north_secondary_draw_order :: int8 optional

Default: Value of secondary_draw_order

east_secondary_draw_order :: int8 optional

Default: Value of secondary_draw_order

south_secondary_draw_order :: int8 optional

Default: Value of secondary_draw_order

west_secondary_draw_order :: int8 optional

Default: Value of secondary_draw_order

north_fog_mask :: FogMaskShapeDefinition optional

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

east_fog_mask :: FogMaskShapeDefinition optional

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

south_fog_mask :: FogMaskShapeDefinition optional

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

west_fog_mask :: FogMaskShapeDefinition optional

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

fog_mask :: FogMaskShapeDefinition optional

Loaded only if at least one of north_fog_mask, east_fog_mask, south_fog_mask, west_fog_mask is not specified.

If defined, animation in this visualisation layer will be used only as mask for fog effect and will not render in world.

animation :: Animation optional

draw_in_states :: array[string] optional

Only loaded if WorkingVisualisations::states is defined in the WorkingVisualisations that loads this.

draw_when_state_filter_matches :: bool optional

Default: true

Only loaded if WorkingVisualisations::states is defined in the WorkingVisualisations that loads this.

enabled_by_name :: bool optional

Default: false

name :: string optional

Default: ""

enabled_in_animated_shift_during_waypoint_stop :: bool optional

Default: true

enabled_in_animated_shift_during_transition :: bool optional

Default: true

frame_based_on_shift_animation_progress :: bool optional

Default: false

scorch_mark_fade_out_duration :: uint16 optional

Only loaded, and mandatory if mining_drill_scorch_mark is true. Cannot be larger than scorch_mark_lifetime.

scorch_mark_lifetime :: uint16 optional

Only loaded, and mandatory if mining_drill_scorch_mark is true.

scorch_mark_fade_in_frames :: uint8 optional

Only loaded, and mandatory if mining_drill_scorch_mark is true.


