agricultural_range_visualization_colornew | :: Color | |
artillery_range_visualization_color | :: Color | |
asteroid_collector_blockage_update_tile_distancenew | :: uint32 | |
asteroid_collector_max_nurbs_control_point_separationnew | :: double | |
asteroid_collector_navmesh_refresh_tick_intervalnew | :: uint32 | |
asteroid_collector_static_head_swing_segment_countnew | :: uint32 | |
asteroid_collector_static_head_swing_strength_scalenew | :: double | |
asteroid_fading_rangenew | :: float | |
asteroid_position_offset_to_speed_coefficientnew | :: double | |
asteroid_spawning_offsetnew | :: SimpleBoundingBox | |
asteroid_spawning_with_random_orientation_max_speednew | :: double | |
bonus_gui_ordering | :: BonusGuiOrdering | The base game uses more entries here that are applied via the ammo-category.lua file. |
The base game uses more entries here that are applied via the ammo-category.lua file. |
building_buildable_tint | :: Color | |
building_buildable_too_far_tint | :: Color | |
building_collision_masknew | :: CollisionMaskConnector | |
building_ignorable_tint | :: Color | |
building_no_tint | :: Color | |
building_not_buildable_tint | :: Color | |
capsule_range_visualization_color | :: Color | |
chart | :: ChartUtilityConstants | Chart means map and minimap. |
Chart means map and minimap. |
chart_search_highlightnew | :: Color | |
checkerboard_black | :: Color | |
checkerboard_white | :: Color | |
clear_cursor_volume_modifiernew | :: float | |
clipboard_history_size | :: uint32 | |
count_button_size | :: int32 | |
daytime_color_lookup | :: DaytimeColorLookupTable | |
deconstruct_mark_tint | :: Color | |
default_alert_icon_scale | :: float | |
default_collision_masksnew | :: dictionary[string → CollisionMaskConnector] | The strings can be entity types or custom strings. |
The strings can be entity types or custom strings. |
default_enemy_force_color | :: Color | |
default_item_weightnew | :: Weight | |
default_other_force_color | :: Color | |
default_pipeline_extentnew | :: double | |
default_planet_procession_setnew | :: ProcessionSet | |
default_platform_procession_setnew | :: ProcessionSet | |
default_player_force_color | :: Color | |
default_scorch_mark_color | :: Color | |
disabled_recipe_slot_background_tint | :: Color | |
disabled_recipe_slot_tint | :: Color | |
drop_item_radiusnew | :: float | |
dynamic_recipe_overload_factor | :: double | |
ejected_item_direction_variationnew | :: double | Silently clamped to be between 0 and 0.99. |
Silently clamped to be between 0 and 0.99. |
ejected_item_frictionnew | :: double | Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1. |
Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1. |
ejected_item_lifetimenew | :: MapTick | Silently clamped to be between 1 tick and 5 minutes (5 * 60 * 60 ticks). |
Silently clamped to be between 1 tick and 5 minutes (5 * 60 * 60 ticks). |
ejected_item_speednew | :: double | Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1/60. |
Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1/60. |
enabled_recipe_slot_tint | :: Color | |
enemies_in_simulation_volume_modifiernew | :: float | |
entity_button_background_color | :: Color | |
entity_renderer_search_box_limits | :: EntityRendererSearchBoxLimits | |
environment_sounds_transition_fade_in_ticksnew | :: uint32 | |
equipment_default_background_border_color | :: Color | |
equipment_default_background_color | :: Color | |
equipment_default_grabbed_background_color | :: Color | |
explosions_in_simulation_volume_modifiernew | :: float | |
factoriopedia_recycling_recipe_categoriesnew | :: array[RecipeCategoryID] | |
feedback_screenshot_file_namenew | :: string | |
feedback_screenshot_subfolder_namenew | :: string | |
filter_outline_color | :: Color | |
flying_text_ttl | :: uint32 | |
forced_enabled_recipe_slot_background_tint | :: Color | |
freezing_temperaturenew | :: double | |
frozen_color_lookupnew | :: ColorLookupTable | |
ghost_layernew | :: CollisionLayerID | |
ghost_shader_tintnew | :: GhostTintSet | |
ghost_shaderless_tintnew | :: GhostTintSet | |
ghost_shimmer_settingsnew | :: GhostShimmerConfig | |
gui_remark_color | :: Color | |
gui_search_match_background_colornew | :: Color | |
gui_search_match_foreground_colornew | :: Color | |
huge_platform_animation_sound_areanew | :: float | |
icon_shadow_color | :: Color | |
icon_shadow_inset | :: float | |
icon_shadow_radius | :: float | |
icon_shadow_sharpness | :: float | |
inserter_hand_stack_items_per_spritenew | :: ItemCountType | |
inserter_hand_stack_max_spritesnew | :: ItemCountType | |
inventory_width | :: uint32 | Must be in range [1, 100]. |
Must be in range [1, 100]. |
item_ammo_magazine_left_bar_colornew | :: Color | |
item_default_random_tint_strengthnew | :: Color | |
item_health_bar_colorsnew | :: array[ItemHealthColorData] | There must be one array item with a threshold of 0 . |
There must be one array item with a threshold of 0 . |
item_outline_color | :: Color | |
item_outline_inset | :: float | |
item_outline_radius | :: float | |
item_outline_sharpness | :: float | |
item_tool_durability_bar_colornew | :: Color | |
landing_area_clear_zone_radiusnew | :: float | Radius of area where cargo pods won't land. |
Radius of area where cargo pods won't land. |
landing_area_max_radiusnew | :: float | Max radius where cargo pods will land. |
Max radius where cargo pods will land. |
large_area_sizenew | :: float | |
large_blueprint_area_sizenew | :: float | |
light_renderer_search_distance_limit | :: uint8 | Can be set to anything from range 0 to 255, but larger values will be clamped to 160. [...] |
Can be set to anything from range 0 to 255, but larger values will be clamped to 160. [...] |
lightning_attractor_collection_range_colornew | :: Color | |
lightning_attractor_protection_range_colornew | :: Color | |
logistic_gui_selected_network_highlight_tintnew | :: Color | |
logistic_gui_unselected_network_highlight_tintnew | :: Color | |
low_energy_robot_estimate_multipliernew | :: double | |
main_menu_background_image_location | :: FileName | |
main_menu_background_vignette_intensity | :: float | |
main_menu_background_vignette_sharpness | :: float | |
manual_rail_building_reach_modifier | :: double | |
map_editor | :: MapEditorConstants | |
max_belt_stack_sizenew | :: uint8 | |
max_fluid_flownew | :: FluidAmount | |
max_logistic_filter_countnew | :: LogisticFilterIndex | |
max_terrain_building_size | :: uint8 | |
maximum_recipe_overload_multiplier | :: uint32 | |
medium_area_size | :: float | |
medium_blueprint_area_size | :: float | |
minimap_slot_clicked_tintnew | :: Color | |
minimap_slot_hovered_tintnew | :: Color | |
minimum_recipe_overload_multiplier | :: uint32 | |
missing_preview_sprite_location | :: FileName | |
module_inventory_width | :: uint32 | Must be in range [1, 100]. |
Must be in range [1, 100]. |
moving_sound_count_reduction_ratenew | :: float | Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1. |
Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1. |
player_colors | :: array[PlayerColorData] | The table with name = "default" must exist and be the first member of the array. |
The table with name = "default" must exist and be the first member of the array. |
probability_product_count_tintnew | :: Color | |
rail_planner_count_button_color | :: Color | |
rail_segment_colors | :: array[Color] | |
recipe_step_limit | :: uint32 | |
remote_view_LPF_max_cutoff_frequencynew | :: float | |
remote_view_LPF_min_cutoff_frequencynew | :: float | |
rocket_lift_weightnew | :: Weight | |
script_command_console_chat_color | :: Color | |
select_group_row_count | :: uint8 | Must be in range [1, 100]. |
Must be in range [1, 100]. |
select_slot_row_countchanged | :: uint8 | Must be in range [1, 100]. |
Must be in range [1, 100]. |
selected_chart_search_highlightnew | :: Color | |
server_command_console_chat_color | :: Color | |
show_chunk_components_collision_masknew | :: CollisionMaskConnector | |
small_area_size | :: float | |
small_blueprint_area_size | :: float | |
space_LPF_max_cutoff_frequencynew | :: float | |
space_LPF_min_cutoff_frequencynew | :: float | |
space_platform_acceleration_expressionnew | :: MathExpression | Variables: speed, thrust, weight, width, height |
Variables: speed, thrust, weight, width, height |
space_platform_dump_cooldownnew | :: uint32 | Determines how fast space platforms will send items in trash slots to the surface. [...] |
Determines how fast space platforms will send items in trash slots to the surface. [...] |
space_platform_max_sizenew | :: SimpleBoundingBox | |
space_platform_relative_speed_factornew | :: double | |
space_platform_starfield_movement_vectornew | :: Vector | |
spawner_evolution_factor_health_modifiernew | :: float | |
starmap_orbit_clicked_colornew | :: Color | |
starmap_orbit_default_colornew | :: Color | |
starmap_orbit_disabled_colornew | :: Color | |
starmap_orbit_hovered_colornew | :: Color | |
time_to_show_full_health_barnew | :: MapTick | The number of ticks to show a segmented unit's health bar after fully regenerating. |
The number of ticks to show a segmented unit's health bar after fully regenerating. |
tooltip_monitor_edge_border | :: int32 | |
train_inactivity_wait_condition_default | :: uint32 | |
train_on_elevated_rail_shadow_shift_multipliernew | :: Vector | |
train_path_finding | :: TrainPathFinderConstants | |
train_pushed_by_player_ignores_frictionnew | :: boolean | |
train_pushed_by_player_max_accelerationnew | :: double | |
train_pushed_by_player_max_speednew | :: double | |
train_temporary_stop_wait_time | :: uint32 | |
train_time_wait_condition_default | :: uint32 | |
train_visualizationnew | :: TrainVisualizationConstants | |
tree_leaf_distortion_distortion_far | :: Vector | |
tree_leaf_distortion_distortion_near | :: Vector | |
tree_leaf_distortion_speed_far | :: Vector | |
tree_leaf_distortion_speed_near | :: Vector | |
tree_leaf_distortion_strength_far | :: Vector | |
tree_leaf_distortion_strength_near | :: Vector | |
tree_shadow_roughness | :: float | |
tree_shadow_speed | :: float | |
turret_range_visualization_color | :: Color | |
underground_belt_max_distance_tintnew | :: Color | |
underground_pipe_max_distance_tintnew | :: Color | |
unit_group_max_pursue_distance | :: double | |
unit_group_pathfind_resolution | :: int8 | |
walking_sound_count_reduction_ratenew | :: float | Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1. |
Silently clamped to be between 0 and 1. |
water_collision_masknew | :: CollisionMaskConnector | |
weapons_in_simulation_volume_modifiernew | :: float | |
zero_count_value_tintnew | :: Color | |
zoom_to_world_can_use_nightvisionchanged | :: boolean | |
zoom_to_world_daytime_color_lookup | :: DaytimeColorLookupTable | |
zoom_to_world_effect_strength | :: float | |
color_filters optional | :: array[ColorFilterData] | |
default_alert_icon_scale_by_type optional | :: dictionary[string → float] | |
default_alert_icon_shift_by_type optional | :: dictionary[string → Vector] | |
default_trigger_target_mask_by_type optional | :: dictionary[string → TriggerTargetMask] | The strings are entity types. |
The strings are entity types. |
main_menu_simulations optional | :: dictionary[string → SimulationDefinition] | The strings represent the names of the simulations. |
The strings represent the names of the simulations. |